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    I hope I didn't say anything negative?? Please tell me if I did?

    This place is great, but I do have some pretty different problems to sort through, and alcohol is the least of them as I now know.

    I just didn't want to be some sad sack "mentally ill" person who's hanging round to let you all know that i'm not drinking like a fish anymore cause I have been properly diagnosed and was self medicating. I mean it is really good news for me, after 9 long years I have a correct diagnosis and at last a framework to work within to get better.

    Alcohol was a real problem for me in the past, when I didn't know what on earth was going on and i drank to calm down (oh those bipolar highs!) and to stay "normal". I drank to calm down enuf to do the ironing - how sad is that!!?? Sometimes those drinking bouts ended up in botched suicide attepts (mostly "oh what the heck" as opposed to "I don't want to live "- it all just felt too far out and I wanted to relax - permanently!).

    Anyway those days are over, and I am happy to share what I went through, but I did get the impression there that we "crazies" ( let's face it, it's true!) were getting people down. I did not want to do that.

    Love you all and let me know if you don't mind me dropping in

    Cheers from a crazy woman!!!!

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


    Not sure what you are talking about Cash. We are always glad to have you here!!! And I am so glad you have been properly diagnosed and did not spend the rest of your life drowning in the demon alcohol. If you are referring to threads started yesterday I can assure you it was not about you....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



      My dear Cashy,
      No, We love you.
      There will be lots of others in MWO with problems additional to alcohol, so you aren't alone in that regard.
      You have helped a lot of people here, and been a great support for me.
      Keep on posting



        Coming from a fellow recently diagnosed bi-polar person myself I can completely relate. We love you Cashy for better or worse or whatever!




          please beleive we all have some mental health problems at one time in our lives or another, be it addiction, depression, caused by injury or birth or vaccinations, or whatever brings the illness or disability on. So everyone should feel ok about coming here.

          please keep posting

          Diamond xx
          I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
          I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

          Marilyn Monroe



            ditto on the others.
            i'm bipolar, too (or something like that). I could really relate to your past.

            ...and you are absolutely welcome here. don't really know what all the fuss has been about here, but apparently i was part of it though i don't quite understand it. i just try to have a thick skin and go on. this is a great place, great people. i'm not scared off so easily and i hope you are not either. you are a great contribution to this forum.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



              From one crazy lady to another - you are always welcome here!!!!:welcome:
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                and you know that I'm bi-polar too, so you are not alone! EVER!!!
                It always seems impossible until it's done....



                  Mate you do not have dibbs on the crazy stuff honey. There are more of use out here!!! All us Aussie are crazy it's the sun!!! always welcome and very valued, don't you leave us we need ya mate. Kimbo
                  Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!



                    Cashy...why do you think I call our farm "The Funny Farm"??

                    Normal is a setting on your clothes dryer....

                    ) Nancy
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10



                      welcome back!

                      (you werent really gone.....and neither are the others)
                      Gabby :flower:



                        Dear Cashy,
                        See, Look at the messages from Diamond ( I must meet her soem time) Flip and the others. There are lots of us in MWO to give help however we can. What a great community we are a part of!
                        Oops bad grammar but you get the gist



                          Dont forget me.....I'm mental too!
                          Gabby :flower:



                            Sweet Gabby,
                            How could I EVER forget you!



                              thats better!
                              Gabby :flower:

