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seriously frustrated!

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    seriously frustrated!

    o.k o.k. how the heck do we get started in dealin with this god damn addiction??.. I joined this fabulous site in January. I think it was January anyway. and yet I still have to move from base point. I've got the supps, well most of them an i'm on campral, altho I wouldnt know it. I feel super strong when I wake up in the mornin and fairly strong 4 most of the day. Then WAM. I get scared. I hold out as long as I can then think oh no, if I dont go get wine now it will be to late, an I cant bear the thought of not having any in so i go get it. I dont like soft drinks. I only like water and wine, an water gets soo boreing. The best I've ever done is 2 days. 2 pathetic days. I just cant do it. think I should give up givin up. I dont know what to do anymore
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy

    seriously frustrated!

    Hi maxinne,
    Am sorry you`re finding getting started so tough, but I suggest you try tough have to start somewhere.............and that`s the first evening you bring no wine in no way easy, but so damn worth it.

    Good luck to you,

    Starlight Impress


      seriously frustrated!

      Max, all I can say is I completely understand. There are days when I feel I am never going to get this under control, but then there are others where I know I can. Are you trying to stay busy with a new hobby or project instead of giving in so quick to the wine? Anything, something to put off the drinking? Try making small changes and make those a habit first before trying to conquer the huge one of going completely AF. Each little step will lead you there eventually.....wishing you the best. Keep at it!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        seriously frustrated!

        actually it sounds like you are doing pretty good. maybe you need to be a little more objective. If you are fairly strong for most of the day, that is really good. If you have done 2 days AF, you can do it again. maybe you need to set some goals that are more reasonable. anyway, it sounds to me like you are motivated and doing well and if you keep it up, one day at a time, it is just going to get better.

        and yeh, it IS an addiction of the brain chemistry and everything, which means it is hard as hell. never is gonna be easy-- but it will get better.

        and btw, maybe you need to try a different med... they all work differently on different people.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          seriously frustrated!

          thanx , I know its not easy . I dont expect it to be but I dont seem to have any will power. I will try to drive home from work tomorro without stopping at the off licence. I will try, I will try, I will try. xxx
          Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


            seriously frustrated!

            Maxinne............You can if you think you can!!!

            Best of luck for tomorrow,

            Starlight Impress


              seriously frustrated!


              Hon, why don't you get on MWO right before you leave for work. We can give u a pep talk and you will NOT go to the store at all. Too tempting. YOU CAN DO THIS>:yougo: :rockband: :dancin:


                seriously frustrated!

                I am not on it right now, but the combo of Campral and Naltrexone really helped me a LOT. I hade a ton of AF days doing that and stopped only because I had a health scare and totally fell off the wagon. I just need to pick my new day to start taking them again. Good luck! :h
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  seriously frustrated!

                  happycamper68;167802 wrote: Max,
                  I am not on it right now, but the combo of Campral and Naltrexone really helped me a LOT. I hade a ton of AF days doing that and stopped only because I had a health scare and totally fell off the wagon. I just need to pick my new day to start taking them again. Good luck! :h
                  not sure my doctor will give me naltrexone. He is well aware of it but looked at me funny and said it was for opium addiction and did I have that addiction too? he said he was joking. dont get me wrong he is a young doctor who took me very seriously and wanted to help me. I am new to him as my last doctor didnt offer me any help whatsoever. I am not sure where you live but here in the uk our doctors are not so willing to prescribe for conditions other than what the drugs were designed for. If, however I can get this, can I start it straight away without having gone AF first. :thanks:
                  Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                    seriously frustrated!


                    Hon naltrexone was FDA approved for booze before Campral! They have pills but have now even approved a monthly injection I I don't like the idea of the injection), this is all for alcoholism. I don't know what you doc is talking about but go on the research section of the site. You'll find tons of stuff about Naltrex and the study they did with mice about combining both drugs. Good luck hon :h
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      seriously frustrated!

                      Camper has a good idea--read up on the studies--also, methadone is for opiates as far as I know, not naltrexone! Print out the studies and take them to your doc. Let him read them. The NHS leaves something to be desired for sure, but keep plugging, Maxineann, you can still do this.

                      I would also recommend adding kudzu and L-glutamine to the mix, as well. It has helped me a lot--not just with alcohol, but with the late-night munchies, which I got into after I started abstinence (I'm taking topa.)

                      Good luck!
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        seriously frustrated!

                        it is hard, but if you really want this you can tough it out! I know how hard it can be, but be strong and do not stop at the store after work and take the first step. You will fell so good about yourself so much better than the wine will make you feel.


