This place is great, but I do have some pretty different problems to sort through, and alcohol is the least of them as I now know.
I just didn't want to be some sad sack "mentally ill" person who's hanging round to let you all know that i'm not drinking like a fish anymore cause I have been properly diagnosed and was self medicating. I mean it is really good news for me, after 9 long years I have a correct diagnosis and at last a framework to work within to get better.
Alcohol was a real problem for me in the past, when I didn't know what on earth was going on and i drank to calm down (oh those bipolar highs!) and to stay "normal". I drank to calm down enuf to do the ironing - how sad is that!!?? Sometimes those drinking bouts ended up in botched suicide attepts (mostly "oh what the heck" as opposed to "I don't want to live "- it all just felt too far out and I wanted to relax - permanently!).
Anyway those days are over, and I am happy to share what I went through, but I did get the impression there that we "crazies" ( let's face it, it's true!) were getting people down. I did not want to do that.
Love you all and let me know if you don't mind me dropping in

Cheers from a crazy woman!!!!