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    To all who remember me and to all who back again, and in a bit of a mess to be honest.
    I was diagnosed as bi polar a while ago but have not yet been given the right meds, im so frustrated...just antidepresants....typical of my country!!!
    Fraid iv been a bit ill because of this...iv been in hospital for a little while for very good reasons which i wont go in to right now.
    Got out of hosp on Monday and im really struggling not to drink again...see its a symptom of my illness and how can i beat that if im not being treated for the illness properly...god i HATE this country!!! but its good to be back here where i know i can get support.

    much loves to all i know and all i dont

    Lou-Lou x x x x
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


    Lou Lou,
    So sorry you`ve had a rough time..........hope things improve for you soon.

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress



      Det and I were just wondering where you were.
      Come hang out with us all and get back up on your feet.
      * * I love Determinator * *



        Hey...starlight..thanks so much x x

        And Det and Det i would be so happy to hang with you are so sweet, thanks...hope things are still goin good for you...ya'll deserve it

        x x x x
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky



          Hi Lou,

          I know what you mean - good old blighty!!

          but hopeless when it comes to mental health care, break a leg you're ok, but have depression - well don't mention it you have to keep a stiff upper lip.

          Don't worry please keep coming in and letting us know how you are doing, I am new to you I think, but I wish you all the best and correct drugs too.

          Diamond x
          I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
          I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

          Marilyn Monroe



            Thank you sound like a real sweetie..and also like you understand the mental healthcare system in this country....Grrrr its driving me even more insane than i already!!!
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky



              yeah!! Lou Lou!!!

              yes thanks, Dx and I are happy to say.

              'see" you on chat soon ok?
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)



                Welcome back Lou...I was just thinking about you yesterday! I was thinking about all the members who have come and gone and I thought about you. The last I heard you had gone back to your old job and were welcomed back with open arms and all was right with your world. You had stopped coming here so often because of the time spent with your government job. I'm sorry to hear that "they" haven't got it right with your meds. Have you explained that "Bi" in bipolar means two and that antidepressants only take care of one of the two??? Sorry, I will not rant here. Anyway, welcome back! :welcome:
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



                  Hi Lou!
                  So sorry to hear of your troubles - I have been there myself. I'm not a Dr., but from what I understand if you're bipolar you're not supposed to be on antidepressants alone - they can make you manic (or even psychotic - I went there). Can you ask your docs about that?

                  I also can relate to wanting to drink to "shut up" your mind, or to calm yourself down. But try not to when you're feeling "up" because that'll really whack you out (been there too). I take Valerian these days if I'm having stress or anxiety or even anxiety/panic attacks (which are few and far between now that I'm off the meds)- it calms me down and I don't feel like crap the next day. Maybe you could look into interactions w/the drugs you're on to see if it's safe to take some Valerian, or ask your docs?

                  I'm still dealing with my demons (falling down here and there) - but it's ever so much better than it was last year! At least now "people" aren't "chasing" me!

                  I hope all of that came out right - I just wanted to let you know that I can relate to what you're going through and that it can get better!



                    Good to see you lou lou!!! I missed your bouncing heart.



                      Nice to hear from you Lou-Lou. Be the storng girl that you are. You will make it. Believe!



                        Hi Lou that is terrible that they diagnose you and then they don't start you right away on the medication.
                        You could try natural medicines until they get around to giving you your medication.
                        St. johns wort helps.
                        talk to us .
                        be well
                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                          Lou, so glad to see you back, I certainly missed you.

                          PP has great advice. :l
                          Enlightened by MWO



                            Hey Lou! It's so good to see you again, lovey! I can't believe they have diagnosed you with bipolar and have given you antidepressants! Hail to the NHS! I hope they give you some mood stabilizing meds soon. Keep trying to stay clear of the alcohol, though, you've been through this enough to know how it messes you up!

                            It's so good to see you again!:h :h


                            AF as of August 5th, 2012



                              Hi Lou Lou, yep of course I remember you!! Sorry that you have been having a rough time, but really glad to see you back on the boards. Yes I live in the UK too and I can just imagine how it must be to rely on the NHS.....
                              Welcome back!


                              Sober since 30/06/10

