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Just What Kind of Person are you?

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    Just What Kind of Person are you?

    In General:

    1)Are you a happy person or sad person?
    2)So you smile, frown, or neutral?
    3)Do you dwell on things that weigh you down or things that are good?
    4)What kind of person do most others describe you as when they talk to others?

    I am Sad, neutral, weighted down, and not sure....
    Control the Mind

    Just What Kind of Person are you?

    Those are interesting questions. I have different answers for each of them, oddly enough.

    (1) I am always chasing happiness and, therefore,
    (2) smile often
    ....... (1a), (2a) except when I'm alone.

    (3) I think of and plan for things that are good
    ....... (3a) except when I'm alone or when I wake up in the middle of the night.

    (4) People would describe me as happy - and likely a non-drinker or, at the very least, a social drink from time to time...
    ....... (4a) because they don't know the real me.

    Very interesting Qs. Really thought provoking. Hmmmmm. Something to think about for sure. Good thread.

    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      Just What Kind of Person are you?

      It is a very interesting question. I am a very up and down person. I can be the lfe of the party, with or without drinking or the biggest listener you may ever meet. I really like people and have a lot of friends I can cry on their shoulder and they, mine.

      But I have had a rather eventful life that people would be surprised at.

      I usually like myself, but rarely love myself.


        Just What Kind of Person are you?

        I am happy, smiling, dwell on the good and people say I'm funny and positive.
        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


          Just What Kind of Person are you?

          I am a much happier person since I stopped drinking. I work in a caring profession.
          People say I am a good listener,I am not critical of others but very critical of myself.
          People also think I'm a non drinker, if only they knew!, but I have been for 5 months,
          so I'm quite proud of that. I am looking after my two precious grandchildren at the moment
          so I'm happy and smiling. I do try to dwell on the good things in life, but I often worry
          and dwell quite a lot on the past. Like Hart I've also had a very eventful life, some of
          the things I've experienced have been awful, but I think this just helps to (hopefully)
          maybe help us understand other people and make us compassionate.


            Just What Kind of Person are you?

            I usually look happy yet can feel sad inside.

            Most always smile no matter what. Not that its fake just a natural thing for me.

            I can dwell on just about anything.

            Fun and outgoing. Kind and considerate. Maybe too nice at times.

            Hey Rock.....why are we answering these questions?

            Gabby :flower:


              Just What Kind of Person are you?

              strangely I'm not a very social person and don't show emotions much in public. (although I'm at least not anti-social as I was in my youth).
              People like me when they get a chance to pry into my neutral shell a bit, and they would consider me happy, considerate and substantive.
              I still tend to be very introspective and even depressive at times but I don't think most folks realize that.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Just What Kind of Person are you?

                I honestly believe I have a split personality. I can be extremely positive one day and then I can be extremely negative the next. I am very fulfilled one minute and then completely unsatisfied the next. I can be extremely social when the mood permits and a complete introvert in a flash. Yes, I have problems - DOH!


                  Just What Kind of Person are you?

                  The worst kind Rocky, The impatient perfectionist with OCD. Make make for some tough days


                    Just What Kind of Person are you?

                    I want to work on changing my life so my answers are Happy, smiling. dwelling on things that make the first two Happy and smiling....
                    What will out legacy be? Not good so far...

                    Wow.. I have only had one Psychology appointment and listen to me.....
                    Control the Mind


                      Just What Kind of Person are you?

                      Outside - lively, funny, smiley, bright...
                      Inside - sad, tired, depressed, stroppy...

                      I guess that's why I'm here.


                        Just What Kind of Person are you?

                        Others find me as a bubbly person, very talkative.... I've forgotten what I was told as a child "not to talk to strangers" as I am the weirdo (as my husband says) that talks to strangers sitting on the bus. I feel at one point I was becoming like my husband, quiet, timid, not making a conversation but I'm back to my usual self.

                        I'm smiling and look happy most times - even if it's a cover-up for when I'm down. Because my belief is "smile and the world smiles back".

                        90% of the time and if problems do arise I will talk about them to someone and then get on with life. Sometimes what's meant to happen will, so if I can't change it then I won't waste my time dwelling on it.

                        However I do think my self-esteem could do with a boost every now and then.


                          Just What Kind of Person are you?

                          Oh cool Rock....I love those kind of appointments. In fact I think I'm overdue.

                          Self work is good.
                          Gabby :flower:


                            Just What Kind of Person are you?

                            I think if we made a conscious effort to stop hankering after "who we`d like to be" and accepted and nurtured the good in "who we are", the world would be a far better place.

                            Starlight Impress


                              Just What Kind of Person are you?

                              What if one felt that who they were was not good, and everyone agrred?

                              Starlight Impress;165411 wrote: I think if we made a conscious effort to stop hankering after "who we`d like to be" and accepted and nurtured the good in "who we are", the world would be a far better place.

                              Starlight Impress
                              Control the Mind

