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to all those that doubted me

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    to all those that doubted me

    well there u go, i proved u all right,

    my bf is kicking me out, my kid is crying, im pissed, i smashed the light switch in kitchen(byaccident,well hitting it 2 hard) so there u go, oh an my bf txt his ex happy bd thinking of u, pretending to b his son, althoughi told him 2 get his kid 2 call is mum yesterday, he thought it wud b easier 2 txt on his phone this morning, cant b ased with details , as bf said it s boring,

    my kid is crying his eyes out thinking he s not havin a birthday cos im skint. oh fuck what else, cant even post here wivout pissing people of,whats the friggin point,
    if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!

    to all those that doubted me

    Rachel sorry to hear that and don't be so hard on yourself. Just take a breath and figure out what you can do for you child and yourself. He needs you right now and we are here to help you out. No one's pissed at you here that I'm aware of....take care.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      to all those that doubted me

      heya Rachel. I know you can do it. always did. you will still have hard times...I know I do. Sorry you're having a crappy day. Thoughts and love to you....this will pass. It really will.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        to all those that doubted me

        i doubt it, for fucks sake in cyber space people r fucked of wiv me, my bf wont listen to a word i say, i got 2 find somewhere 2 live, an an electrician 2 fix light switch b4 some1fries, my dad cme over 2day, an jesus he fules the fire by saying i was hard work,

        i know i can speak sense but no 1 wants 2 listen, i got 10 days 2 find ?200 or i let my boy down, well more than i let him down in last 10yrs,
        if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


          to all those that doubted me

          Rachel - I'm not even sure what to say as I have not read your previous messages. Clearly you are having one shitty day. Know that my thoughts are with you. You will come through this.


            to all those that doubted me

            this time i really dont no,
            if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


              to all those that doubted me

              I've never doubted you for 1 minute. You are going to be OK. You are stronger than you think you are. Pull yourself together, take some deep breaths and think of what you would say to someone else in the same situation. You would be so supportive and kind and build them up and make them feel strong. Hug your boy and start making a plan. It will come together. Keep posting and let us know what's up, some of us really care about you.

              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                to all those that doubted me

                i hugged him an told him all is gonna b ok, he s in bed but again im on sofa not knowing what 2 do, thanks but i ot no ideas how 2 make this right, i just dont know, i do no it s not all my fault, he wont hear anything i try 2 say so i shouted like a mad woman , woke kid s up, stormed downstairs an turned light on,

                scared myself cos i turned light on in kitchen but with such force i smashed thee switch an tiles around it, bf just sayin ur pissed ur pissed but i got a bloody point, ive had a bloody point in every row but he just blanks me 4 days an sweeps all under rug, oh what can i do , family wont have me, bf told me when i asked if he had balls 2 tell me 2 get fucked an he did,things shud b good an theyy aint, its prob not jus my drinking but it sure does malkwe it worse,, sorry all 4 bein shitty, really im sorry, xx
                if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                  to all those that doubted me

                  well done,, bf not violent, he jus lay in bed tellin me 2 go away. 4 days bf igmored me sn after he told me he txt his ex i guess i flipped, shouting,, i know he s not 2 worried bout things,, i liived wiv 3 ex s that beat fuck out a me so thats least ofm y worrie s , ur right he s worried bout me shouting, i feel so awfull, dad wont even let me move wiv him, he s left his 4 th wife an going to move , uk, but dont want me 2 come,, says it all , mum wont have me in house an dad is fucking off, so it s just me,, oh my poor kid, i love him so much, i shud a just stayed single 9 yr ago,
                  if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                    to all those that doubted me

                    So sorry that you are unhappy Rachel, things sound bad at the moment, hopefully
                    tomorrow will be better. I agree with more 2 life, your son is more concerned about you
                    than his birthday,at the moment. We all care about you and your son. You are a strong person, have faith in yourself.
                    Love Paula x


                      to all those that doubted me

                      alcohol team 26 th but that wont sort things wiv bf, he s not mentioned it, jus not drank much so he can appear high an mighty, well since he pissed the bed agin anywy, i got 2 go i think, if i could just explain what i mean an him hear it we d b ok but he shuts off an dont hear, i get shitty an BOOOM, now i darent go sleep incase 1 ofem turns light on, got sparks an al, i tried fuses but all lightd went off an i ll fry !
                      if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                        to all those that doubted me

                        i got ro s an sis but no where i can go, i decided last row im not going into a dump b an b, i give up my rented house 2 b wiv bf, so he is stuk wiv me till i get some where,,thanks cyberland, xx
                        if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                          to all those that doubted me

                          Rachel, I agree with More2 write him a letter, I did that with my husband, and it really
                          helped him to understand.
                          Paula x


                            to all those that doubted me

                            feelin bit better, sorry 4 ranting,, wrote about 10 all in my bag, un read, i always write feelings down so i can remember, jus never bother 2 give em to him, damm i still got letters in loft i never give my ex,, mayb i shud a, mayb we wud a worked it out,
                            if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                              to all those that doubted me

                              night all xxx an sorry xxx
                              if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!

