I think I experienced a natural high the other night. This is great as I have generally found by NOT drinking (its been about 4 months now) life is very samey and I don't laugh as much as when I did drink. I must admit though, I also haven't cried at all since not drinking. I did alot of that when I was on the bottle! Anyway, back to this natural high.... I was just watching a documentory on TV with my husband and our friend who is staying with us and we were making funny comments about it. Just light hearted jokes which seemed to get funnier and funnier. We were all having a laugh and it got to that point ....you know the one....when you are almost crying. I was having a fit of laughter. It felt sooooo good. I have not had that for......... well, a long time. And you know what???? I had nothing in my system except fizzy water! I am not the kind of person who laughs alot. I smile alot but for me to really get on one, I have to be pissed. And That is why this is soo great for me. I felt like ....... maybe life CAN be enjoyed with out the artificial drugs pumped into me. Its made me think, maybe I can find and get my highs (that I need) from the "good" things in life. What do you think?
Have any of you had/found any natural highs since you stopped drinking?
I just feel ..............that if stopping drinking for good is going to be a success , I need to find other ways of achieving a "high". Because, afterall, isnt that why alot of us drink? To get that feeling of utter happiness? Feeling relaxed? etc. etc.
Tell me what you think. Love, Bella xxx