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    Gabs, your not a lunatic. It was your Mom's table it belongs to you. Explain your situation to the police, if they bother to show up. For pity's sake it's a table! If you get arrested I am going to pm you my phone # I'll bail you out and pay your fine. I think your ex needs serious HELP!!!!
    Love Ya



      Thank you Beaches and Accountable.

      Hart, I hope his clothes have lice too. But I know they dont. And thanks for the file.

      Lucky I guess dumping of the clothes are as old as the hills. Us women are so funny.

      Magic, I dont know....maybe the "Losing Mothers" thread egged me on a little. But I still love it. Do you know when my mom died my ex told me to "stop cryin about it". One night he slept on the couch cuz he said he was sick of hearin me cry myself to sleep. God, I have forgotten about that. Makes me so angry to think about it. I think I have more clothes to throw.

      Dx, thanks for the advice on the cops. I am usually nothing but nice and polite. Now I starting to wonder if I will even be talking to them.

      Katie, thanks for your support.
      Gabby :flower:



        Explain it calmy with a lot of respect to the officers and they will be really great to you. The thing they hate is feeling liek they are being lied me. You will be fine either way, i am sure even if they come talk to you it will be really minor, and if they call your son first and ask him and he says the table was your, then you won't be charged with anything, you used a key to get it, so you did not invade in any way---they have no ground to stand on, and possession is 9/10ths remember, how do they know the table was ever there in the first place....mhmmm
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.



          You went into your ex's apartment? That might be worth a slap on the wrist, Gabbs, at most. The whole thing is ridiculous. Your husband is a malevolent idiot. His lawyer is probably charging him $50 for the 5 minutes that they spent on the phone (cha-ching), what's it to the lawyer guy if he revs up the loon for a little action? It's hard for me to believe that this will come to much anyway.

          I'm glad that you got his clothes out of your house, and I expect that you are right in expecting that he might have done something destructive to your stuff.

          If you are a loon, sweetie, at least you are a loving, warm and lovely loon! This guy is so malevolent and absurd it's almost pathetic, except he continues to find ways to give you grief. It's so sad that he's still not over you.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

            Oh Mar, thanks - I know your right too. Thank you. Your such a sweetie.
            Gabby :flower:


              WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

              Java good point! And I wont lie to the cops. My story is truthful.

              And Kath, I love your reply. You always get it right on the nail. He is such a sicko. I hope he goes broke on attorney fees. Thanks for lovin my looniness. Your such a good friend.
              Gabby :flower:


                WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                You're not really loony, Gabby. You're salt of the earth honest and true. I think you're a really good person, actually--one of the best. You get a little playful sometimes, but adults need to be playful, too, don't they??

                :crazymonkey: :bananacomputer: inkele: :giggle:
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                  Gabby is your BF around? Does he know what is going on? Do you feel like your safety will be threatened in anyway? I only ask because your ex is a real whack job. Just stay safe.


                    WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                    Gabby, your ex is a sick man. I hope this is the last of what is rightfully yours that he has so this will be the end of it. If he comes within 10 feet of me you know what I will do to him!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                      No there is so much more.
                      Gabby :flower:


                        WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                        Oh gosh. I so want to rent a U-Haul come down to wherever it is you live. Load up the truck with whatever is left of his stuff and dump it. I will go to jail for you. (you don't need to worry about the jail thing - I am being silly) But I do need some R&R.

                        No, seriously. When is this stuff going to be dealt with? This must be making you sick. Two years of trying to formalize the end of one really rotten marriage. If I win the lotto, I am so sending you whatever you need to get this jerk out of your life so you can finally live yours.


                          WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                          He cannot stand that you have your crap together. He is a control freak and the fact that he plays dirty with your kids and turns them against you is disgusting. :h
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                            Sorry I am getting here so late in the game, but, that's what it is isn't it a big GAME to him. I am sorry you are having to go through all this stupidity from this man. If anything goes wrong just remember you have the "MWO Mafia" on your side!! As you can see there are quite a few of us ready to do battle!.
                            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                              WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                              Seriously, Gabby

                              Well since I am responsible for this mess, I will post your bail and pay your fine BUT I get to pull out his pubic hairs, one by one.

                              Tweezers ready,

                              magic xx :schmokin:
                              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                              I am in the next seat.
                              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                                WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                                Like PP said we have the "MWO Mafia" here. We will send in Lushy to bitch slap him over and over.

                                I do kind of like Magic's idea with the tweezers though.

                                Love and respect to you Gabby. I think you are a wonderful woman and you have come so far. You have allowed us to witness your journey to sobriety and it hasn't been an easy one , to say the least. You are so strong and you need to remember that everyday, every minute.

                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

