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Drinking at 7am

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    Drinking at 7am

    Oh, God, you know.... I can't believe what a nightmare this whole 'quitting my job' has turned out to be.

    I gave it to them last week, and have had nothing but phone calls, coffee meetings and guilt trips. I succumbed on Thursday because it was made perfectly clear my work load would be dumped off on an accountant who is due to give birth on August 18th and another accountant who is about to snap. I ended up working Thursday and Friday.

    Today, after having so many horrible anxiety attacks this weekend and almost completely losing it with my husband (I was threatening to run away forever etc) I woke up this morning and poured myself a cider. I sent an email to the CEO that I was too sick to come in today.

    What in the hell is wrong with me???!!! Why is it that I can be so manipulated and guilted into something that is affecting my health, marriage, life?????

    I have absolutely NO coping skills at the moment. I am not going to do anything more stupid than finish this drink, but I am in such self doubt and feeling really vulnerable. ARGH! :upset: I am just waiting for the phone to ring - and I will not be answering it. I hate being a loser, but honestly I don't know what else to do. I can't deal!

    Drinking at 7am

    You know what your problem is? You care too much. You went into that job with the best of intentions to do the best job you could and despite the fact they ended up being asses to work for, you still feel the responsibility to finish up your job in the right moral way. I am the same way so I know what you are feeling. It can be a wonderful characteristic to have, but not if it is going to cause this much angst. DO NOT drink anymore. Come up with a realistic game plan that is manageable for you that won't make you sick to your stomach. If that means giving the work load back to the pregnant lady, that's the way it has to be. This needs to be about you right now. You can do this!!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Drinking at 7am

      Accountable, Lushy is right. Don't give that crazy organization your power and gift of sobriety. You have been doing so well. By helping them out you are really enabling their bad management, they can hire someone else. Making you feel guilty is just immoral on their part. They got themselves into this mess and whether they survive or not isn't your problem.

      Do something calming and rewarding for yourself.

      Enlightened by MWO


        Drinking at 7am


        Listen to them. We care, you deserve better.:l


          Drinking at 7am

          Accountable, there are times when we need to be a little bit selfish (as we see it) and
          take care of ourselves, now is that time for you. You do not have a problem re. management skills they do. Look after you, so take a step back. I am able to offer this
          unique advice !! having been in similar situations.
          Love Paula xx


            Drinking at 7am

            Accountable hon.....don't do this to yourself.
            Gabby :flower:


              Drinking at 7am

              Thanks for your support. Lushy - can I please be enrolled into your next "I don't put up with crap - how to be a bitch course?" I certainly could use it! (I am just kidding by the way - you are the best!) But I would like to know why I feel so guilty? I haven't done anything wrong by any means! I just can't cope in a negative, abusive environment. At least that is how I portray it. No one there is happy. The only ones that are happy are the ones that have been hired as agents and they are from the owner's church. (No offense to church goers).

              I am feeling so royally mental. I won't drink anymore - there is nothing left here to drink LOL! I ensured my husband take our van to work so I wouldn't run out the door for more. God, I hate it too when he has alcohol in the house. It usually isn't a temptation, but lately, it looks mighty appealing. Ack, anyway... you are right. I have worked so hard to come this far. It isn't worth it. I honestly need a dose of coping skills that is for sure. My husband says he supports me in whatever but then tries to make me feel guilty as well. I hate him right now too. Pity party for me. I use to be so strong and capable. I feel like a mouse in a trap right now.

              Sorry - I didn't want to let loose here and portray myself as a whiner. I made my bed.


                Drinking at 7am

                Been there...

                ... oh how I can relate! I have been on medical leave and work kept calling and asking me to attend meetings... I had seriously injued feet! My feet were not healing and now b/c I fell trying to walk my dog at 6AM I have a broken rib! I had a pity party -- love wine w/ champagne anytime of day -- morning news and my spritzer felt great! But it did not solve anything... so I looked at myself in disgust -- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! --I said to myself...
                ... so it was my psychiatrist that would not accept excuses and was so disgusted with me that I felt ashamed for my immature behavior. I followed my Drs. orders. I hoping this depression will lift and I will grow up and accept my reality. I agree with Lushy ... stop sooner rather than later... you are in my thoughts Liz


                  Drinking at 7am

                  At least...

                  ... you made your bed! LOL


                    Drinking at 7am

                    Stillcrawling you are hilarious. Needed a good chuckle! Anyway, yes I did make my bed, but I guess what I was trying to say was "I made my bed, so I am now lying in it" or whatever that expression is. I suck at trying to quote sayings big time.

                    For me, because the only way I could cope with something that I can't cope with is drinking. My separation last year actually set me on the right path. Feeling guilty and manipulated from practically strangers makes me feel otherwise. It really makes me feel there is something seriously wrong with me. This is probably stemming from my childhood.

                    I just wish my husband wasn't a retard and so wishy washy and would stick by me. One minute he is saying - yes, it is an unhealthy environment and you should high-tail it out of there and the next it is about the money. When we first were married or whatever he quit a job because it was 'boring'. I supported him with that - but I was also baffled at the time - but nonetheless I was supportive. My job, currently, is screwed and why don't I get the same?


                      Drinking at 7am

                      I can relate... too much feeling of responsibility gets you nowhere, though. In fact, it might be your ruin, so think of yourself first.

                      You didn't really make your bed, I'm guessing, but you do have to deal with where you are now. And getting pissed off can be good.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Drinking at 7am

                        You are not mental. You are sensitive and empathetic to other peoples feelings and that is what is driving you to feel like you need to still help out. But they do not care enough about you to warrant these good deeds on your part. SK is right when she says you are enabling their bad management by helping them out. Let them figure it out on their own. Please do not do this to yourself any longer. They are making you doubt yourself and you absolutely should not be doing that. :l
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Drinking at 7am

                          oh my...

                          ... I am cracking up because when we were little "making your bed" was always a chore but it symbolizes someone who is ready to start the day (the flylady website is good for this type of thinking -- especially if you work from home)

                          ... it is the people that make work difficult not the task. So many awful people who spend TOO much time making others miserable! As for the supportive partners -- again, I can relate -- I did not fall asleep last night until 3AM because I was dealing with "grumpy testosterone" -- no, I do not want to make love with my screaming broken rib!!!!!!!!!! UGH!

                          Hang in there -- we are in similar camps -- hey, at least you can count right?? Also, there are always opportunities for accountants!


                            Drinking at 7am

                            That is too funny - we always started the day with making our beds as well.

                            My hubby has been sleeping on an airmattress on the living room floor since my moving back in with him 2 months ago.

                            I know there are issues all over the map in my life. My employment is numero uno when it comes to crap, then my marriage. I am really trying hard to nip all chaos in the bud, but I feel at the moment like I am on some really bad low-budget soap opera.

                            I am also thinking now I would rather flip burgers than do accounting. LOL!


                              Drinking at 7am

                              Yep hon sounds like someone needs a NEW job! When you find one ask if they need two people. :H And no more drinking in the a.m. pretty please? :h
                              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

