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Kudzu questions

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    Kudzu questions

    hey guys, im about to order kudzu. i have no downloaded the book yet, so im curious about it. From those of you who take it, does it help you to "stop" drinking after a few or before you get sloppy drunk? that is really my big problem. stopping....

    Kudzu questions

    Kudzu questions

    I'm really trying to figure out the Kudzu. I ordered the whole supps package from MWO. I will admit I went longer between drinks before going back to the wine bottle - like one drink an hour instead of one every 20 or 30 minutes. But it made me feel a little nauseous so I stopped for a couple days. But I also got new glasses which are sometimes hard to adjust to, and may make you feel queezy, so who knows. But I did feel like I wasn't in that much of a rush for the next drink, so it may work.

    Sorry to ramble on. I'd like to see how you do - PM if you want.


      Kudzu questions

      Hello Me

      I think the Kudzu definitely helps but doesn't totally replace good judgement and will power. But it definitely helps. I am going ab but the few times I have moderated a little, I think it definitely helped me stop at less than a drink. This was a "what? Only ONE bottle?" girl.

      I take it twice a day - in the morning and afternoon - 600 mg each time. If I am going out and feel I need extra strength, I take one or two extra pills or at least put them in my pocket. Definitely take them BEFORE you drink.

      I am not that experienced, but I hope this helps. Keep trying. It will really help.

      Nice to meet you.
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        Kudzu questions

        thanks guys.. any other experiences , let mek now. also to both you girls, did u also have a problem like me with stopping even when you were drunk enough?


          Kudzu questions

          I had every possible problem - I couldn't say no to

          1. buying the stuff when I knew I shouldn't
          2. taking the first drink when I knew I shouldn't
          3. stopping when I had already had too much
          4. anything else you can think of

          Kudzu definitely helped a lot with all of these. I find I must take it every day on a regular basis - when I do, it works great.

          Good luck. Keep us posted on your success.
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            Kudzu questions

            Hello there Me145

            I started the programme minus the topa about 2 weeks ago and found the Kudzu amazing in helping me to moderate my drinking from the very first dose. I found that I was only sipping my wine (one glass lasted 4 hours the first evening!) and I had no desire to refill it afterwards.

            Also, Irishguy1949, I would make the suggestion that the nausea could well be associated with adjusting to the new glasses.

            Good luck to you both with it...

            Best wishes



              Kudzu questions

              Hey me,

              I am on day 23 of AF without the topa. Everything else is by the book and I have had hardly any craving until yesterday.

              There were 2 things that changed in my life: 1) I have a high life stressor going on and 2) I was taking 900mg of Kudza 4 times a day and had to cut back to 300-600mg because I was running out. New bottle came today - whew!


