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Starting to dislike this place...

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    Starting to dislike this place...

    Hi all, sorry to be so down .........

    I used to look forward to getting up in the morning to see what had happened here ......... and to get home in an evening to log in again to check things out .........

    Now I seem to dread logging on ...........

    All there seems to be is constant bickering, nastiness, and point scoring .......

    I really am at a loss these days about some of the posts, I thought that we were here to support each other UNCONDTIONALLY .........

    BB xx

    Starting to dislike this place...

    We are Betty. Sometimes things or people come here to stir it up a bit but I also see a lot of the encouraging still going on! Hang in there.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Starting to dislike this place...

      Betty, I know how you feel. With the amount of people joining, there are bound to be lots of different personalities and opinions. I still think there is a lot of fun and love around here and hope you can focus on that, because you contribute to all of that good stuff too.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Starting to dislike this place...

        Thanks Beaches, I'm trying to encourage too, but it's getting hard to know what to read ...........

        BB xx


          Starting to dislike this place...

          Ditto, ditto, ditto. I felt as you are a couple of times. Emotions run high at times. You are a wonderful attribute here. Try to focus on the good stuff that is what I try to do.


            Starting to dislike this place...

            Lushy and Accountable, you are two of the members that keep me here, I'm just sooooo fed up of the nastiness ...........

            Thanks, BB xx


              Starting to dislike this place...

              I agree Betty.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Starting to dislike this place...

                So do I. It is a shame how the focus of what matters here at times is placed upon the nastiness and the bickering. I have seen a couple of newer members cry out for help in more than one thread that they had initially started. Unfortunately they were passed by because the focus was on the threads of pointless arguing or whatever it you want to call it. I have seen it a couple of times since joining.

                I also think we need to expect it from time to time with the amount of the members increasing.


                  Starting to dislike this place...

                  I'm fun Betty!
                  I don't think we have officially met.
                  My name is Happier.

                  The one thing that I have gained from this site is a stronger backbone. I don't know if that makes sense but I can never take criticism. I can't worry what everyone else thinks. That is my biggest problem in life is that I worry what everybody else thinks.
                  My thinking now is who cares!!!!! I should just worry about myself and my family!
                  Thanks for taking care of us Betty!


                    Starting to dislike this place...

                    Happier I can't believe we never met, for that I am sorry .........

                    You just made me cry ................

                    BB xx


                      Starting to dislike this place...

                      BB, I agree. I have pretty much isolated myself to the 30 day thread because I feel "safe" there. I read the other threads but I don't post nearly like I used to. When I first came here I posted like a mad woman...I became a senior member in 3 months. I love so many people on here. It really saddens me to see the shift because this site literally saved my life. There was a thread yesterday that I saw and I just thought if today was my first would have been my last ...they were talking about bar hoping and doing cocaine...if I had been a new member, I would have kept right on drinking. I would have never logged on this site again. And you know ...I am tearing up...that could have ended my life, because this site saved my life. I was at the end of my rope when I came here. I needed what you all were able to support me and give me. We need to get that back...


                        Starting to dislike this place...

                        Luvuall & More2life ..

                        Why should we have to go to sections where we feel safe????

                        After all, as new members we didn't go to the safe places, so how do we support genuine new members ............

                        Thanks ever so much for your replies ..............

                        Sorry but i'm jist feeling really low at the minute .........

                        BB xx


                          Starting to dislike this place...

                          I have been around for a while and I have seen members come and go and ALL kinds of dynamics inbetween. This site is morphing once again but, I do not intend to go anywhere because of it. I will continue to be positive and the negative tends to cancel itself out.
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Starting to dislike this place...

                            I agree BB, we shouldn't HAVE to, but I HAD to STAY sobber. I have enough emotional issues without added craziness from this site. I come here for support and I get support there.


                              Starting to dislike this place...

                              I'm with PP...And so is Mrs Macks...I used to dispair at what was going on...But normality soon returns..
                              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

