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He DID call the cops!

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    He DID call the cops!

    It surprises me but he did go ahead and make the call.

    Now it took almost 2 days for my criminal visit to come to a head. But it did. I didn't get a summons YET, but the cop said he may be back. He was gonna talk to my EX again. I told the truth. My boyfriend was there too. He said he is sure the cop has doubts of whether or not my ex is an abuser and lying. But he said he might have to charge me for unlawful entering.

    He also said my ex was wanting to get a restraining order on me. (oh brother)

    This whole thing reminds me of him like havin me down on the ground with his knee in my back while he is sliting his wrists and screamin...."look what she is doin to me"

    I'm not sure I mind the restraining order on me because it might actually be just what I need for my own protection. My attorney and cop friends have told me and told me I needed to have one on him for months and months. But I have hesitated cuz I didn't want to make him mad. This could be the answer for me.

    This all is so text book bein the manipulative mental abuser that he is.

    God this is nuts. But I feel like I again sucked right into it.

    Maybe I will learn when I turn 84.
    Gabby :flower:

    He DID call the cops!

    hi gabster,

    if it makes him feel safe to have a RO against you but in reality you benefit- GOOD FOR YOU!

    Only the end result matters.



      He DID call the cops!

      Hey Gabby, the whole thing sounds really frustrating and quite frightening.
      Manipulators will find any way to get at you and he just sounds like hes twisting the knife in your back at the moment.
      Be strong and try not to let thoughts of him enter your every waking moment. That's probably what he wants.
      Take care

      Sober since 30/06/10


        He DID call the cops!

        Gabby the restrainingy order...just like you said..NO BIGGIE...good protects you has much as it protects him. GET IT us all a favor PLEASE. He's a freaking idiot! Secondly, IF you get charged, you may end up in a little trouble..DO NOT LET THIS SET YOU BACK. I have been to jail for is nothing but a thing. Look at it as an educational experience. A place you never want to go AGAIN ever. Will keep you sobber as you will see what happens if you drink and drive. See the bright side in every situation. I know it is hard right now, but you have fought hard for your freedom from him...AND getting your Mama's table was worth it!!!! It would have been to me. As for your boys as they grow up they will see money doesnt buy love....they are just kids right now....they LOVE you all of them. HANG IN girl!!!! In the end...he'll get his too....I am sure the devil has a cozy spot in hell just for him.


          He DID call the cops!

          Gab, what an ASS he is. can't believe he called the cops over a table that belonged to your mother. Pray you get that restraining order, as long as it dosen't keep you from seeing your sons, it's a blessing. Don't get sucked in again. If Push comes to shove, before I gave that table back I would take a chain saw to it!!!! and give it back in pieces with a bottle of Elmers! Sweetie look at the good man in your life and be Thankful your away from that jerk. I'll be your bonds woman anytime!
          Love Ya


            He DID call the cops!

            How do you cope?

            Gab -- after all this you have stayed AF -- please let us know how you cope?!


              He DID call the cops!

              How are you, Gabby? What a jerk he is! He is one of those guys that can continue to surprise you with the depths to which he will sink. If it wasn't happening to you, he could be a continual source of bizarre entertainment! There might be a plus side to this though. After all the crap that he has done to you, I wonder how the kids are going to feel about him if you do get charged with unlawful entry?

              I am praying for you, babe. Keep your chin up. Don't let the idiot get you down. You have lots to be proud of!



              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                He DID call the cops!

                The old expression, "Give him enough rope to hang himself," applies here, I think. He is eventually going to self-destruct, and you don't have to be with him while it happens. Often, life takes care of bad people. Also, you did accomplish something. You got your table, and you got rid of his clothes. You're clean. It's an important psychological milestone. You always amaze me with your strength.


                  He DID call the cops!

                  Gabby how horrid but not surprising. Absolutely ridiculous. I wish I can make this go away for you. Stay strong lady! Like someone said, he has a cozy place in hell waiting for him - and I don't doubt it for a minute.


                    He DID call the cops!

                    Thinking about you Gabby


                      He DID call the cops!

                      If that was the only way to get that table and he is pissed at you for going in his place and getting it to bad. Call him up before the restraining order gets put in effect and tell him you are the mother of his children so anything he does to you he basically does to them.

                      Hope this thing blows over soon for you,


                        He DID call the cops!

                        Hi Amelia, Yep!!!! AS THE KNIFE TWISTS. Its hard not to think about what's goin on. And of course that's what he wants. He wants to ruin my life.

