Well, I was doing quite well, so I thought. Trying to moderate....well, this weekend I really messed up. On Friday night I had waaay too much. On Saturday night I wasen't as bad - actually I was proud of myself because I had a few drinks and left the bar (where my friends were quite enebriated) and went home at a reasonable time, and I was fine. In fact, the hubby was really proud of me. Yesterday though, a good friend of mine (and a drinking buddy) invited me downtown. I KNEW going downtown to see him would involve alcohol but convinced myself it would "be ok". I would just have a couple. Well, a couple turned into a few and the few turned into that desperate urge to have more. Last night I went to my parents' house for dinner. I found a bottle of red wine and drank from it throughout the evening (they didn't know though I called my mother - who is a problem drinker too) and confessed. This morning I felt terrible and didnt make it into work until 10:00.
I am very upset with myself. It appears that mod is not oging to work for me and I think I will have to do the abs thing. I am so terrified. SO terrified.
I need some reassurance that this program will work for me. Can people who are doing abs perhaps give me some reassurance? Not a huge long story - I dont want anyone to be inconvenienced - but perhaps a small blurb about what you are taking, what you are doing, how hard has it been etc.?
I also worry because most of my friends are real drinkers. I might have to separate myself from them for a while while I do this.
I am so sad. Please help!
Thanks all