It`s suddenly all come together for me, and despite having a few tough encounters when I was really struggling with mods., and a major slip earlier this week, I feel that I have triumphed and that I am now well............I feel mods. will be plain-sailing for me from here on not in the least trivializing how great a struggle mods. can`s just that I`ve finally realized that drinking hardly at all is now how I wish to live my life.
Am only just entering my 6th consecutive week of moderating, but feel elated as I really and truly `know` within myself that I`ve `cracked it`, and that I will always adhere to my self-imposed rules about allowed drinking. As many of you know, I was 10 yrs. sober in the remote past, and threw that all away...........I now think that happening has made me stronger.............I am now well, and can enjoy a btl. of wine over a weekend, without allowing it to rule my life.
Since coming to M.W.O., I`ve really had to take stock of my life. I have done much soul-searching and now that my teenage daughter has taken unwell, I feel as if God has stepped in and allowed me to realize what really matters in this life.I no longer hanker after the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
This post amazes even myself.............less than 2 mths. ago, I was the most pitiful, despairing drunk, who held out no hope of getting well.
BUT!!!............I did get well............I am well, and that `wellness` was inside me all along, only it took all the love and support of my precious friends here to allow me to see that.
I feel liberated and able to get on with my life.
I just `know` that that I will never look back........I am not the strongest of believers, but really feel someone has been looking out for me, and He has given me the most wonderful of gifts.
I feel as if I have my life back, `out of the ashes` and am praying for any of you currently struggling, to whom I would say...........BELIEVE, and He will answer you, and you too will get well.
Simeybear posted a reply to me which caused me to ask for God`s help.........I will always be indebted to Simey.
Starlight Impress