                        Luv, lol...I hope I don't have to experience the jail thing. My gosh.....I have never even been in the back seat of a cop car. But I walked right in to this one.

                        What gets me is him callin the cops on me for what he has done to me time and time again. My lesson for the day: I should have called on him the first time. What the heck is wrong with me. Its just that I was afraid of makin him even more angry which equates to more unpredictability. I just didn't want to deal with it. And each time I would say to myself, "Alright....your ok, nothin too bad happened and ya don't want to scare the kids or make them mad at me by callin the cops on their dad. So I never did. Now I need those police reports. People told me....but I didn't listen.

                        Mar, Yes he is an ASS. And many more names but I will refrain. I am glad I got my moms table. I was worried of what HE was gonna do to it when I showed a little back bone and took his clothes there. (actually dumped em). I don't want it destroyed. To bad it already IS damaged just by bein there and not bein taken care of.

                        And I DO look at the good man in my life and try to trust. But ya know the sad thing. As much as I try not to...I find myself puttin that good man in the "all men are hack balls bucket". (sorry guys) After all these years with my EX, and after what I have seen that he has done to my innocent sons, creating nice chips off the ole block. Ya know....I just can't help it.
                        Men.....they are all just hack balls. Some just have a sugar coating.

                        Us women....we gotta be SMART - NO STUPID ALLOWED! One little bit of stupid can screw ya up good and ya can't let them get started. Its what I keep tryin to tell these other ladies where the abuse is early. Ya can't let it start
                        . Cuz its like a good Sci-Fi film. Once the poisonous worm penetrates in your skin....they gotcha. And you may have periods of normalcy....but then...that funny music starts and their head slant and the abuser looks funny. And the viewers know its comin but the victim is trusting and doesn't think it will happen again. But then all of the sudden....BLASTO he jumps at her again. He hurts her, lashes out at her. Physically or mentally - who knows. May be overtly - right out in the open. Which people watching just want to look the other way. Or worse....covertly - secretly and covered up. The viewers know its there but are not sure and confused and its tricky hard to follow. Which was my case.

                        One of the stupid things ladies is that we help them do it.....we don't tell. I was stupid by not callin the cops on so many occasions. And now look what he does. He has one documented case for one time and I have nothing over 20 times - what a joke. My fault tho.

                        Anyway this covert abuse is terrible. (Well they both are.) But covert abuse is like they are stalking you secretly. Stalking your spirit. You know its happening, you know its there, but you can't put your finger on it or explain it - and if you could you know no one would understand you or believe you. So why call the cops and look like an idiot? So again ....they got you. And my Sci-Fi film goes on. The viewers eat their popcorn and the main character of the movie slowly dies. At least her spirit does.

                        Anyway.....I'm rambling. Or do I sound insane? See what I mean?

                        Still crawling.....a big huge YES! I am still alcohol free. 14 months and still going. Sometimes feels like crawling....but still AF. How am I coping???? I am writing Sci-Fi films. Producing it will come next.

                        Kath, I love ya....your so cool. You ask how am I? I think I am I sound ok? giggle, giggle. Some how I keep my sense of humor in tact. How? I don't know....but I manage. I may have tears here and there, but my chin only knows the up position. And believe it or not.....I still feel proud. Thanks for askin.

                        Guys....I really hate spreadin this garbage on the boards. But I don't wanna tell my neighbors. Or my friends here or my kids mothers. The town here isn't that big really. Just a few steps up from Mayberry RFD. There is enough gossip the way it is. So thanks for lettin me vent. I thought it would be over with last night. That is till I got my criminal visit.

                        Sophiah, your right, important psychological milestone. I like that.

                        And accountable, thanks for your continued support. Its great knowin your there.

                        big breath....big for the day.
                        Gabby :flower:


                          He DID call the cops!

                          thanks popeye and sammys too.
                          Gabby :flower:


                            He DID call the cops!

                            Hey Gabster,

                            I can assure you that there ARE genuine nice guys out there.

                            Don't let your experience with this particular A**hole taint your view of the rest of males of the species.

                            Me? - The sugar goes right the way thru' !

                            Take care

                            Satori :l
                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              He DID call the cops!

                              Gabby, I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this. But I am even prouder of the way you are handling it. Don't ever be sorry for coming here and telling us what is happening in your life. We WANT to be here for you and each other. I kinda thought that was the point of these boards. Your sci-fi analogy was amazing. It has made something that was difficult for me to understand much more understandable. Your attitude is admirable, and I wish you a speedy resolution.
                              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

