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Drinking at 7am

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    Drinking at 7am

    You have a deal Happy! :H

    Yeah, it was pretty stupid for me to have a drink actually 3 bottles of cider this morning. - won't do it again. It really made me realize it doesn't solve anything at all. Quite disappointed in myself, but at least it wasn't a bottle of Vodka. That I am grateful for.

    I, so, never want to work again. At least for anyone else that is. It was a while since going back to work for someone else and now I am completely discouraged. I am being a baby - but can't help it right now. Not only was the job stressful and the company crap, I am thinking with everything else like trying to piece back together a marriage, and coming off of the booze maybe I was embarking on more than I can cope with. I think I need to take a break. Sad but true.


      Drinking at 7am

      Time for me to watch the young and the restless LOL. Thank you all for being so wonderful to me and so supportive.


        Drinking at 7am

        AFM, can't say much more than anyone else here.

        Just know that you are more important then any job and if it's affection you this much it is time to move on. There are millions of companies out there that lose people on a moments notice and they deal, so will yours. They obviously don't care how you are doing since they keep calling so you need to care more!

        Enjoy Young and the Restless!
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Drinking at 7am

          I totally relate. Been there. Got burnt out. You are trying to please everyone around you. Tahtsi waht most of us have been programmed to do. it simply does not work.

          If the job is causing you to be sick, the universe is telling you something. You are not on the right path for you. As soon as you shift and get on t he right path for you, things will straighten out inlcuding your husband's concern about money. It will fall into place.

          The best thing that ever happened to me was getting fired because I simply could not function anymore in an abusive ugly environment. It is really better to quit, but I wanted to get fired. I couldn't think straight anymore.

          Yes, my husband makes career decisions based on what is best for him too. You shoudl do the same for yourself dear.

          Besides if you lose your health then what can you fix?


            Drinking at 7am

            OK, repeat after me... Its their problem, not mine!

            I know you feel bad about those that will receive your work, but its not your problem. Mgmt there created the crappy work situation that makes people want to quit and those people who are still working there, its their choice to stay.

            As for the PG lady, I've been PG before and had more and more work dumped on me regardless. That's life! And, honestly, I really didn't care because I knew that whenever I got fed up w/it, I could simply ask my doctor to put me on disability and he would (and he did, for both pregnancies) so I got a 'paid vacation' before even giving birth. Sat on my ass and ate Ben & Jerry's while receiving my normal pay. Not too bad! :H


              Drinking at 7am


              sorry that they got you with emotional blackmail,

              stay strong girl, you know you can do it...

              Love Diamond xx
              I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
              I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

              Marilyn Monroe


                Drinking at 7am

                Why wont they just leave me alone??? I was just checking my email, and yet another from the CEO. Him asking me to stay until August 24th. Yet also trying to say that maybe "I" am feeling this way because I am disappointed in myself because I am not at my full potential yet? He noted he had met with the other two gals and they are 'willing' to meet with me to give me the support I need there. That is all fine and dandy, but I just want out for Pete's sake. I feel like I am involved in a cult!


                  Drinking at 7am

                  Hi Accountable, sounds like emotional blackmail from your CEO to me. Perhaps you need to sit down in a quiet place by yourself and decide (with your health and wellbeing in mind) what a suitable outcome (workwise) would be for you. Be completely sellfish!!!! When I say that I am not saying that you will be being sellfish, all I am saying is think about the situation without considering anyone's feelings or circumstances but your own. Then once you have done that, imagine voicing this to your work collegues (without any apologies - ie you are asking for what you NEED at the moment) and see how you feel. Voicing our reasonable needs can be very empowering. If you do this, your work collegues will realise you are no longer someone that they can manipulate.

                  Thinking of you


                  Sober since 30/06/10


                    Drinking at 7am

                    Ha! Two can play at this game! You should email back your CEO with blackmail! Tell them you want double the salary, Tues and Thurs off, and a personal laptop so you can work from home. Then maybe perhaps you might possibly consider contemplating prolonging your employment. And if you do stay until Aug 24th, you would like a severance package worth 2-4 weeks pay. Oh, and make sure you get splendid reference letters to take to your next job.

                    Let's see, did I leave anything out???

                    * * I love Determinator * *


                      Drinking at 7am

                      AFM I worked for a company and my boss was the CEO. He was terrible. He blamed everything that went wrong in the agency on my department. He also went out and socialized with my staff and my equals and talked about everyone behind their back.

                      I gave him my resignation and he walked to my office, gave it back and told me he didn't accept it. So I decided I would use that to my power and turn the tables. I went home and wrote up a list of all the things that needed to be done for my staff and for myself in order for me to stay and a timeframe. I gave this to him and he of course met all my requests. Things didn't really change he just began targeting a different manager. I ended up leaving and my stress level decreased immensely. I also found a new job with a very supportive wonderful boss.

                      Good luck
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Drinking at 7am

                        Determinatrix;168201 wrote: AFM,
                        Ha! Two can play at this game! You should email back your CEO with blackmail! Tell them you want double the salary, Tues and Thurs off, and a personal laptop so you can work from home. Then maybe perhaps you might possibly consider contemplating prolonging your employment. And if you do stay until Aug 24th, you would like a severance package worth 2-4 weeks pay. Oh, and make sure you get splendid reference letters to take to your next job.
                        DX has a wonderful idea!


                          Drinking at 7am

                          Maybe your company has burned its bridges, AFM, and it's really too late for you to feel good about working there anymore. And really, how dare the CEO claim that you aren't feeling good because you're not working to your "full potential". How manipulative!

                          I think we feel guilty, then angry, then we drink. Or we feel angry, then guilty, then we drink. I once found myself pouring a drink when I was trying for mostly abs because my daughter was trying a bunch of manipulation on me because she didn't want to clean her room. Rather than insist she clean it and risk getting in a fight, I poured a drink. Halfway through, I caught myself and marched back upstairs and sent her friend home and told her she wasn't going anywhere or doing anything until her room was clean. I took her laptop, and her iPod, as well. I know she thought I was crazy, but the room got cleaned, and I was able to pour the rest of the drink down the sink.

                          I guess what I am trying to say is that you've really got to honor your own feelings without your husband's input, or your CEO's manipulations. Whatever it takes to help you stay sober. We drink when we don't listen to or honor our feelings. Not that this doesn't happen to men too, but women are raised to think of others before ourselves, and we need to change this.

                          Sorry for the book, but I really wanted to say this. I think you're terrific!


                          AF as of August 5th, 2012

