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Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

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    Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello


    I want to apologise to everyone for my thread on Friday night 'Hello'.

    No excuse, It was posted in a fit of feeling down about all the shit in my life, and in case you hadn't noticed I'd been drinking...

    I've just reread it, and can see how it wouldn't inspire anyone to be supportive or compassionate towards me, especially as it was such a hypocritical post seeing as I've posted threads previously about inane things that haven't been involved directly with my my drinking problem, and I agree the lighthearted and fun posts are necessary to brighten us all up a bit, when our problem can be such a downer.

    And I know I can go into 'victim' mode too, although I'm trying hard to get over that. And I also feel bad for others who have been feeling bad about their jokey posts as well, I tend to empathise with people who are really having a hard time, and have felt defensive on their behalf.

    I am sorry for being so nasty and offensive to all that have reached out to me with kindness and support, you didn't deserve that.

    And if there is anything I can say it is that I was stupid to drink again, after I had been doing pretty well, I went on a bender, and disappointed my daughter again the next day too, she could tell straight away that I'd been on it big time. I've hurt and disappointed everyone, I know.

    I haven't had a drink since, and plan to go af again, and feel terrible for my outburst.

    I was wrong, and I'm really sorry.

    Love Jas xxx
    :thanks: :h

    Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

    Hi there,

    I am also piscerean. I have not read your post "Hello", you are obviously giving yourself a really hard time about it. But that is what we are all here for. Have no doubt that if I had the internet at home you would be hearing my blabber too. Nevermind as someone on this board previously stated - It takes guts to come back on the next day and apologise. Sorry I cant remember who that was.

    Keep chin up...

    Good job!:goodjob:


      Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello


      Been reading for months - only recently joined.

      Read your 'Hello' post and thought .... hmmmm, there's something else going on.

      Thanks for having the guts to apologise.

      I reckon you're alright, mate. Hang on in there and try again.

      You can do it.


        Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

        Hi Jas,

        Dont worry, We still luv ya ...............

        BB xx :l :l :l


          Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

          Hey Jas you aren't the first and won't be the last to have a slip. Hang in there you can do it. We are right behind you. Kimbo
          Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


            Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

            Hi Jas,
            Hey, don't beat yourself up. You have done the right thing, to get back here and start afresh. Well done.


              Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

              Most of us have been guilty of drinking and posting...God knows i have done it enough myself..The good thing or (bad thing) is usually you cant remember what you said when you had been drinking, and it's such an eye opener..

              I have'nt read the post but i know the sinking feeling you get when you read what you wrote the next morning..

              Like i said a lot of us have done it and we are all in the same boat drink wise and can empathise with you..It does take guts to apolagise and it shows how big a person you are..
              Take care and don't worry..Macks
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

                I think that you're pretty upstanding to come here and apologize. We all make mistakes and embarass ourselves when drunk, it happens.
                Glad to see you are back on track.

                All is good!! Take care.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

                  Hi Jas, We all say things we wish we hadn't when we are drunk! Don't worry about it. I hope you are feeling more positive today? Thanks for coming back to say what you said. That takes guts. Love, Bella xxx


                    Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

                    Glad to see you back Jas,

                    Shows great strength of character to apologise.

                    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                      Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

                      i think Kitty's signature says it all.................
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....


                        Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

                        Newb here ... (and a Pisces as well) ... just wanted to say that I think it was really really nice of you to re-post after posting something that you felt badly about. (I haven't read the orig. post yet .. this is the first one I clicked on this morning.) Good for you.... because that means you care -- about others, and about yourself.


                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                          Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello


                          Well done and welcome back to AF.

                          Sue Can Do and You Can Too


                            Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

                            Good for you for coming back to clarify what was going on, Jasmin. I'm glad to hear that you are doing at little better (at least in terms of having a clear head). It's good to see you back. I've been worried about you.
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Sincere apologies for my thread 'Hello

                              Don't worry Jas,
                              Nobodies perfect. That's why we're here.

