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OK this is weird

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    OK this is weird

    Hi Cap, Hi Lucky

    Cap - I see you joined the 30 day summit attempt too!
    Get roped up and lets go for it!
    I believe it is just a matter of simply putting one foot in front of the other for as long as it takes to get there.
    But can you imagine the view from the 30 day point?? I must be awesome!

    Lucky - LOL it's early days - I feel fine and dandy right now - I am just hoping the current disinterested in alcohol feeling sticks around!

    Strangely, after my post on Friday my elder son came home on Saturday with a DVD of Steven King's "IT".
    I am sure you will know it - it features an evil (very!) clown!
    Coincedence - or are they out there watching???? (Gulp!)

    Talk to you all later

    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      OK this is weird

      I think I know what you mean. I am ABS most days, but MOD about once/week. Sometimes, I just don't even care to have my MOD day. I don't get drunk or hungover anymore, but I can feel even the 2-3 drinks I have the next day sometimes and sometimes I just don't want it. The effects are very subtle at this low level of drinking, but they are still there. I notice I'm a little more moody, short-tempered, and just less happy the day after I drink (even just 2-3 drinks) sometimes. It is so subtle that maybe it is just in my mind. I'm not sure.

      Oh, but the side effects of becomming almost alcohol free for me is that I really feel my brain chemistry has stabilized a bit. I feel like I'm seeing things more clearly and am able to prioritize things better now. And, drinking just doesn't always come first anymore. In fact, its fallen way back there. Other things seem much more important now and I get so busy w/those other things that drinking is not in the forefront of my mind anymore. And, I don't feel like I really 'need' the buzz from alcohol because I feel really good now most days and enjoy the little things more. I'm more present in the moment and actually 'living' my life. I didn't realize this while I was drinking a lot, but I think it was making me depressed. Alcohol is a depressant afterall so I guess that makes sense. And, then it became a vicious cycle for me because I think the depression made me want to drink more. And, drinking more, would make me more depressed.

      Anyway, congrats on all your success! Gotta love this program!!!


        OK this is weird

        Hi Satori

        This sounds like a positive development for you.

        Did something else happened in your life that influenced this feeling?Was there a conversation you had. Or was there something that reminded you that you are getting older?

        Whatever the cause, I too hope it will last for you...


          OK this is weird

          Well done Satori, I haven't much interest in alcohol now, I still get the occassional craving, sometimes its quite a big one, but I find I can ride it out.. I started taking Kudzu almost ten months ago and haven't had a drink since.. I don't take it anymore, but I keep some in just in case I need it..

          I do think though that you should still take Kudzu at least for 5 days out of 7 over the next month or so and then gradually reduce it..

          Love, Louise xx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life

