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Does anyone ever....

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    Does anyone ever....

    Drink like I do?

    When I'm drinking, I try to sneak drinks around my hubby, but once he's gone, I don't drink much. I'm just wondering if this is some sort of covert tendency to try to go against his wishes.

    He doesn't like me drinking and I had a glass of wine while he was home tonight. Well he was napping for a bit and I snuck another one. But now he went out with his friends just an hour ago and I haven't drank anything but soda. I'm just wondering if it's me trying to get away with what I'm not supposed to do while he's here and then once he's gone it doesn't even matter.


    Does anyone ever....

    That's a very good question. I have no idea what the answer is. I used to wait and pray for the moment my husband left the house (he works at home) then I would drink like a fish until he came home.

    Sorry I am of no help.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      Does anyone ever....

      I guess a bit like me Mags, I often want him to run errands or leave for a bit so I can slam drinks.

      However when he's gone to work all weekend, I may drink, but I don't obsess about slamming them down as fast as I can.

      I guess something for me to think about......


        Does anyone ever....

        But sneaking them when he was home turned into a real game for me. It was like a test of cunning, if you know what I mean.

        Funny thing is that after I quit drinking and we started talking, it turned out I didn't fool him as much as I thought I did. He just didn't want to say anything.
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          Does anyone ever....

          Oh this is so familiar.

          I push my other half out the door so I can get nice and wasted...when he is at home and we are having a drink me monitors every sip that I take, if he goes to loo I literally skull a whole beer. If he is going out and tells me he will only be an hour, I will have six in that hour. AND while he is away working for 2 weeks, well needless to say I top about 8-9 per night. I keep on telling myself I will cut down on the week he comes back so I will make up for it while he is away....
          Good job!:goodjob:


            Does anyone ever....

            i always have to hide the beers from bf, so i ve gott some 4 mornings, i have told him now but im still sneakier than him, trying to disguise the brandy is so much harder, especially when he wants a kiss, i have to glug a load a beer quick to cover it up,but he always says he can smell it, usually have half a 35cl bottle,b4 the beer, although i did lay off it 4 a while.i bought a bottle as it was easier than carrying load a beer an only had short time b4 next time so i got it an cant seem to resist buying it again, if i go to the supermarket which im trying to avoid,
            if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


              Does anyone ever....

              Planning and plotting how to sneak drinks used to bring me out in a cold stopped being a kind of `warped` fun and allowed me to turn the corner when I realized my efforts at secrecy may well have fooled others, but I couldn`t fool myself.

              Just my thoughts.........

              Starlight Impress


                Does anyone ever....

                this is my thoughts on this. all of us need to feel we have some kind of control over our lives outside of our relationships. is this maybe your way of flicking your nose at your mate and doing what the heck you want? sometimes we get confused as to what a mate is allowed to share and what they are not. i know if someone turns there nose up at something i do it makes me think who is this person and why is it that they think they know better than me what i want or need. perhaps you have trouble communicating you need for some indepedence and you are rebelling against the fact that this person is you be all and end all. its the way of women to give and give and then feel they are not getting what they need in return. that and the fact that a buzz is a buzz is a buzz and that my freind makes everything SEEM easier.


                  Does anyone ever....

                  I think it is a kind of game at first and a little exciting. But for me in the end the only time I could stay sober was when mama bear was home. I was able to do that not because I didn't want a drink, but because I wanted time with her I could remember. After she quit telling me to quit, I realized I couldn't. What a weird thing life can be.

                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    Does anyone ever....

                    We would go to the pub on a sunday afternoon, my husband and me. Sit with his parents and have social drinks. I always liked drinking with my father-in-law because he likes a drink or 10. Then, it was time to go home, everyone had had enough.. All very civilised up to this point. I would get home and sneakily open a bottle of white. Quietly praising myself for remembering that extra bottle....Quietly cursing myself for remembering that extra bottle. The afternoon and evening went on and on into the night and the early hours. Need I say any more really. Sneaking the drink screwed me up completely. Because, not only was I fighting with the knowledge that I obviously had a problem....I was also fighting with the fact that I was lying to my husband. I hated that. Bella xxx


                      Does anyone ever....

                      Actually Memarcie, I was thinking about this the other day too.

                      I think sometimes it isn't the drinking, it is doing something risky, that you can be caught out at and that they don't like ! It's certainly like that for me in a way, obviously I like the drink way too much too, but I do enjoy sneaking a drink while he's mowing the lawn or whatever.

                      A long time ago, I used to be more "flirty" and maybe I've replaced that behaviour with the adrenaline buzz of hiding my drinking because I don't want to be with anyone else, but still get bored without a rush of some sort ?

                      Good thread, makes you think doesn't it ?


                        Does anyone ever....

                        Really good thread. Makes you think even harder about your own devious drinking.
                        I find if my hubby calls to say he is on his way home, I quickly glug a couple of glasses, in case I don't get the opportunity to have as many as I want during the evening. If he just arrives home, then I will sneak the top-ups when he goes to the loo or to get changed or whatever.......... there is always an opportunity to steal a 'little' bit more! Don't know why I feel I have to do it though, other than I hope he doesn't realise how much I am drinking. Been better these past few days and thinking of making new house rule for myself as I am contemplating only having drinks that are poured for me! Can't see it working yet though; will have to self-moderate first then work towards this.


                          Does anyone ever....

                          Yep Marcie I can relate to the sneaky drinking mentality... I used to do it all the time when I was trying to do AA, right after getting out of re-hab.

                          That was before finding MWO, and seeing things differently.
                          Now that I'm on Topa, and moderating, I can have a 12pk in the fridge, & it's not a big deal... I don't have to hide it anymore.
                          It seems like these days, I end up dumping out almost as much as I drink... It gets warm & I don't finish it! Believe me that NEVER used to happen!

                          But WAAYY back when Hubby used to try & give me grief about my drinking...Boy Oh Boy did that ever backfire! He'd say something about me drinking too much,... I'd come back with, ..."Well there's an idea!" "I hadn't thought of! Thanks Honey!":H I'm such a Brat..
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

