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to all those that doubted me

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    to all those that doubted me

    tryingsohard, if I came across as being unsupportive or possibly crossing the line or opinionated in my post, I apologize. It certainly was not meant to be that way. I only share my experiences as an example of what happened to me and not necessarily what will happen to anyone else. So, anyway, just to save face, I just want to say, I am rooting for you.


      to all those that doubted me

      Hi Rachel,

      Sorry I haven't posted in a while - haven't had much time to go round the threads. I really feel for you babe - I know you're strong and can come through this.

      Starlight is right and you just have to stick at it and show your boy that you're there for him. You will sort this and you do need help. Your bf isn't helping the situation and
      it seems like an uphill struggle for you with his drink issues marring the facts that you're trying to lay out to him. Until he realises that he needs help to, it's going to be a rocky road. At least you've understood your issues - doesn't seem that he has.

      Hang in there tight - I can understand how much you're hurtin right now, but once you get on track - you can stick two fingers up to him and say YOU'VE WON!!



        to all those that doubted me

        Rachel you made me smile at memories of my interactions with my stepson's mom years ago. I know you are frustrated and I feel for you but I couldn't help remembering a 3 year old telling me he did not have a stepmother and my face was covered with wrinkles (which he could not point out when asked). Would you believe we are now kind of friends and had a nice chat on the phone this morning and dinner together recently? 7 more days, put yourself and your son first no matter what. You deserve to be listened to.


          to all those that doubted me

          Men don't speak "Feelings"!!!!
          They just aren't made the same way women are.
          I have found that if I bring up a subject that makes my hubby uncomfortable.....well he changes the subject! EVERY time!

          Also, please try to set some healthy boundries...with yourself, your son and your bf.

          I agree that when you cut out the alcohol, things will not be as tense...
          And it really doesn't matter in the long run about fault....we are ALL sinners (guilty)

          You are a person of more worth than you'll ever know.....
          Stop judging yourself by what others think and seek out the Truth!

          I love you ....take care...
          "You shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free".
          John 8:32
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            to all those that doubted me

            Hi Rachel,
            I missed this thread.
            No words of wisdom, just my love and best wishes.


              to all those that doubted me


              Try to look at it all as part of life... experience. (You sure have a lot already, don't you?)

              You need to focus on yourself and your son. (Focusing on yourself will also be a help to your lad.)

              I don't have much to add but my sympathy. (and someday I will be your agent, don't forget... when you write a book about all this-- yes, I mean it).

              You are going to make it kid.

              p.s. whatever the truth is that will set you free, pls let me know when it does.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

