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    hi all , bf an i fell out fri, cos he would not give my boy lift to cinema, he stormed off to bed at 8 pm, any way y old friends husband came to the rescue an he got 2 go to the cinema, yesterday, bf picked me up from work an said he didnt want this row to carry on, but im finding it hard to just forgive an forget, i did not hollar at him, he did at me an also said he aint my kids taxi, he never really doe s anything for my son, his daughters came this weekend, his daughter needed picking up at 8pm, from the same cinema, not a problem, leaving my son feeling sad 1 cos bf an i rowed 2 feeling the odd 1 out of the family,
    bf cant c this,

    bf went to c his mate said he wud b 20mins leaving his youngest at home wiv me, i have job controlling her as her mum tells her to call me a bitch an ignore me, so u c the prob, hr of following her around keeping check, i text bf as he s still not bk,

    when he was about to go pick up other daughter i said u best take little 1 to,

    he huffed an i said something like if u want to divide the family into mine an yours u best take her, im busy sorting mine out , as he was staying the night at a friends,

    he came bk an i fell asleep leaving em to it,

    spoke a few words he put the kids to bed in my bed so i had the sofa an he had sofa bed,

    i usually wake up crack a dawn wiv little 1 an do breakfast bath, lunch, pack up bags etc, but today i went an got into my bed an went back to sleep, an lol i just woke up to an empty house its 1243 lol, its heaven, i m on my 2nd period this mth, still flued up so i think i deserve it, i cant remember the last day OFFF i had , the house is tidy, as bf trying to prove a point, he dont need me , which is fine he can carry on, i wonder if i go bk to bed ill wake up an find a big roast dinner waiting, i think that may b pushing my luck!!!!

    im gonna do the washing an sort some paper work that ive been meaning to do 4 mths, c if i can find any more bills i forgot 2 pay,!!! lol, bf an girls r sat in car watching stepson at footie tournament, lol, i bet they have fun, an to think i missed out, lol, hope all is well, jas where r u, u ok babe s xxx
    if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


    Sounds like you are doing okay for today!!


    Hang in there. Sounds like you are doing okay today.

    One day at a time until you get your appointment!!


    AF April 9, 2016



      hi cindi how is your daughter doing

      im still nagging at drs they r so slow, thought i was getting somewhere a few weeks ago but the waiting is long,

      as soon as i get appointment ill b able to get head in right place to do this again, xx love to u an adrienne ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!



        I'll see Adrienne today

        When she gets in, I'll have her pm you.

        I watched her little one last night so I imagine it will be later today.

        I haven't had a chance to talk with her much this week.

        AF April 9, 2016



          thanks cindi, xxxxxx
          if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!



            how old is her little un , mime s 10 soon,
            if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!



              Stop the chain now.

              She is 5 and starts Kindergarden Aug 5. I can hardly believe it!!

              She is my youngest grandchild. This is my odd year 9/7/5.

              Two boys and a girl.

              Michael, Riley, and Destiny (Adrienne's)

              I am so blessed and so are my children.

              I am really hoping that we can stop this chain of alcoholism now and not pass it on to these beautiful ones. They are so precious and so innocent.

              Even though my son and Adrienne both started heavy drinking well before I did, I always did drink, so I have great whopping amount of guilt about it. Especially since their daddy doesn't drink or smoke. I do both and so do both of my kids.

              This is not a legacy I wished to pass down to my two beautiful children. Believe me. mg

              I want to stop it now.

              I bet you do, too.

              AF April 9, 2016



                aww they sound georgous, r u an hubby still together?

                is he very supportive or doe s he have trouble understanding, as many non drinkers dont realise y we keep doing this when we know it s so bad,my mum does not drink an has no clue about me, she s always found me difficult even as a child i was wild , no sense of danger, my bro an sis were an still r so cautious where i ve always been leap an then look at what i ve landed in !!! shit usually!!! i want to stop, my lad knows i drink an cry to much, his dad has not seen him 4 9 yrs, he was a violent nasty drunk, so his gene pool aint to great but he is such a caring lad , i got to stop an give him a chance to stay a cracking man, i dont want him to b like me or his dad,is adrienne a single mum, i may as well b again, i think i like it better that way, my bf is good but i cant rely on him, i need 2 make sure i can rely on myself, i think i forgotten how but i ll remember , got 2 xx
                if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!



                  Yes, Adrienne is a single mom. The "daddy" ran away a week before the baby was due. We haven't seen him since.

                  Times sure have changed since I was a young girl. :H

                  I think you and Adrienne are in the same boat, if you want a relationship, you need to consider how it impacts your kids as much as it impacts you. Limits the possibilities.

                  Adrienne doesn't like being alone but she is somewhat independent of nature and would rather be alone than stuck.

                  Yes, I am still married. Hubby is supportive as long as he sees me trying to quit. I think he is irritated with Adrienne because he doesn't see her taking steps that way. Same with my son. No, he doesn't understand it but does recognize it is not as easy as just saying, "Okay, I'll quit drinking." So he has some empathy.

                  Just curious, if there are other single moms out there in the same boat. Do you think it is better to figure out the alcohol issue first before having a relationship or go ahead and date?

                  AF April 9, 2016



                    i was a single mum for 7 yrs , i was drinking all but yr of that, i dated an got stuck with drunks an drug abusers id like 2 say it s prob to quit b4 or else u end up dating people similar to your self an end up in a co dependant relationship, that is unless u r lucky to find a prince charming who can save u, but i think thats highly nlikely,

                    if u r drunk a lot u look for some1 who will drink with u an not nag about how much u r drinking, some1 to have fun with while u r drunk, it s unlikely that u r gonna date a t totaller or very mod drinker if u like to get blasted, thats my 2 pennies worth from my experience, xx not saying b alone but b strong an wise in the choice of dates an how serious u let them become, i made many mistakes with dating, being drunk, then letting these drunks take over my life an home, an beat me up im several cases, drink ey xx i been with my bf 3 yrs, he likes a drink but can control it, he has just realised how much i drink, i guess the test is gonna b when i get started on a detox, i think i may b a single mum again, but in a way i think id rather b, no 1 to blame but me, , but also i dont like to b alone, but i would never let a man use or abuse me again, my bf has taught me what kindness an love is about despite the rows, he s showed me how nice men can b, never b4 him had a man not hit me, i must b a real pain in arse hey !
                    if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!



                      Personally I think anyone who is a single parent and trying to manage their own "demons" deserves a reward. I find it hard enough with the partnner and the dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Good job!:goodjob:

