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    The only reason I responded Flip was to give my opinion since 2 hrs before this post she was joking around in another thread. My point is that we need humor.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



      I couldn't agree more Breez - I am very surprised too and have emailed her to see what prompted this..... let's see what happens.
      It always seems impossible until it's done....



        I think the "wait and see" approach is a good one. Unfortunately, Jas' post ruffled some feathers and came off as an attack when she was asking to be heard. I know that sometimes when I've been hurting, I feel disconnected when it seems like everyone else is laughing it up and I'm feeling blue. Other times, I'm joining right in with the laughter and fun.

        To Jas, sometimes I don't respond to difficult posts because I don't have the time, or I don't think I can do it justice. I wanted to answer this post earlier, but I was in a real rush because I had to work. Other times I don't know what to say, or I'm down myself or overwhelmed. When I can get it together, I do respond.

        I think we need the humor on the site too, and I ask everyone here: Has no one ever lashed out when they were hurting and expressed anger when they really were hurting? I have been guilty of it many times. I imagine that most of us have. I'm not attacking anyone here. I can see both sides, and I hope that we can all let this pass. Jas, I hope you can come talk about what's going on, and I promise to respond, as long as I know where the post is.

        Love to all,:h

        AF as of August 5th, 2012



          I agree with Kathy on this one, let's wait and see what on earth prompted that. Everyone has their bad days. I've been known to dump a lot on people here and not give a whole lot back sometimes for the reason Kathy stated, don't have the time to give it justice. My longest posts are normally about myself and that makes me feel bad sometimes.

          That said, I do think we need some levity here, if it were all doom and gloom I wouldn't want to come. And I do like the recipes FYI.
          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL



            Ok so Jas Where are you, now I am getting worried. It seems that this is very out of character for you. I hope you are alright.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



              I am not passing judgment on anyone. I responded because I think jas was out of line pouncing on other posters as if she were the victim. I understand she may have underlying problems, but she has not been snubbed by anyone, and she definitely has not been attacked for anything. As a matter of fact she was doing exactly what she was upset about, and acted above such nonsense. Everyone here, and everything someone feels like posting, deserves to be presented for what they are. I guarantee if she had posted this to me it would have hurt my feelings. I don’t know what her problem is and I would love to help her if I can; but this post, although it may be a call for help, does not instill caring and love. I think it was hateful; and it very possibly could chase off others who need to post about something as silly as flatulence. I am not angry or upset with anyone, but if someone needs to be controlled for what they post on this board, let’s let RJ do it. She asked if I thought she stepped over the line, and I do. That doesn’t mean I don’t like her or I want her to leave MWO. I just answered the question she knew the answer to when she posted.

              I will shut up now.

              I love you all,
              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?



                Agreed, Bear
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                  Very well said, Bear. I also hope Jasmine is alright (even though I don't know her due to my not being here much at all these days).



                    such different impressions

                    I find something really odd about this thread...

                    Just two days ago, Idiot Wind got attacked for saying we were all a bunch of downers and seemed to suggest we get a life (gotta love those candid Aussies). Now we have a thread saying the exact opposite-- that people are too frivolous!!!

                    How weird is that!!

                    I would hate it if people stopped posting either sad ones or happy ones because someone said it was wrong.

                    I think people do respond to downer posts, I know I do!!!

                    And if farts get more attention, well isn't that democracy in action? The press is like that too, people want celeb news instead of substantive news. Tabloids are more profitable than the broadsheets.

                    As for me, I like to have a choice. It's funny because in real life I am told, well have been told, I have a great sense of humor and yet I expect I seem quite serious to you all, based on all my posts about depression. Ah well. Ho hum. Who says a depressive can't have a GSOH. I went to some of the laugh out loud posts yesterday and got a kick out of them.

                    Actually, I think the balance is right. And it's not a popularity contest. you don't need a gazillion responses to your thread to make the responses worthwhile.

                    As for Pisces, sounds like she is in contact with someone who has not been getting enough attention? Surprises me given how I know people do reach out quite often, though as some of you pointed out, it is often in PMs. Based on what happened with misunderstandings surrounding poor Idiot Wind, I agree we should let her explain.

