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Am I over-reacting?

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    Am I over-reacting?

    Everyone's said it, so I won't... just want to add my agreement-- that was so uncalled for and well beyond that!

    (and,well, you know that a person's weight is often related to genetics (like drinking)... just a thought)
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Am I over-reacting?


      What Accountable said! I thought my ex-MIL was mean. Next to yours she doesn't look so bad now. I would have barked something back or left the table and not come back until she apologized. So sorry hon.:l


        Am I over-reacting?

        I am a mother-in-law, and I would never say anything like that, and if one of my friends said it to her DIL, I would call her on it. I am thrilled that any woman would put up with my sons.


          Am I over-reacting?


          Don't let anyone treat you the way your MIL did. The fact that she is your MIL does not mean you have to kowtow to her. Stash a few zingers in your brain for the next time she's cruel. Or state that was mean and ask her why she is so mean. Bully's are tough.

          In regards to your husband: He really should be a better friend to you. However, take care of yourself and then you won't have to be upset when he doesn't do it for you.

          I used to have a bumper sticker that said: Mean people suck.
          (I woke up one morning and found someone had added another bumper sticker underneath it: Nice people swallow)

          Sorry to be so opinionated, but I hate bully's.

          * * I love Determinator * *


            Am I over-reacting?

            lotus that was exceptionally cruel of said mother in law. i am thinking this is not the first time. she reminds me of that character on harry potter movie the ministry of magic teacher. all sugared up and then wammmooo something mean. i'll say this, next time don't give her the satisfaction of drinking. now you can pour it over her head but don't give in to the bottle. what she thinks doesn't count, not one little bit. empty calories, darling.


              Am I over-reacting?

              My mother is like this. I love her but she is a very underhanded controlling person. She does this not only to my wife and kids, but to me and my brothers and sister and families as well. I have confronted her and she pretends not to know what she did. Or she was just trying to help somone out. I love her, but I am careful to examine everything she tells me for underlying purposes. Because of the way she is it sometimes makes it hard to keep both her and my wife happy with the way I react. Iam rambling, but it is a difficult position for the hubby in this case too. He is going to have to stand up for his wife and family if he wants to continue to have a wife and family.

              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                Am I over-reacting?

                Everyone seems to agree it was mean and I do too. Sorry that happened!


                  Am I over-reacting?

                  Lotus, that was a terrible thing to say. Next time give it back to her! You will feel better, I did when I gave it back and things have calmed down at our family functions. I don't get pestered by my MIL as much. She used to try and control me and how I raised my kids...don't think so.

                  Don't let her get too you, she's just unhappy with herself. Hugs.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Am I over-reacting?

                    Paddy will make you smile

                    Here is a funny thread started by Paddy in Laughing Out Loud section about MIL's.
                    Thought it might cheer you up.


                    * * I love Determinator * *


                      Am I over-reacting?

                      You know, recently I was involved in a conversation in which a colleague threw a real zinger at me. So I said, "That was mean." She was surprised, agreed with me, and then apologized. Sometimes you just need to label the behavior. It's so surprising to people that they generally just cave in.


                        Am I over-reacting?

                        I agree with everyone as well. It was mean and thoughtless and there are so many people who think so little of themselves that this sort of behavior is the only way the can feel any kind of superiority let alone fit in. As an overweight person myself I have learned to be very sensitive about making comments about the physical attributes of others, even in a humorous way. Therefore many people think I am meek and "sweet", or weak, and are very surprised when I come to my own defense or the defense of another in circumstances like yours. I have been known to say "I think we need to stop talking now, and start this conversation over or not start it at all." Or " Would any one else like to disrespect me before we change the subject?". It creates an awkward moment, but it gets the point across, especially when not expected. No one has the right to disrespect you in front of others.
                        Would you be able to speak to your in-laws about this to clear the air? If not I hope you and hubby can work out a solution for this. You can vent here all you like. Almost everyone has in-law stories, even me and I love mine most of the time.
                        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                          Am I over-reacting?

                          Maybe just look her in the eye and ask, "Does that make you feel like a better person now?"

                          Mean people do SUCK!
                          I'm sorry that happened Lotus.:h :l
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Am I over-reacting?

                            I agree with everyone. Especially on the comfronting her. In front of hubby tho. You can do this respectfully and tactfully of course.

                            Then to make sure she knows there isnt any hard feelings you could follow up by baking her favorite cookies.
                            But to guarantee my own evil post satisfaction I would let my doggie pre-lick each and every one! Then when you give them to her.....just smile!!!
                            Of course hubby can eat some too. :H
                            Gabby :flower:


                              Am I over-reacting?

                              Lotus;164355 wrote: Thank you all

                              I did mention it to my husband but he was like "oh you know mum". Typical response from someone who doesn't want to confront his mother!! That's why I thought I was over-reacting about the comment. Husband said something like "water off a duck's back".

                              Sometimes, people can be so hurtful......No I will not use this as excuse to drink tonight! LOL
                              can't let that biaaaatch be your excuse to poison yourself. you are stronger than that.
                              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                                Am I over-reacting?

                                :H That cookie idea is DELICIOUS Gabby!
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

