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    Gabby I'm so sorry you have to deal with all that crap.

    Hang tough!



      :thanks: Thanks guys for your love and support. Its been a good vent on my part, upward and onward now. Enough complaining tho. Almost a new day.
      Gabby :flower:



        Oh Gabby, you're just the best! Your ex is acting like a 2-year-old that didn't get his way. Unfortunately he has all the marbles, but you have the maturity and your sobriety. I feel angry for you. I wish there was a legal way for you to get more out of him financially. Are you SURE there's no way to really get more out of him?
        AF as of August 5th, 2012



          Sorry I am just getting in to send my love. I have been out of town.

          All I can say is that you a fabulous person - strong, tough, sweet, a great mom, a great friend to so many of us mafia people.

          You are an inspiration - still not drinking and standing tall and strong.

          Best of luck to you, dear. :h
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

            Gabby - I bet the cops won't even come. I am sure they have so many things to do that they wouldn't even bother with a little domestic fight - most of the time they are stretched so thin that they don't deal with stuff liike that. At the most, they may just talk to you, I'm thinking, and maybe they'll even be on your side. It's not like you broke in, you did have a key.
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME


              It makes me so mad when people treat others this way...
              You want I should call some the wast management business?
              They could visit this guy and teach him some respect for the mother of his kids... and see how good he gets around with two broken legs....

              gabby;168687 wrote: you all guess the cops never showed up.

              What a joke. Yes....he does play mind games. Has for a long time.

              Accountable, you couldn't be more right. HE IS A REAL WHACK JOB!

              He is always tryin to scare me and make me worry. It wasn't that long ago that he had this whole huge story cooked up that it was my fault that my son smoked pot and I providing it for him. RIGHT! The only thing that was my fault about him getting in trouble is that I didn't lock him in a closet to keep him from goin anywhere.

              So he was tryin so hard to blame me for it that he came into the house (without my permission no less) went through my personal belongings to get a prescription bottle. (topamax - lol just kiddin...actually it was prozac) and then goes and gets some pot on his own...leaves my name and everything like my address and all on the bottle - puts the pot in it and then keeps it.

              This was for evidence! Likeall true pot smokers actually do this. "here's my's who I's where I live......if lost or stolen please return it" Right! or there's this one. "If your a cop and you find my's who I am please come arrest me".

              So here he is savin this up and God knows what else he was going to collect to frame
              me. He had been threatening me for ever that he was going to plant crap all over the house and say I was dealin as he was sayin that I was a detriment to the kids and their environment. (can you believe that that is alcohol free for 14 months and totally workin on myself - you guys know as you have been getting to know me and my heart for that last year).

              Now you all gotta know that none of this bugged me cuz first of all.....its not true. And secondly my attorney knew all of this and we had so much crap on him that we ended shutin him down before any of this hit the courts.

              But anyway what ended up happening first is before any of that even went to the judge kids found that pot in the pill bottle with my name.
              They were so mad at him cause they saw right through it. They knew what their dad was tryin to do to me. So not that this is good but.......first they smoked up the evidence and then they confronted him. And he just started this pathetic act with cryin and sayin "oh you guys just don't know what I have been through with your mother".
              He is insane!!!

              The kids know it but they still support him cuz he has the $$$$$$$.

              And sadly....its very possible/probable that he still ends up screwin me in the end financially. Why....cuz men just get away with that crap and he has more money to pay attorneys longer then I do.

              That's what I get after a 25 year relationship and 3 kids. (notice I don't use the word marriage? I don't know what that is.) I was a stay home mom, not working, stayin home raisin the kids bein the perfect trophy wife, great mom, perfect house - inside and out. He never had to lift a finger. I did everything. Kids, school, runnin, nurse, cook, cleanin, laundry. Gorgeous landscaping, beautiful lawn. Shoveled the snow. etc. All the while he climbs his business latter and success. All of our savings and retirement is in his business that he is XX'in me out of completely and leavin the personal debt to come out of our house equity. He threatened to "send me off in the street with nothin" if I left him and I think he has a better chance of doin that then me fightin it.

              The only thing I can tell myself is that I am re-gaining me back again. My freedom from his control and abuse. And my sanity.

              I will end up walkin away from my luxuries. And for a while even lose my kids - to a degree. Only cuz they are gonna pick the money in the end. I just know it. Not my youngest tho. He is 14 and for some reason doesn't suck into dads crap. He sais he would rather have my love then dads money. I will get child support for him at least. And I would for the 16 yr old but I think he is gonna choose dad's money till its all over. Then end up getting sick of him and be with me anyway. But without the financial support.

              When ever the boys have a problem with a girl or anything that clearly they want love and nurturing - they always call on me. Just a few nights ago my oldest that is 18 called me at 2:30 in the morning just to talk about his girlfriend.

              Anyway this is getting absoultly way to long.

              Thanks for listening my MWO Mafia friends. (notice we don't have any men in our group)

              Ya all are more then friends. We seem spiritually connected to each other. We all really do have an amazing link to one anther. Thank you all so so much. Love you all.
              Control the Mind


                WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                Hi again Gabby, I just read these posts and thought it might be interesting to see if you could sue him in civil court. I know that where I live if I were getting a divorce I would automatically get 50% unless infidelity were an issue. It sounds to me like it might be something to talk to a lawyer about...I don't know if that has ever been done, but it might be fun to try. Just a thought, I may do some research on it an see what I can find out. Keep your chin up....


                  WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                  You can file a petition to modify the divorce decree! It has been done sucessfully. Go to The Lawsuit Threat: Example 2


                    WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                    Buffy, thats what we are workin on right now. But I am runin out of money. And that is what he is countin on.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                      thats great....not that you are running out of money, but that you are fighting. I hope it all works out in your favor....he sounds like a nightmare! Maybe the lawyers will let you pay after you win the case....good luck


                        WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                        unfortunalty with it being a could go either way case like this and involving child custody, my attorney works harder with a retainer. More of a money up front basis. Good idea tho. And we will see in the end. Maybe he will soften.
                        Gabby :flower:


                          WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                          Gabby, i know for a fact that you are a raving lunatic...But thats all part of your charm...

                          Good luck..
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME


                            i am thinking of you and praying he gets what he deserves.... but I can't describe what I think that should be ... !!!!!

                            Diamond xx
                            I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                            I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                            Marilyn Monroe


                              WELL.....THE COPS ARE AFTER ME

                              Gabbster he is such a freaking sicko, why doesn't anyone realize that? UGH!!!!
                              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

