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Nearly died...

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    Nearly died...

    I nearly died today. I am not joking. I have been in scarey situations before, but this one was really scarey.

    To cut a long story short, i have a bronchual infection. So, today, i went to cough up a huge lump of phlegm and it got lodged in my passageway. I couldn't breathe in because i had used all my oxygen in order to cough, so it was stuck. I was at home alone and i honestly thought, "this is it"... I kept trying to cough it up and it wouldn't budge. I couldn't beathe. I started getting dizzy. I remember thinking to myself, "not like this" in relation to how i was going to die... imagine, chocking on your own phlegm in your own home at the age of 37.

    Anyhow, i don't know how it managed to happen, but some of it lodged and i managed to get some air in. It was still there, so i knew that the only two ways out were to breathe it back in again (which was impossible, i tried), or to get it out somehow. I was only breathing at 50% capacity at this stage which in itself was scarey. I was so scared i was going to die that i was just about to jot down a last will in testament (i'm not joking). A couple of things went through my head, but not much. You don't get much time when you're about to carck it. I actually didn't know whether to call a friend or 000. So, anyway, i calmed myself down and made a Eucalyptus oil and hot water mix. I thought "I've got to dislodge this stuff somehow", as it wasn't going anywhere, but didn't want to cough until i knew it was ready because one more cough could have been my last.

    So, got the hot water bottle out, made a hot lemon and honey, and breathed in some Eucalyptus oil. Very slowly of course. I was still too scared to cough (i didn't want to cough until i was sure it was going to come out because it was still semi-lodged there). That didn't seem to work. I made a stronger Eucalyptus oil mix and inhaled it. All of a sudden i thought i was going to choke. The phlegm came up into my airway again and i thought "this is it... it is either going to come out or i am going to die". At this stage, i was seriously considering calling 000. I coughed a few times, it was still lodged there. I couldn't breathe. By some miracle, i managed to get another cough and the phlegm dislodged, enough for me to swallow it (gross, but better than dying). There is still some in there, but i am going to take it easy.

    It was scarey.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Nearly died...

    Hectic man!

    Glad you're here to tell the story!

    Look after those lungs of yours. I was in a similar situation once, also had bronchitis, home alone, had a coughing fit and couldn't breath.

    Do you smoke? I used to and had to stop because I physically couldn't anymore. Now i don't get bronchitis anymore, also because I now refuse to take antibiotics unless I'm dying!
    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


      Nearly died...

      Wow that is scary, I know the panic feeling you must of been feeling.. Too right to take it easy. Put on a good flick and feet up, do you have any Vicks Rub??
      Good job!:goodjob:


        Nearly died...

        Oh my gosh, i'm almost glad this has happened to someone else (not really, but that it's not an isolated case)...

        It really is scarey to think you are facing your last breathe. It was funny (well, not really, but i will probably laugh about it in a few days), the big bloody lodge, i thought, "i really need some Vicks", but realised that it was way to much hard work. I was on the verge and had to think quickly.

        Three things i've learned: The human survival instinct is paramount, there is no 'god' (i don't think so anway) and that if you are on death's door, you don't have time to think, or remenist, it really is that fast.

        Well, thanks for your kind words. The one and only 'friend' i called after the fact practically hung up in my ear.
        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


          Nearly died...

          Think you might need a few new friends!
          Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
          Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


            Nearly died...

            Dog, that must have been so scary! So glad you got the sucker up and out, well mostly!
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              Nearly died...

              That must have been the worst moment of your life, Thank God (I do believe He's there) you managed to get it out and not breathe it back into your lungs !!

              make sure you look after yourself, can the doctor give you something to loosen it, make it more 'liquidy' - sorry don't know how to explain it.

              can you use one of those humidifier things that puts moisture in the air in your room?

              Good Luck - get well soon

              Diamond x
              I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
              I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

              Marilyn Monroe


                Nearly died...

                I agree with Diamond. You need some Expectorant from the Doc. Be very careful about trying to handle situations like these yourself. When we live alone we get very used to having to take care of ourselves but in dangerous situations safe is better than sorry.

                I'll tell you about something that happened to my neighbor a few years back. He was on vacation, home alone in the middle of the day. This was before most of us had cell phones. Most of the folks in the 'hood were at work too. He was feeling funny/bad and knew something was wrong. He didn't think he could make it to the phone so he went outside and collapsed in his front yard because he knew someone would find him. Fortunately someone drove by and alerted someone or a neighbor looked out and called 911. He had suffered a massive heart attack and almost didn't make it. Had he remained in his house he would have died before his wife returned from work.

