Any advice is appreciated!!!
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Alcohol Free...
Alcohol Free...
Okay, I've read the book and done the CD's (love them, need to be more consistent, though). I'm taking the supplements and started the topamax. Didn't care for the topamax. I've cut WAY back on my drinking. What used to be a one bottle of wine a night habit is now down to one bottle a week with a couple drinks here and there. However, unlike Roberta I don't feel the lack of desire for more drinks. I'm sure the topa helps, but it just doesn't agree with me. What I have discovered is that the days I'm AF are much happier than the days I've had drinks -- especially when I break down and drink an entire bottle of wine -- something which still happens about once a week. But, after a few days of AF the old craving surfaces and I start to talk myself into feeling like "what's a couple of drinks going to hurt anyway?" And for one night or two during the week, I might just have one drink or maybe two, but inevitably comes the night when I drink an entire bottle of wine -- or something worse if I'm really unlucky -- and therefore I know it's still a problem. So, I've decided to start with a 30-day alcohol free goal. I would love to say I'm just quitting drinking forever because I really don't like anything about the habit when I look at it objectively, but the idea of saying that really scares me.... Any words of wisdom out there? For those of you over 30 days does the desire for drinks ever really go away?
Any advice is appreciated!!!Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:hTags: None
Alcohol Free...
Funny that you write this because I am in the same boat. Just wanted to slow down but it seems that when I drink, I drink. when I don't I don't and I end up craving at some point and getting drunk. I have gotten it down to twice a week, from everyday almost.
I am not on topa, just the supplements, L-glutamine and kudzu. For me it's not craving like when you are hungry and you need to eat, it's in my head and I need to retrain it.You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber
Alcohol Free...
I think that the 30 day alcohol free period really does help to break the habit - the physical craving for alcohol (which usually doesn't last that long) and the psychological crutch that alcohol provides, which unfortunately is much harder to throw away. But a good break does help you to establish new good habits and you can then make up your mind whether or not you want to gradually re-introduce a small amount of alcohol,in a controlled way, or do what do many have done here and say "I can manage without."
I don't know how long you've been on topa, but stick with it. if you are able to. Many of the more unpleasant side-effects do subside over a fairly short time and it really can be a terrifically powerful tool to help you stay away from that particular shelf in the 'fridge!
You're doing well. Keep it up and good luck.
Alcohol Free...
Sounds like you have the desire and have a plan, I am sure you will do fine. If you do have problems, you might want to look into one of he other meds to help curb the desire or cravings. I took campral for 3 months and I beliebe it made a big difference in my cravings . I tried Topa, and it did stop me from wanting a drink, but the campral worked better for being AF as far as I am concerned.
Glad you are here
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
Alcohol Free...
I am exactly the same as you. For almost a year I don’t drink during the week, even on Friday night (that used to be a must in the past). Saturday is my day – nice dinner, bottle of wine and maybe a brandy after dinner. I know it is all civilised and people don’t think twice about something like that, but for me it is still a problem. I had a brief period in my life, only a few months, when I was drinking a bottle of wine every evening and I felt really bad about it.
Alcohol Free...
30 Days
Thanks guys,
I really think I'm going to try the 30-day thing. I feel like it's a definite psychological crutch right now and I hate it! Maybe after the 30 days I'll decide I just don't want this in my life any more.
Thank you!Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h
Alcohol Free...
My experience is that the craving doesn't go away but it is more manageable. After 30 days you will feel lots better. You may want to continue AF.
My advice after 30 days is: don't drink more than 2 on any one night.
after 2 I can stop. After 3 it's hard to stop. After 4 it's harder still . Hope you are seeing a pattern here.
Good luck. The drink tracker is inspiring. It's great to see your AF days mount up.Enough is enough