I have been here about 6 months and have moderated more or less successfully, thanks to the support of all you amazing people out there.
But - it has to be said - that it has always been a case of me having to be vigilant and denying myself something I still wanted to indulge in.
Well - something changed in the middle of last week - and I dont know what it was - but I woke up on thursday last week actually DISLIKING the idea of drinking. I felt like I really didn't want to drink any more of the stuff.
It is almost like I am tired of all the hassle that goes with drinking, tired of knowing I am damaging my health and tired of all the effort that goes into this.
This feeling has persisted all weekend (my usual time for wanting /allowing myself a couple of drinks) and I have not touched the stuff over the weekend, and haven't wanted to - even while out for a meal on Friday evening and even though She Who Must Be Obeyed has been having a couple of glasses of wine over the weekend
Anyone else had this happen?
The only thing I have done different is that I had started taking the occasional dose of Kudzu the week BEFORE last week - but I emphasise OCCASIONAL. I have not taken any at all last week.
All I can say is - I hope it lasts!!!
