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Natural Highs?

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    Natural Highs?

    Hello Everyone,

    I think I experienced a natural high the other night. This is great as I have generally found by NOT drinking (its been about 4 months now) life is very samey and I don't laugh as much as when I did drink. I must admit though, I also haven't cried at all since not drinking. I did alot of that when I was on the bottle! Anyway, back to this natural high.... I was just watching a documentory on TV with my husband and our friend who is staying with us and we were making funny comments about it. Just light hearted jokes which seemed to get funnier and funnier. We were all having a laugh and it got to that point know the one....when you are almost crying. I was having a fit of laughter. It felt sooooo good. I have not had that for......... well, a long time. And you know what???? I had nothing in my system except fizzy water! I am not the kind of person who laughs alot. I smile alot but for me to really get on one, I have to be pissed. And That is why this is soo great for me. I felt like ....... maybe life CAN be enjoyed with out the artificial drugs pumped into me. Its made me think, maybe I can find and get my highs (that I need) from the "good" things in life. What do you think?

    Have any of you had/found any natural highs since you stopped drinking?

    I just feel ..............that if stopping drinking for good is going to be a success , I need to find other ways of achieving a "high". Because, afterall, isnt that why alot of us drink? To get that feeling of utter happiness? Feeling relaxed? etc. etc.

    Tell me what you think. Love, Bella xxx

    Natural Highs?

    Hi Bella

    I completely agree about a natural high because im feeling that now........ive only been 28 days AF but for the last week ive been feeling myself relaxed easy-going Im starting to like the way I look again.....and the more I do that the more happier I hair is shining my nails are growing my skin is eyes are white.....instead of veiny and pink......and like you I dont laugh at stuff much....but now im AF I find myself laughing at the simplist things.......not drinking is not the first thing on my mind as much as at first counting the im trying to except my life without alcohol to make me happy and enjoy stuff.......Its a shame its taken me to abuse alcohol to just enjoy lifes natural highs again...but i suppose.... life is about learning.......and to experience things that make you happy and sad.....that then you choose the path you want to walk.

    Bella Im very happy for you well done......and keep laughing you sound fantastic!!!!

    Luv Keepon


      Natural Highs?

      Hi Bella,

      I know what you mean, I'm on day 28 and I'm so much happier. I have a history of depression and being af has had a huge impact on my mood. I've been laughing at the silliest things too and simple things are making me really happy, like cooking or even making my flat look nice. We had a break in the rain a few days back and I picked a bunch of Lavender to bring home and it was just such a "joyous" thing to do. I felt at the time that it was crazy to gleam such pleasure from such a small thing but lovely all the same.

      I never want to live under that dark cloud again.

      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


        Natural Highs?

        Hi Bella,
        What a lovely post.
        I'm so glad you're feeling good.


          Natural Highs?

          I've been sober for over 7 months now, and the first few months were pretty tough, in the sense that I felt like I'd really lost something of myself, and that I was boring and not as much fun. And guess what? I wasn't!! I was greiving, lost and confused... but now I laugh all the time, I mean REALLY laugh, I am in a better mood EVERY day and I never feel crappy like I used to. If it were a drug we'd all be addicted to sobriety!

          Keep up the great work and ENJOY!!!!
          It always seems impossible until it's done....


            Natural Highs?

            Hi Bella-

            Alcohol numbs the brain. It dulls the senses.

            When you're drinking what seems hysterical is usually not that funny.

            My highs are now of appreciation & gratitude from the little things that I often over-looked when I drank(the clouds, the good meal, my child's intense look watching an insect). I may not be laughing like an alcohol induced hyena but I'm smiling all the time and appreciating & observing alot more.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Natural Highs?

              Hi Bella,
              Yes, I am too getting the 'natural highs', and I"m only at day 7 AF. In fact, I just went for a long walk, the first exercise I've gotten in ages, and by the end I was so blissed out I was in tears. I was thinking of how grateful I am... oh gosh, here come the tears again... okay, not saying that this sappy-ness is a 'high' - the tears come because I feel redeemed, because I am so grateful to be feeling pure joy in simple moments. The past few days I have found myself smiling for no apparent reason, humming, thinking kind thoughts about myself (!!) and having FUN! Like while walking I was totally grooving with my man Bob Dylan on the iPod - if anyone had been watching they probably thought I was high on something, the way I was bobbing and dancing my arms!


                Natural Highs?

                I rode my bike for 10 miles today! I felt so good afterwards! I also felt great waking up and was really motivated to jump on my bike and just go. I just might do it again tomorrow! It is day 13 for me. I've been keeping myself busy with alcohol free activities and am feeling happy. Bella, congrats on 5 months of AF. Flip congrats on 7 months of AF. That is so awsome and very inspiring!
                September 23, 2011


                  Natural Highs?

                  nice work Bella and all you great new and old AF'ers.
                  I know abut the feeling of being detached and a little dry (no pun intended) but only at social events that are heavily weighted toward drinking. Really my sense of humor is nutty as a fruitcake no matter what so I might as well be laughing while AF and healthy
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

