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    Your Story

    I was just reading back through some of the older posts..I looked up my own story(Posted this time last year) I cant beleive how much i have changed...I sounded so desperate..At the end of my teather..I did'nt realise how far i'd come..
    If some of you feel like you are not getting anywhere why not have a look back at your story or some of your first posts..

    I know its a slow process but it works..
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Your Story

    I just read some of my first posts and I had to stop as I was depressing myself too much! I can't go back to that place again. Thanks Macks for jogging my memory to how I was a few months ago. Bella xxx


      Your Story

      I have done the same and looked back at my first posts in December. I, too, was pretty much at my all time low and was pretty desperate to find help as well. I have to say this site is what helped me. I have been mainly AF for over 7 months. Approx. 5 drinks since Dec. 29th!

      I have also had periods of absence from this site as well. So for those of you who need to take a break, or move on, or whatever - just know you will always be welcome here. That is what makes this place so wonderful. It is like a store that never closes. If you need something it will be here waiting for you.

      Many of us have come a long way in our recovery. Many others are well on their way, although they may not realize it at the moment. One thing to remember is that we are here and seeking answers to our puzzling questions about this disease. We all have taken the first step - searching for help. Much love to you all.


        Your Story

        Mine still kinda scares me....
        But it is good to go back for a reality check evry so often...
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Your Story

          i just read mine earlier today again an yep im still screwed up but at least now i seen dr an yep he said im screwing myself, i got appointment 4 a councillor so im thinking this lot a could be a start, after appointment i think they gonna give me some knock out drugs an then hopefully i will just sleep the beer out my body,!!!! if only it was that easy!! i know i got a lot a work 2 do, retraining my poor tiny fried brain etc etc but i think im almost at rock bottom so the only way is up from now, i hope, xx
          if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


            Your Story

            I've never really posted my whole story at once, but I've posted bits and pieces all over the place.

            I've gotten to drink as much as ever a few times, but never for that long or with the same desperation. I've always known that I'd get back on the bandwagon sooner or later. I've felt discouraged, but not dispairing.

            I'm now on the longest period of sobriety I've ever had--5 weeks, and I think I'm getting into the habit of it! ;-)

            I owe a lot to MWO. It is always there for me.
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Your Story

              i have come along way myself since March. I am still not where I wanna be but think that I am heading in the right direcction. Went to the doctor today had bloodwork done and I will get an answer next week. I am focusing on being healthy and strong.
              I think that MWO has helped enourmosly.
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                Your Story

                What a great post. Sometimes we only agonize over our failures, but never step back to see the big picture. Success over time. Healing will not happen overnight, but it will happen.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Your Story

                  Good thread Macks. I never posted my story either. I think I should do that some day though. As it is I have a hard time remembering so I tell the truth as best I remember it. I agree that this site has been a life saver for me.
                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

