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Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

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    Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

    Hi everyone, just wanted some feedback, I am trying to quit drinking, been on here since may I dont drink everyday and I have an underlying anxiety problem. When I dont drink I find that on day 3/4 af my anxiety is terrible and my thoughts are running away with me jumping from one thing to another, this is where I usually cave and drink but I dont want to do this, this time. So im just looking for some reassurance from anyone out there who has an anxiety problem if they felt the same when they stopped drinking and how long the anxiety lasted? Thanks GG

    Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

    Maybe supplements?

    You should read something posted by Lushy, Holistic section, Gaba-- how much?
    she posts a link to a column that explains the effects of alcohol.


      Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

      Dear GG: I'm a very anxious type of person. I even have a full-blown phobia (driving on the highway). I've been at MWO since April & from April until July 9th, I couldn't put more than 4 - 5 days together (w/days 3 -4 being the most difficult). I'm just beginning day 16 (I never thought I would be able to say that) & am finding that my fears are decreasing. Yes, in the beginning they seemed exaggerated (along w/irritation). However, as I'm progressing into sobriety, I'm facing my fears. I've driven short distances on the highway. Next month, we're going up to Vermont on vacation, & I'm planning on driving at least part-way there. I think it's the alcohol that limits us. We try to blot out the anxiety only to find it back the next day stronger. I've heard that the only way to overcome fear is to work through them & come out the other side. Hope that's helpful. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

        It's early days, things do get better, you are making big changes and your body
        needs to get used to them, do try the supplements as Nancy suggested, also relaxation
        could help. I work in a unit where it is used and most people do benefit. I see you live
        in UK, have you tried rescue remedy ? it's a herbal supplement, a friend of mine swears
        by it, she suffers anxiety when she visits the dentist and says this really helps. You can
        buy from Boots and most chemist's.
        Best of luck Paula.


          Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

          Garden Girl, your avatar is absolutely the funniest I have ever seen!

          I have suffered from anxiety since I was 19. Drinking soothed them for a short while with only enhancing them in the long run. Coming off the alcohol time from time made them even worse. Vicious cycle. I still have them when I am stressed out - although not nearly as bad. My thoughts raced almost daily which led to a huge depression........over and over.

          I was diagnosed with BP and with having severe anxiety. I am being treated properly now. Maybe you should consult with your GP to get you on some sort of anti-anxiety meds and then go from there.


            Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

            AFM -- what is BP?


              Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

              stillcrawling, BP is bi-polar, which many, many alcoholics are, without knowing it (they are self medicating), including myself until recently.

              gardengirl, what you describe is exactly how i always feel on the first 2-3 days af. also, i always feel way more depressed for about a week, and then it all lifts and life looks much more positive. can you try to stick it out for at least a week? That's about when everything seems to start to turn for me.

              also, as Accountable mentions, there are meds for anxiety. some of them are very mild and non-addicting. i've used a couple different ones for short periods and they help (although don't cure) the anxiety.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

                Thanks Beatle -- so the anit-anxiety meds -- do you mean xanax or are there others?


                  Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

                  no, i've never tried xanax. i mean others like lithium ortate (natural, homeopathic), hydroxyzine (an antihistimine with calming side effects) and carbamazepin (used for bi-polar)... none of these are addictive.

                  Also, atavan is a great quick fix but it is addictive so it should only be used occasionally when an anxiety attack is imminent.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

                    Thanks for all your advice, I am feeling alot calmer already, the thing with anxiety is that when it is at its peak you just cannot always seem to calm yourself no matter what you do. That is what I felt like when I posted the thread, now because I have kept busy I am alot more in control. On most days I do meditation twice a day and exercise everyday, however i have become so frustrated these past weeks because I just could not seem to get beyond day 4, and I know as beatle says that if I could just do that I would feel so much more confident, so thats what I will try and do. It really helped logging in today with this as it has reassured me that what i am feeling is normal. thanks again everyone and accountable glad you like my avitar :thanks:


                      Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

                      Hi GG, try Gaba 500g 2 x a day, lithium orotate, DHA and calm's forte in the evening, hope it helps and Good Luck.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

                        Hi . You already do better than me cuz I can never get passed day 2! I can absolutely understand the anxiety thing, I suffer terribly with this too, in fact many of us here do. Its like a huge knot thats getting tighter and tighter and you are so totally panicked that a drink is the only thing to numb it. Today is day 2- AGAIN for me. I will watch out for you. we are in this together. xx
                        Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                          Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

                          Garden Girl: Every time I went AF, my anxiety increased. This time I just held tight and went along for the ride. I have to say though, I'm taking Cymbalta along with Campral. I'm day 23 AF. The anxiety for me this time around hasn't been all that bad. I think in the past, the main reason why I drank is because of my anxiety and the need to calm my nerves. Someone mentioned Calms Forte in a previous post. Why not try it or ask for an anti-anxiety perscription from you doc? There is nothing to be ashamed of and the drug could very well help you moderate.
                          September 23, 2011


                            Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

                            Garden Girl, to make a long story short have a look at inositol powder from the health food store or from ebay if you can wait and get it cheaper that way. it's as effective as presciption meds for fighitng anxiety and depression...even mania and pschizoprenia...really interesting stuff and non habbit forming. Also helps me to sleep. I take 1/2 teaspoon before bed or if I'm having an anxiety attack and it works fast. Hang in there!!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Anxiety and thoughts uncontrolled after 2days af

                              gardengirl - have you tried Valerian? It's a natural herb that's been shown to help with anxiety. I just went w/out it for about a week and a half, began to have some anxiety attacks (can't get a deep enough breath, etc.), bought some Valerian and am just fine now. I also take Gaba and Inositol daily. I was out of a couple of them for a couple of weeks, also wasn't listening to the CDs and my drinking started to ramp back up. Back on day 3af now, with all of my supps, and feel ever so much better.

