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Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

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    Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

    I wonder where the richest place in the world is. Is it oil fields, diamond mines or Wall Street? No. It is our cemeteries. Too many of us die without fulfilling our dreams. An unwritten book, a business idea that never made it to paper let alone a brick & motor building or possibly a vacation to the other side of the world with a loved one.

    Today I attended the funeral of a good friend and co-worker. He was 47 years old and died of cancer. He will never see his dreams fulfilled of walking his now 16 year old daughter down the aisle or seeing his 12 year old son drive for the first time. On a more mundane level, he will never get the business he loved to the next level.

    As problem drinkers, we have dreams too but say we?ll get to them tomorrow. We are like five birds perched on our barstools. One decides to fly away, leave drinking behind and achieve his dreams. So how many birds are left? Still Five. He has only ?decided? to quit drinking. He has yet to take action.

    There was a wake after the funeral. Alcohol and tears flowed. I thank God for MWO and all of y?all, as the actions I have taken over the past 11 AF days (all but the Topomax ? supps as prescribed, CDs, proper diet and exercise) got me through another (difficult) day.

    I realize now that that wonderful tomorrow where everything will magically change will never come on its own. It is the little things we chose to do right now, everyday, which will either propel us forward or tear us down in the long run. I can dig a grave with my teeth eating hamburgers and drinking booze or nourish my body and mind with H2O, supps and CDs.

    I choose to take action in fulfilling my dreams and thus rob the cemetery. My dreams that reduce me to tears are being a published author (does this thread count? wink - wink), financially independent and finding a spiritual partner who is my equal as well as simply having a healthy body. This will make the pearly gates happy as I will have achieved heaven on Earth.

    What do you dream of? And what actions are you willing to take to achieve those dreams?

    Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

    LOVE your post and it is a sentiment that has been rolling around in my head for weeks now after a friend's friend died at the age of 53 from lung cancer. She was a vibrant, successful woman with tons of friends and had everything to live for. Sadly she smoked herself to an early grave.

    I have made, and will continue to make, changes that are making me a happier and healthier person. It is truly the best gift we can give ourselves and those around us.

    I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

      Great post, I am also making changes that are making me happier and healthier.
      Sorry you lost your friend, I know how hard it is, I lost a dear friend a few weeks ago,
      and miss her terribly.
      Love Paula.


        Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

        My dream is to have a fee-for-service private practice, so I can worry less about billing and make more money for the time I work. That will enable me to get more training in the areas that really interest me in my work so that I can do more of the work I like to do.

        I would love also to find a partner who is my equal in intellect and spirit, oh, and I suppose in body too! I'm not talking about looks here folks!:ey:
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

          Very lovely n2. I'm becoming quite fond of your posts... I may be getting a bit of a cyber-crush...

          My dream... I too have dreamt since I was a child of being a writer. Well, I write for a living now, but I want to write tales that stir spirits and quicken hearts.

          My most pressing dream now is to be everything my daughter needs me to be. That includes being healthy and happy with and for myself.


            Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

            Thank you and your post really made me think. I especially liked the line about robbing the cemetary, what a powerful thought.

            I also think you have made me realize that I really need to sit down and figure out WHAT my dreams and goals are because since I had children they all changed or just vanished. I have been caught up in raising my small children and living in the world of autism right now and that has been consuming. For me to think outside that arena has not really crossed my mind. However I do need to do that and have something for me to work towards.

            Thanks again, very powerful.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

              Lushy, Paula & anyone who has ever grieved the loss of a loved one - Even though we are sad; I have to believe the departed are celebrating their graduation from College Earth. We all come here with lessons to learn. Whether we show up for class, study and how well we do on the final exam is up to us.

              Y@H & Ima - too cool that you stated your dreams! Just writing our goals down gets us much closer to achieving them. (Per a Harvard study in the the 50's I think ... 3% of a graduating class wrote down their goals; years later that same 3% surpassed those dreams.)

              Ima - I gotta poke fun at you A cyber-crush eh?! Guess I need to tweak my partner goal - Giggle ... I'd like a partner of the opposite sex ... LOL. PS I'm going to post some humerous (yet scary) vintage advertisments in the picture section soon.

              Beaches et al - A most excellent movie/book to help you formulate your dreams AND believe they can come true is "THE SECRET". A movie that is quite a bit deeper but also good is "What the bleep do we know".

              Beaches - I'm racking my brain on a true autism story as well, where the family spent the majority of everyday with their autistic child simply telling him how much they loved him ... this all encompassing love was somehow able to pierce his "bubble" and connect with him. I know I don't have the specifics right exactly ... maybe you know the story?


                Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

                Ooh - I have to endorse N2's recommendation of "What the bleep do we know" - it can blow your bleepin' mind! It shows that quantum physics proves that what you think (ie dream) DOES create your reality.


                  Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

                  I do agree with you N2. I do believe my friend is in a better place. I am reading a very
                  interesting book at the moment , Conversations with God by N.D.Walsch, an American
                  author, it's certainly food for thought.


                    Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

                    I have been trying to get myself in order since my friend died 3 years ago on 24/05, only 12 days after my birthday, she was 43 and left 2 young children.

                    She was the only person outside my family that I truly loved, I nearly lost it but was determined to be sober for my birthday this year and recognising that death creeps up on us in the night without warning, and Thank God, I was sober and still am.
                    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                    Marilyn Monroe


                      Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

                      No, n2 I don't know the book you are talking about but if you remember it please let me know. That's what we do with my son....just keep supporting, encouraging and offerering him hugs and love and hope one day autism will let him go! Until then we shall walk in his world.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

                        What a suitable name,

                        I lost my last two grandparents recently...Your post means a lot..

                        Keep posting and thanks...
                        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                          Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

                          N2... I actually stared at this post in fear. Yes you read that correctly. I have felt adrift for so long and have put aside all my hopes and dreams that I no longer recall what mine are. Not only my personal ones, but those for my family.

                          This thread is exactly what I thought it was and your most eloquent post has brought thought once again to the cavernous reaches of my brain. Only trouble is I remain caught in the web of reality and until such reality changes, I can only dream, the only problem is that it has been so long that I have forgotten how to... but I guess that is the point of this thread isn't it?


                            Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

                            Paula - 'Conversations w/ God' is already on my list to buy. Thanks for the nudge!

                            Diamond - Congrats on your sober b-day. If I calculated correctly (May 12th); numerology tells me you will have a strong year full of accomplishments. Keep up the good work.

                            Beaches - Still racking my brain on the autism book .... I did google and found this intersting link: Autism Spectrum Disorders - Newspaper and Magazine Articles

                            Mack - Your & Ms. Mack's posts touched me earlier today as well. It is clear y'all have a strong love connection. FYI IMO a 6ft 200ish pound guy is 'perfect'. If Ms Mack ever kicks your butt so far off the curb that you land in the US, I'm sure there's many a lass over here that would be happy to send a smile your way.

                            Hablur - My heart goes out to you. To find your lost dreams, start with your passions that are strong enough for you to loose track of time when you are doing it. And No drinking doesn't count Get the movie "The Secret"!!! It will help you to dream again. What you think about is what you create in your life ... 'fears' included. Once you have watched the movie, I'll tell you how I got a free 2003 t-bird convertible using the tools I learned in the movie.


                              Achieving Our Dreams (or Not)

                              Hablur sounds like we are getting the same info that we need to get the movie "The Secret".

                              I am doing that right now (ordering the movie). Thanks N2 for awakening a part of me that has been dormant for so long.
                              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

