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thank god for that!

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    thank god for that!

    i was just about to call councellor again, phone was in my hand as post man came, i got appointment 2,00 26th july, i feel a sense of relief now i can start thinking that something is possible, hopefully they can set me on the way, sorry 2 b so down, bad weekend, but new start is coming im sure,
    if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!

    thank god for that!

    Thats excellent news, just do us all a favour though and dont spend the next 10 days bingeing ...... You have lots of people here rooting for you ....

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      thank god for that!

      im not gonna ,it dont get me no where, i got to sort this row with bf, if he dont start listening im off, he s just sulking an we r not talking, so i need to get my head clear,

      thanks betty, i hope i dont let any 1 down, especially me ! xxx
      if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


        thank god for that!

        Hi Rach,

        Learn a lesson from my last stupid binge, I hurt alot of people here and my daughter, so not worth it as usual.

        I'm seeing my councillor tomorrow, feeling pretty down on myself, but it's a good if hard lesson,

        Wishing you all the best mate!

        Love Jas xxx
        :thanks: :h


          thank god for that!

          thanks jas, missed u, xx
          if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


            thank god for that!

            i got tears streaming, jus like that im booing, i hate this feeling, im not drunk, im not drinking,3 cans an i even poured some away, dont even know what im crying for, suppose it s all the crap of weekend an knowing im gonna find out how screwed up i really am soon, it s stupid cos i know counceller gonna help, but i dont wanna remember all the crap thats led me here, xxx
            if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


              thank god for that!

              Hi again,

              I did a fair bit of crying over the weekend, and I guess that seeing a councilor does bring up all the stuff that's been kept down with drinking.

              And having all these emotions come welling up and not being able to drink them away is a horrible feeling, but necessary they reckon. I stuffed up Friday night by trying to drink it all away again, and you saw what happened and now I feel even worse!

              But I learned again the reason why I need to stop,

              Will be sending all my love and support to you mate, stay strong!

              Love Jas
              :thanks: :h


                thank god for that!

                u got a lot a STUFF to deal with hey, u r doin really well tho, dr danny will b pleased wiv u im sure, did u have a glass fri! im proud a you 4v sure, i ll get there wherever that is, x take care babes xxxxxx
                if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                  thank god for that!

                  right i think i ve pulled my head out of my arse sufficently enough to go work, so goodnight or gooday to all, lots a love to all, xxxxx
                  if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                    thank god for that!

                    Hi Rachel

                    Nice to hear things are actually happenin for you now......KEEP IT can do know you can......Luv Keepon:h


                      thank god for that!

                      Rachel glad to hear you have an appt next week. Hang in there!


