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Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

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    Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

    Hi Everyone,

    Now that I drink less i find i dont, well, "feel the urge", as much these days, even though when i do it's much more pleasurable when i'm sober. Is this just me?

    Sex Drive Or Lack Of It


    Well alcohol does "loosen you up". I always have a good sex drive, right now my husband doesn't, and he is drinking too much, I noticed when he was AF it was coming back. Have you tried......"self-medicating" with a vibrator?


      Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

      I am the same Sue , I worry if giving up the booze will finish my sex life off altogether! I have only had 4 drinking days in july so far and no sex at all ! I do have kids in the bed with us every night but it seems I only really loosen up with alcohol..........


        Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

        Limers, first of all, get the kids out of your bed. That cannot be helping the situation. I thinkk some of this is due to the mental attitude of being sober and having issues to deal with which were not dealt with in the past. It also could be something to do with actual physical responsiveness. I know a lot of sex is mental so maybe that is a good place to start. I really don't have answers, just opinions. I wish you well.
        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


          Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

          What if you were to "get back to the basics" with no pressure.. ? Sex as we all know begins in the mind... I personally find that if you start the "sex act" early in the day.. Clothes on going through your paces of life. It might be a quick little snuggle in the kitchen, a peck on the neck etc.... It seems that your mind is more receptive to the idea of a passionate intimate time together when you find the time... Just thought I'd share that.. Give it a try ! What do you have to lose besides your clothes !! Teee !!! Heee !!
          Hugs, ~Niblet~

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


            Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

            Sex drive? What's that??

            Honestly, who has time? It's one of those things when he comes near me I think "Good grief, is it time again??". But once you get started, it's worth the effort. Kind of like going to the gym.


              Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

              thanks md ,I think my problem is in the head ,im just not sure how to repair it! I will work on it.


                Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

                I'm a little the opposite. My drinking, I think, has been the cause of my non-sex life (married 21 years here - age 42, two kids). I usually have enough so that I crawl into bed and am fast asleep before my head sinks into my pillow.

                Sex is one of the reasons I'm looking forward to sobriety ... maybe I'm twisted! lol

                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

                  I'm going to follow along with 'Hart' on the self-medicating/pleasure theme. I think as problem drinkers we are apt to beat ourselves up with guilt rather than forgive and love our delicate bruised egos.

                  Try doing some self-loving as you are self-pleasuring by simply thinking/saying "I love you" repeatedly as you auto pilot. Be prepared for tears ... if they flow you are on the right track as you probably don't feel you deserve to be loved. Once you get the self-love going in the right direction, you'll probablly want to do some parallel parking again


                    Sex Drive Or Lack Of It


                    Now thanks to Hart i'm wondering what size of the self medicating pill I should take, and should I take it with meals, or just 2 "pills" every 4 hours, maximum 8 per day, I see a dilemma in the making.



                      Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

                      Sue Can Do;165260 wrote: Well,

                      Now thanks to Hart i'm wondering what size of the self medicating pill I should take, and should I take it with meals, or just 2 "pills" every 4 hours, maximum 8 per day, I see a dilemma in the making.

                      :applaud: :H :H :upset:
                      I laughed till I cried over this one THANKS!!!!
                      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                        Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

                        In therapy they always say you need to take care of "you" first!:H

                        Of course, I had a lot of therapy before I met the "Love of my Life!":h

                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

                          i've lost my sex drive since cutting down on the drinking. but I attribute it to waking up and finding out that my one night stand was in my bed for 4 years instead of 8 hours yiiiiikeeeees!
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                            Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

                            Hey Sue :-)

                            Drinking affects brain chemicals like Seratonin, Dopamine and Noradrenaline...

                            Not drinking, affects the same brain chemicals (the reason we feel edgy and shaky when we stop and why we feel like drinking again!) and need time (months) to return to normal function...

                            I'm sure your sex drive will return once you get back on track and give yourself some recovery time

                            David xxx
                            The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
                            Oscar Wilde


                              Sex Drive Or Lack Of It

                              I find alcohol = no sex drive.

                              Apparently zinc is supposed to help with increasing your desires, but alcohol just depletes us of this (and other vitamins), so up on your Zinc intake.

