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Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

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    Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

    I'm really sorry, but even tho I'm sooooo not perfect, I'd never really take up for my daughter out drinking in a bar/ apparent abuser from the amount of times you reiterated "thank goodness she wasn't drinking this time"....isn't this your grandchild out with your daughter????.....Why was a 5 yr. old out with a Mom buying "shots" for a friend...I have to agree, maybe the guy was a hypocrite, but maybe his tolerance level was better than your daughters at some point or another and your story really doesn't make sense, if she wasn't drinking, why did the police get involved...???.....If she were only buying drinks for a friend, this time, then WHEW....thank goodness, but how many times have your daughter and grandchild been in harms way from drinking...???? And how many times did your alcoholic daughter, and/or you, put others in harms way????.... I guess you are lucky some other hypocrite didn't call on ya'll before now....Maybe an ANGEL popped in to intervene....Break the Habit, for your kids and grandkids....don't excuse it away....You can make a difference before you suffer a huge, huge loss, your post again tomorrow....I'm not perfect, but I'm sure glad I don't let my kids out with my grandkids in bars, knowing they are addicts and then blame another abuser for their need to be accountable....NOW.....You are like the stars Mom's....OMG...this one time they WEREN'T drinking.....well, maybe this once, and maybe they weren't cuz an angel was looking out for your grandchild!.....Wow, this would be an "omg...what am I doing" moment for me....I want you to know we are here for support and love, but I expect to be put in my place too if I'm outta line, esp. with kids, so in the name of love, and support, I'm not going to make nice over your situation, I say, Wake Up....sorry, we are here to help, and I expect an ass-kicking if I need it......
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


      Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

      oh, and I got this from the part of the post...."ok, she should'nt be drinking in front of her child...but she wasn't drinking"....WHAT????.....and its your grandkid too right?....and ok, you are an alcoholic and so is she and I guess if your granddaughter grows up in a bar hanging out with Mom, drinking or not...she'll be ok....RIGHT?????.....sure....., you are on the site....My Way Out....get them out....sorry, I'm kinda raw right now with emotion, but if you read your post again, you might be appalled too if you really "get it"....
      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


        Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

        they, Paris, Lindsay, Brittney represent the spirit of our times. It is very troubleling.
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          Lindsay Lohan Needs MWO!

          Lushy, I saw Babawawa too, she is clueless.

          Lindsay has been exploited by her whole family and was their cash cow. She came out of rehab and didn't drink immediately but was looking to buy drugs.

          It is sad and she will be doing time for this.
          Enlightened by MWO

