I could not (well actually I could) believe it when I head this. She is a mess with too much money. I sincerely hope she gets the help she needs. Although didn't that just happen??? She sure has any and every resource money can buy. She CAN afford a driver and not put herself and others in danger.
No announcement yet.
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
I could not (well actually I could) believe it when I head this. She is a mess with too much money. I sincerely hope she gets the help she needs. Although didn't that just happen??? She sure has any and every resource money can buy. She CAN afford a driver and not put herself and others in danger.AF since 2/22/2012
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
I agree if they were on mwo - yes we would offer support, but these girls aren't on mwo and at present have NO intention of giving up or moderating their drinking, so for me the jury is still out on what I feel about them.
The press have a lot to answer for as well as us for buying the magazines and watching tv when they are on. If they were not filmed doing it we would not know?
So, what do we do ? We can only watch and see their finger getting ever nearer to the self destruct button. I feel desperately sorry that they reached these heights of addiction at such a young age.
DiamondI feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.
Marilyn Monroe
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
Her mom takes her to clubs and says she is her personal asst- her dad got out of jail after a two year stink on a DUI conviction- plus he was in jail before that on fraud charges.he comes from a terrible family and no one is looking out for her. She is a total train wreck and I am afraid she is gonna die. And yes, with all that money why drive EVER? She was chasing down her assistant who had just quit! Her asst had HAD it with her! Just nuts the kid just got out of rehab and with that coke in her pocket she is totally going to jai, for longer than Paris did for sure. These kids have no leashes at all.Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
Sorry guys..
I am on the side of no judgement. I am absolutely sure she is messed up. I am fairly sure that she has had an "above the law" attitude because of her status. BUT, we are no different from her, in that, she has an addiction problem. And maybe, if we had her upbringing, and her money, and all the rest, we would have been as emotionally warped, and made some of the same decisions as she has... Ok it is the psychologist in me talking, but I feel sorry for her.
Bethformerly known as bak310
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
The thing that gets me is not whether she is still drinking or not; that struggle I completely get and I would never begin to judge her or anyone for that. What I do not get is how and why she was allowed to be behind the wheel of a car endangering the lives of innocent victims when she had that ankle bracelet on. Perhaps SK is right and it was not being monitored. I just think the laws need to be stricter and those breathalyzer car starters need to be put in cars for people at risk of drinking and driving.I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
From what I understand, her ankle monitor was being monitored, but results were being sent only to her people (since she was not required by law to wear it - she was wearing it voluntarily). A day or two ago, she was spotted wearing an ankle brace/wrap under it which supposedly would screw up the results (that's not allowed if you are police-ordered to wear it). Honestly, when I saw that report it made me wonder if she was backsliding already. Like, right out of rehab, she might've thought, oh yeah, I'll show them how serious I am... I'll wear this big 'ol ankle bracelet and be monitored 24/7... that will surely keep me from drinking. And, then when the bad cravings/temptations set in, she thought maybe she didn't want to be monitored anymore so she thought she'd try to trick it w/the bandage. I don't know... just a wild guess on my part.
Anyway, this just goes to show you two things...
#1 - I watch too much Inside Edition!
#2 - She should've gotten the perfect matching accessory to her ankle bracelet which would be one of those breathalyzers attached to your car that requires you to blow clean before the car will start.
I do feel bad for her, though. She's an alcoholic just like I am (although I hate to even use that label). On The View this morning Barbara Walters went on and on about how it just didn't make sense that she would do this. And, I kept thinking... You idiot! It doesn't have to make sense. She's an addict. That's all you need to understand. Not that I'm excusing her or the drunk driving, but of course it only makes 'sense' in the context of realizing that she is an addict. And, it really shouldn't be that surprising since her father has issues w/alcohol too.
I do hope she can find her way and get better. It did make me wonder if they use all the tools in rehab that we do on here. The Rx drugs help a lot and so does the hypno, supps, etc. I've got to believe they use all that too. But, even w/all the tools, you do have to really want to change. That may be the one piece that's missing because she's so young and maybe doesn't realize what a lousy road ahead it is if she doesn't get it under control.
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
Yes Ada, listening to Barbara Walters this morning is what got me thinking about this whole thing this morning. I was fuming at her stupid comments. "How could she be so stupid? Is she that addicted?" Grrr......I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
This is probably not the right thread but..
Today, my daughter, an alcoholic like me, her mom, related something that happened the other night.
She was with a friend who was having a birthday. She (my daughter) had her daughter (5 yrs old) with her, single mom. She bought her friend a shot. A guy at the bar (this is a restaurant, too) who had just ordered his fifth (yes fifth) martini, threw a fit and said "no, you can't give that to her" because she had her child with her.
Now, I realize the issues involved. My daughter had her child with her and probably should not be drinking in front of her child, but she was not drinking. She ordered a drink for her friend who was celebrating her birthday.
Amazingly, this guy called the police, who showed up. Luckily, my daughter truly had not been drinking and was completely sober.
What is stunning to me is that this man thinks he can tell my daughter not to drink because she is a mom with a child but he can drink 5 drinks and get on the road with her and her child!! What a hypocrit. (I cannot fathom why they did not arrest the guy that called them.)
Okay. Vented.
Thank Heavens for ONCE my daughter had not been drinking. Not a pretty thing to say but can't do anything about it. She does try, though, to make sure she doesn't drink and drive, period, whether or not she has the baby with her, unlike this hypocrit who thinks he can sit at the bar and throw them back and get on the road yet tell others what they can or cannot do. (Doesn't it occur to him that he can kill someone else who has children in their cars???)
I wish I could be so judgemental. Unfortunately, I screw up enough on my own.....
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
I have adored Lindsay Lohan since she appeared in The Parent Trap and Freaky Friday, and I am just so sad and horrified to see her falling, falling, and falling. I don't understand why she doesn't hire a driver, either. Maybe she is trying to tell people that she is still very much in trouble. Her mother is a terrible enabler, and her father just wants to pin everything on her mother.
I read an article today that said that some jail time may be the thing that saves Lindsay. I think it might be true.
I think she is beautiful and talented when she is sober. I am praying that she gets the help that she needs, which is more than just rehab, obviously. I think she needs some love and some limits.AF as of August 5th, 2012
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
get a driver...
Hi All -- a quick note to this thread and that is it for me today as I was working for the first time today since my FMLA -- all went OK ... I work for a freak!
Anyway ... I agree with all of the posts but am BAFFLED that she or any of these people drive their own cars...
Young At Heart thank you for the kind words over the weekend -- the thread took on a new life but I wanted to thank you! (if it weren't for your font I was uncertain if that were you -- folks this changing avatar thing has my head spinning ... did HappyCamper68have a BUS before ROGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Lushy ... your post caught my (our) attention ... thank you!
And so it goes, I am StillCrawling
Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!
Paris, Lindsay, Nicole Richie are brats! They never worked their cute little butts of like some of us used to do (minus the butt)! They should be locked up (as mentioned earlier) here in Vietnam and work in one of drug detox facilities (less cute, hoity-toity, fancy-pancy, velvet-pelvet) - no cars, no fan posts, driving to work on public bus! That'll fix them up. And THEN they could go on air and talk about having found the Kingdom of God.
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace: