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Hello Goodbye
Hello Goodbye
I am gettin a complex! Nearly everytime i go on chat, everyone else leaves. Do you all know somethin I dont?? I have some great times in there so am I to assume I have a couple of VERY tolerant friends (and everyone else knows my reputation)or its a big coincidence:ey: :ey: anyway. goin to av dinner soon. will av another go later.:anon: sob
Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazyTags: None
Hello Goodbye
Hey Maxine, I have only been in chat a couple of times and yes sometimes people leave as I enter and sometimes they don't. I wouldn't take it personally at all. I just figure that maybe the people in chat before I arrived had been chatting for a while and needed to go (hence a new person arriving was kinda perfect timing - someone else to focus on) or it could have been as simple as they didn't know me and had something else to do......
I also think that everyone types at a different speed and sometimes it is incredibly difficult to keep up with chat,.....and when a few people are on the boards, with messages coming in out of sync, it can be difficult to keep up - I have left a chat because of that in the past. I think its easier to leave than try to explain who the message was for etc. etc.
I worry about the same things, then think about it and know I don't have to worry ( if you know what I mean). It's because we aren't all in the same room seeing body language etc.
Sober since 30/06/10
Hello Goodbye
Hey Max,
When someone gets tired of waiting and logs out - they still show up in the list of people as being "in chat." Then, when someone else comes in it appears that they bolt! This happens to me a lot, too. The person who appears to have just left might have been gone for hours ....