                I don't mean to be dramatic but that was scary and tuck it away for future reference.
                Get better.

                If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                  Nearly died...

                  Change,,,, everybody,,,,, we should all know that we can do the hymlic (sp) manuveaur ourselves.. You can forceably ram yourself against the back of a chair even... Even a broken rib is better than the alternative... Just a thought.. To get a bit off topic, as a little girl I almost drowned, so I've always wanted to someday save a life... At a restaurant about 4 years ago I was blessed to do just that... A lady was choking,, everybody was nervously looking away, even the waitresses... Horrible for that poor lady.. Here I am a tiny lady (she was a whopper), but after 3 good goes she was able to choke up the big piece of meat... She simply said, "Thank-You sooo much " and I sat down... My own gratification was amazing.. I was on cloud 9 for a very long time... So guys, the hymlic manuveour can save your life... I wish you all the best Change and I'm glad you are here to tell us about it ! Hugs, ~Niblet~

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    Nearly died...

                    Change, that is very scary. As an asthma sufferer I know that feeling well of not being able to breathe. Maybe your doc can get something to dissolve it and the next time run the shower hot and inhale the steam. Glad you're okay.

                    RR, that was a really good tip and a smart neighbor.

                    Niblet, that was brave of you. Well done.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Nearly died...

                      Change that would be very scary! My dad, when he quit smoking he hacked up a tar ball the size of a soft ball. He almost chocked to death on it and was very lucky his wife did the hot water thing and didn't panick.

                      Please phone for help next time! 911 or 000 or whatever is the hotline for immediate emergency. You don't have to say anything except you are alone and choking. They will have your address immediately registered onto their system through your phone line. Or if you have a neighbour - pound on their door if you can.

                      So glad you are OK!


                        Nearly died...

                        (((Change))) Very scary. I'm glad you thought it thru. I too have suffered from asthma all my life there are some great rescue inhallers that will help a lot! Go see your doc and report back to us!:tsk:


                          Nearly died...

                          Change, that is just aweful. I have been like that where I couldnt breathe before. I was drivin and choked on a beef stick. Nearly thought I wasnt gonna get pulled over but did. Its just terrible not to be able to breathe. Glad your ok.
                          Gabby :flower:


                            Nearly died...

                            Change, very scary. I am glad that you got it out. It's the scariest thing not to be able to move air and the whole time thinking whatever you do don't panic. Sounds like you handled it wonderfully.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Nearly died...

                              Thanks to each and every one of you.

                              I didn't know choking was so common... I wonder if anybody has actually died from chocking on their own phlegm? I know it sounds funny, but I hadn’t even considered it before yesterday.

                              Melissa… “wow” about your neighbour. I must admit, I kind of froze, with all these scenarios running through my head and the only thing I could think of was to keep calm because I actually felt like if I panicked, I wouldn’t be able to breathe again. I probably wouldn’t have called 000 until I was just about dead, which is not a good attitude (I guess I don’t feel like I’m worth having assistance, which is a big issue I have to deal with)

                              Niblet, congratulations for saving that ladies life… I am sure she will never forget it. I will never underestimate the importance of ‘breath’… Did it totally frighten you to almost have drowned? I know a guy who said he almost drowned as a young boy. It must be a similar feeling to choking. It truly is not a nice feeling. Thanks for the advice on the hymlic manuveaur – I am going to google it now.

                              Accountable… how many cigarettes was your father on a day? Wow. That’s some scary shit to come out of somebody’s lungs.

                              I think if I had my time all over again, I would call 000. I don’t know why I didn’t… guess because I am used to looking after myself… and I was kind of embarrassed to tell you the truth. I know… crazy… embarrassment vs. saving your life.

                              One thing for sure, I do not want to die of anything breathe-related. I have decided I want to go peacefully in my sleep. Up until yesterday, I was sure I wanted to go suddenly and without warning. Well, it nearly happened, and now I have changed my mind.

                              I really never thought anybody could die from choking on their own phlegm. It sounds funny, but it is a real possibility when you think about it. They don’t teach us about things like that in school.

                              Life is just so fragile.
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

