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I Can See Clearly Now...

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    I Can See Clearly Now...

    Not selfish at all

    I definitely think you are not being selfish at all. Maybe for the first time in a long time you are discovering for yourself who you are and who your friends are. It's terribly painful and difficult sometimes, but how else can we grow??

    As far as handling changes, I am still doing so, even after quite a long while. Remember they are all good changes. Think of yourself as running naked through the jungle with only yourself and your wisdom to guide you to survival. All this other crap like alcohol is not necessary. Think of the necessary things, concentrate on them, make them the very best that you can.

    I don't know, sometimes it helps me to concentrate on what is most necessary first.

    I wish you so much luck and happiness
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      I Can See Clearly Now...

      ima ,, u keep goin lady,, i know what u mean only you have been af free, bf is proberly frustrated at u bein strong an takin the lead 4 u an ur daughter, my son is 10, 23rd jly,same age as your daughter yes? my bf went bed 8,30 drunk after a row, id only had 5 beers so was no way drunk, but i got all the blame,, my son an i had lovely time, we sat an done crossword puzzle books, an i did not drink no more ,, i enjoyed my baby again, he hates english an is dyslexic so was amazing to c him put the word puzzles 2gether in his head, i was proud 2 c him enjoyinh it, an havin a cuddle,, when i kissed him night night he said i could sleep in his bed cos he knew me an bf fell out, so sweet i love him so bad, im gonna do this 4 him, he has had a drunk mum 2 long an if my bf xxwont help , screw him,
      if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


        I Can See Clearly Now...

        Rachel, I haven't been posting lately but you are awesome. You are moving forward, keep it up.


          I Can See Clearly Now...

          oh ducky thank u, i needed 2 hear that , bf just gone shopping, lol its 8 48am, not said 2 words 2 me, he can carry on, my boy comes 1st, he is gonna loose me, thats his look out, hope all is well, an thank u for your uplifting post,, nice 2 hear,most wud not agree ! xxxxxx
          if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!

