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Hope someone can ease my mind....

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    Hope someone can ease my mind....

    Sorry for barging in with a question before catching up with everyone else.

    I am on Day 4 of AF - in fact passed the 96 hour mark just a short while ago. I am on all of the supplements recommended, and purchased them here. I am NOT on Topa or any other prescription meds of any kind. I used to drink about 16 ounces of Vodka nearly every day. (I drank every day in recent times, maybe a day here and there not quite that much). I know watching for withdrawl symptoms is important.

    I will also add that I haven't been sleeping very well the last 3 nights, so I am feeling tired.

    Now for the question. I am having some symptoms that seem something like the "Topa Dopa" symptoms as described here so very well. Is it normal to have mild "brain misfires" as part of general withdrawl at this stage? Here are a couple of examples so you know what I mean.

    Mixing things up between what I "think" I am about to say or type, and what comes out:

    1. Today at dog training I meant to say "You can't expect to have a Schutzhund Dog on Saturdays and a meek house pet the other six days of the week." What came out was that, but I said "seven days of the week." I've probably used that phrase 486749 times in the last year, and don't think it ever came out like that, even after plenty of Voddy's. That sort of thing kept happening several times through out the day.

    2. I was also mixing up people and dog names - not newcomers but people and dogs that have trained here for quite some time. Not that I didn't know which name went with who. As an example, I would mean to point towards Bob and say "Bob you are next" then point to Tim and say "and Tim you are on deck." But I would reverse Bob and Tim's names.

    3. I'm as capable of typos as the next person LOL - and always have a hard time proofing my own writing. But some of my typos over the last couple days are not the "usual" type for me. I'll be thinking one word and type a different word altogether, and may or may not catch it even after reading things over.

    Next catetory - forgetting stuff.

    Just simple things like forgetting where I put something, or walking into a room and forgetting why I'm there. That is something that happens once in awhile anyway, as I suspect happens to most of us from time to time. It just seems to be happening more yesterday and today.

    Next category - thinking something happened that didn't happen

    This only happened once (I think!!) I don't know if I dreamed this or what. Mr. Doggy is very particular about a certain aspect of this laundry (don't ask!). I truly thought that he had "busted me" making the laundry error that bugs him. I believed I re-washed a load of clothes. I went to the laundry room and there were no clothes in the washer or dryer. I asked Mr. Doggy what he did with the load of laundry. HUH???? This happened early yesterday.

    I didn't think much of these little things until training today - the first time I've interacted "live" with a group of people since my last drink. That put the spot light on it. (I don't care what they may have thought or if they even noticed - I'm only worried about whether I should be worried.)

    I'm trying to be detailed not to bore the snot out of everyone, but to give enough information where a reasonable opinion can be provided. And that's all I'm looking for is opinion - that's certainly all I can expect.

    Thanks in advance!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    Hope someone can ease my mind....

    Doggygirl, this sounds like classic topa dopa stuff to me! All of this has happened to me, except the dreaming stuff. It should lessen with time. Good luck!

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Hope someone can ease my mind....

      Thank you Youngatheart. LOL I'm sure this got lost since I don't even KNOW how to make a concise and brief post. The symptoms sound like classic Topa Dopa, but I'm Topa Nopa (not on Topa, never have been, nor any other prescription meds of any kind).

      I really appreciate your reply though, and if you are still here and have read anything about this WRT people NOT on Topa, I would welcome your input.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Hope someone can ease my mind....

        Doggygirl, I had similar issues when I stopped drinking as well. It will pass with time.


          Hope someone can ease my mind....

          Hey DG,

          Yeah sounds like classic Topa Dopa, except that you aren't actually taking it yet lol. Funny you're getting "Dopa" without taking it and I'm not getting any with it.

          I wouldn't worry too much. Whatever it is I am sure it is just your body adjusting without the alcohol, all sorts of strange things can happen. Around the 14 day mark I felt kinda euphoric and almost high.

          I'm sure your symptoms will pass in a few days. You probably have a heightened sense of awareness of your self right now too which will cause you to "feel" things more. And maybe you are almost expecting you will feel differently.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            Hope someone can ease my mind....

            I agree, it will pass with time...I think your body is just probably repairing itself right now and its messing you up a bit in the process
            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              Hope someone can ease my mind....



              I really didn't think I should worry but it is so reassuring to know that others have had the same experience and it passes and is not panic worthy!!! WOW. I appreciate the fast responses too - especially on the weekend.

              Hopefully your help will allow me to FINALLY GET A STINKIN GOOD NIGHT SLEEP TONIGHT!!! (the other symptom I can't wait for to pass)

              OK - off to my hamburger I go.

              :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

              I'm on day 5 AF now!! WHEE!!
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Hope someone can ease my mind....

                just a thought


                Seems to me you have thrown yourself into this 100% and your enthusiasm is admirable.

                Do you think you may be acting absentminded because your mind is on your new project--
                staying AF?


                  Hope someone can ease my mind....

                  Well, I am obviously still topa dopa or else I'd be able to read right!:sigh:

                  :blush: :blush: :blush:

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Hope someone can ease my mind....

                    I agree it will pass. Also it is normal not to sleep well for a while after stopping booze. I think it took me a couple of weeks to start getting some good sleep.

                    Congrats on the 5 days AF. Hang in there it will get much much better

                    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                      Hope someone can ease my mind....

                      My sleep patterns were horrendous in the beginning. I couldn't sleep pretty much for the first few days. (I was a Vodka Drinker too - pretty much daily, and probably more than what you are drinking daily - if not at least as much).

                      It will pass. You will be going through a LOT of different type of weird stuff. No sleep, headaches, moodiness, boredom, tiredness. It really sucks, but you know, after a while it is worth it.

                      Congrats on your 4 days. My advise to you is to just let it be and go with the flow. Be extra kind to yourself.


                        Hope someone can ease my mind....

                        Hi DG-

                        I also loved my voddy too and when I got off of it my brain was scrambled eggs for about 2 weeks. I had alcohol in my system for so long that my brain had to learn to do things on it own. Give your body time to flush everything out and soon enough you will be back to a new and improved you!
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          Hope someone can ease my mind....

                          These are classic symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. I had them big time. I am about your age and drank for a similar amount of time.
                          Check this out. Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal
                          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                            Hope someone can ease my mind....

                            Sounds like alcohol withdrawl. It's good that you are watching yourself. Your body is re-adjusting. Keep taking the supplements and also try to stay away from sugar and refined foods.
                            good luck
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              Hope someone can ease my mind....

                              That happens to me also when I get a few days in. I have alot of trouble with mispronouncing words...saying a rhyming word instead. My kids think its hilarious. Also forgetting names or what I was about to do. bird

