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Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

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    Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

    How was she allowed to even be behind the wheel of a car to get another DUI last night? She was wearing an alcohol ankle bracelet. What purpose does it serve if she was allowed to start a car up after drinking too much?

    I wonder what they "don't" do in rehab that they should be doing to keep people from relapsing? Perhaps they need Kudzu and hypnotherapy CDs.

    I am just thankful my daughter is not quite old enough to look up to these so-called stars as role models.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

    Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

    No kidding, now we'll have to hear/see her like Paris, Paris should've warned her..she's really messed up poor thing...with soooo dang much money, these girls need to hire a Dudley Moore even had that guy in Arthur!....What was his name?????
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


      Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

      She needs a judge and some parents who will lock her up for 120 days in a rehab.


        Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

        Sad. I don't understand the ankle bracelet thing either and why it didn't go off when she consumed. She was caught with some cocaine as well.

        Brittany, Paris, Lindsay, whats her face - Lionel Richies Daughter, pretty bad role models. Thank God for Hilary Duff I say!

        My husband and I use to 'fantasize' about if we had lots of money we would hire a driver and have him drive us around in our new Motor Home so we could drink. They have enough money, why don't they do the same - hire a driver. Limo's are still cool aren't they? Or a Hummer. She is going to end up dead the way she is going. Truly a shame.


          Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

          Oh and... I meant hire a driver if they are going to drink or drug anyway. I do agree with locking them up as well. She will be serving time I am certain.


            Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

            My husband had to call me earlier this morning with this story (and they say men don't gossip)
            and my comment was that she is making Danny Bonaduce and Robert Downey Jr. look like boyscouts.
            I don't get it either Lushy. Either Promises Rehab didn't work for her or she isn't ready to find
            her way out yet.
            It's hard to believe she is only 21. Where does she go from here? I guess we will have to stay tuned.



              Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

              no kidding...

              ... HIRE a driver!!!!! She is a fool ... it is embarrassing to this country that these young fools take up sooo much airtime. But, like Accountable For Me said, "Hire a Driver!"
              Oh... she will be penniless by 40! At least I have a 401K (LOL)

              Accountable For Me[/I -- did you make your bed today?!

              Lushy-- how old is your daughter?

              I was back at work today, one more day & I go on a family vacation for over a week. (A little worried about the vacation... as family dynamics are funky
              at best)

              Yes, I am StillCrawling


                Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

                I can't believe she got another one.

                Have fun on vacation Stillcrawling, hey wait are you vacationing with Lushy. Don't worry we won't tell anyone she is the tiresome relative.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

                  stillcrawling - made the bed! Even washed everyones bedding! Feeling so much better today. No guilt, no nothing. Next on my list is a divorce ;-)


                    Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

                    I seriously think she thinks rehab is like camp or vacation or what stars do. It is possible she takes none of this stuff seriously like Paris until it comes time to sit in a cell and that a huge reality check sets in.



                      Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!


                      I know I am going against the grain here. Yes, she should have hired a driver, so should all of them. I don't understand why they don't.

                      However, I feel so badly for them. They are in the same boat we are with lots more money and people around them to feed them off of them rather than help them sober up.

                      Yes, they all need MWO.

                      Thank God I found MWO!! I guess that is why I feel sorry for them. They haven't found such a good place.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

                        I think she was wearing the alcohol monitor as a jewelry accessory. No one was monitoring it.

                        Accountable - divorce? Are you kidding?
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

                          I feel sorry for her, and it is truly apparent that she hasn't reached the point in her life where she has experienced enough pain to really want to quit. I'll throw my two cents in, then leave it at that.

                          I would caution everyone about passing judgment on her and her situation. Who among us has not said we are going to stop or moderate tomorrow, but then tomorrow passes and we are drunk again? It's really no different than what Lindsay is going through, and if someone were posting a similar story in these boards (without being a celebrity) we certainly wouldn't talk about them like this - we would try to offer them hope and encouragement.

                          Being a star certainly opens you up to additional scrutiny, but those of us who find ourselves having difficulty in life because of alcohol also should be able to empathize with her as well. In the end she is a kid with an alcohol addiction......

                          Addendum: Accountable you are right, and I did not mean to imply that anyone was being mean-spirited.
                          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                            Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

                            Skendall - nope.

                            I really don't believe anyone here is passing any judgment in a mean spirited way. I think we all feel compassion as we all can relate to the alcoholism part. It is easy for me to say "they should of hired a driver" etc only because they are rich and could very well do just that. A movie came to mind: Arthur. That is what I was thinking of at the time I made the comment. My husband use to watch it and be drinking and thought it would be cool to have a driver drive us around. No ill will was intended on my part. I only hope for them to get well as I wish it for anyone with this problem.

                            Your point is very well spoken though AA. Thanks for reminding us they are people too.


                              Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

                              What she needs is a mother! Her mother is suppose to be like her girlfiend! BE a mother
                              & your child will grow up!!!!!! IAD
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss

