I quit drinking and smoking at the same time. I had been sober for 4 years before tornado hit my life and I relapsed for 1 year 8 months. I'm facing some real challenges again but I am determined never to go down that path of darkness again. Reclaiming sobriety was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But this is 60 days later, the smoke is gone from my lungs, I've lost weight, the puffiness is gone from my face, I look and feel healthier, the alcohol is out of my system and most days I wake up inspired, optimistic and ready to take on my life as is. Life didn't change just because I quit drinking, but I did. I'm learning to be comfortable in my new skin and learning how to appreciate small things, taking time and breathing in the moments. I'm all here and some of it is painful and some memories of drinking days are painful but the past is gone forever and the today is what I have. I've come to realize I have the choice to make today anything I want it to be. Being without alcohol gives me the freedom to choose.
I don't spend hours in an alcohol cloud, numb to everyone except myself, I don't spend time thinking of when and how to get my next drink, or how many or if how to pretend I haven't drank as much as I have. ::big sigh:: Real Freedom.
Thanks for listening. Good luck on what ever path you have chosen and have a truly wonderful day.
Love & Light