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Need advice on Hypno Headphones

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    Need advice on Hypno Headphones

    Hi, just got my hypno CD's and need headphones. Looking at the pillow with phone in it or the Pillow Speaker from Pillow Sonic. Would sure like some advice before I make my choice. Thanks, Voodoo Queen.

    Need advice on Hypno Headphones

    I've never heard of the Pillow Sonic thing - would be interested in hearing more.

    I have the pillow with the speaker in it. It is so small, and it takes time to get used to it. It's like sleeping on a throw pillow and can be uncomfortable if I sleep wrong. It also can't be separated from the speaker, so I can't wash it. I suppose I could put a pillow case on it - I just now thought of that.

    The CD program is invaluable, and the sleep learning part of it, I think, is important.


      Need advice on Hypno Headphones

      Hypno CD

      Thanks. Now that you've said that, I'm leaning toward the other item. I'll see who else weighs in. Apprecaite the input. VQ


        Need advice on Hypno Headphones

        I haven't heard of the other thing, but I have the sleep pillow. It is very uncomfortable to sleep on, so I just sleep on my regular pillows and prop it up right next to me. It's loud enough for me to hear well, and I can sleep any old way I like.
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Need advice on Hypno Headphones

          I bought a small pillow speaker at Radio Shack, its about the size of a thick cookie. I don't feel it and hubby can't hear it. I only use if for the sleep learning CD. Also at Radio Shack I got DC plug adapter for plugging my CD player, so I don't go through so many batteries.
          "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


            Need advice on Hypno Headphones

            Thanks. I may check out Radio Shack tonight. Might be cheaper than the one I saw online.


              Need advice on Hypno Headphones

              hey voodooqueen. with a name like that, I had to answer your post. Dare I ask... nah!

              Anyway, regarding headphones:
              Don't know if you noticed, but the directions say that for the subliminal and the night learning you don't need headphones, and in fact they don't particularly recommend them. As they can be uncomfortable, I think it's better to not have them at night when you are sleeping. You can play the CDs very low, so hopefully they don't bother your partner. Anyway, it is not very bothersome sounds.

              As for the clearing and hypno, I guess headphones might be better to block out interfering noises, but they are not necessarily needed if you have a quiet place to be. Also, you can use any headphones for those.

              Another note on the CDs:
              Just a warning: Many people find them irritating at first (like me). After a while, though, most people get to like them...
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

