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    I've always wondered, how was it that you personally found MWO ??

    Myself, I had been down in the dumps for a long long time when I saw the title of a show called simply, "Addiction" on Discovery Health. When I watched it, I was inspired to learn that there were actually drugs for helping cravings etc... I took notes and googled the rest of the day away... The word "kudzu" came up and I found MWO that way... I just knew I was ready for this... This has helped my hubby immensely also... :thanks: Thank-You in advance for your replies. :l Hugs to you, ~Niblet~

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



    MWO kept coming up when I googled on alcohol addiction.

    Thank Heavens!! It has changed my life and from what I have read, many many others, too.

    A heartfelt thank you to RJ!!

    AF April 9, 2016



      thank goodness for google!

      I did the same thing ... ofcourse I was also drinking wine as I googled... oh my... the more I read the more I realize that I am a wreck -- I have work to do!!!!! I had been AF for 7 days (I had been up to 57) but yesterday drank several full pours of chardonnay/champagne ... it was after my first day of work & I was back at prison and "needed comfort..."

      I leave for vacation tomorrow and will spend 10 days with my boyfriend who does not drink... that helps alot... so I will see my slip as just that a slip... but I have to be careful... let's hope my vacation can get me turned around...
      so that is why I am StillCrawling maybe someday I will be WALKING!!!!!!!





        I haven't the foggiest idea of how I got here.

        magic xx :schmokin:
        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
        I am in the next seat.
        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir



          I first saw and bought the book on Amazon, was impressed, bought the supps, and have
          gone from strenghth to strenghth. I think I was just ready after all the years of booze,guilt
          and recriminations.
          Have a great holiday Liz.
          Love Paula.



            I googled it, but only after waiting years to do that-- I was paranoid that somebody would get a hold of my computer and see what I had googled (and what websites I had visited). I finally got over that in desperation, thank goodness. (I still worry though-- is there a way for other people to find out?).

            I read alot before I realised this was the best programme and place for me-- at least I think it is. I am a little more of a problem than most people here-- having years of hard drinking behind me. But I like it here, it helps me, and I think I have a lot to offer too.

            AF rocks.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



              I woke up on Sunday morning, feeling like crap, not remembering exactly what had happened the night before, but knowing it was bad. I'd been drinking a bottle of vodka a day for the previous 5 days.
              I knew my family hated the drunk I had become, and also how much they loved me sober.
              A few times just before that day, I had found myself lying on the floor just waiting to die, and I didn't care.
              I Googled 'Alcohol problem' and up popped MWO.
              I read and read and found so many people who knew exactly what I was going through.
              A lot has changed for me since then, but I can honestly say this place saved my life.
              I love it here.
              Thanks RJ.



                Hi, I was sat with a hangover looking for alcohol addiction, and immediately became addicted to this site ..........


                  I'M JUST CURIOUS EVERYBODY

                  I a googler too. And like BB I'm addicted to this site now :H


                    I'M JUST CURIOUS EVERYBODY

                    I hated my life and what I had become. I wanted help, but I didn't want to tell the world I was an alcoholic. I was looking for a back door solution and I had decided to see if I could find some hypnosis program to combat the drinking. There it was MWO. I took a long time to get straight, but thanks to you guys, MWO, and RJ I believe I have gotten it right finally.

                    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                      I'M JUST CURIOUS EVERYBODY

                      It's obvious I'm Googledly challenged!!! I don't remember what key words I was using but obviously not the best ones for MWO!! I was searching for a discussion forum and quit drinking program (after 30 years of drinking, daily for last 10 or more) that was not the AA model. Everything I found was either based on the AA model directly, or seemed indirectly very AA oriented. I reached out on a low carb forum that I belong to, and someone sent me a private message suggesting I check out this site / program / forum. No wonder I call her my Angel!! And now I'm making my new and better future history, one day at a time. (that sentence 'll make ya think!)

                      Day 15 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (my gold stars - I'm in touch with my inner child's reward system!)
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        I'M JUST CURIOUS EVERYBODY

                        Great thread. I'm not sure. I did a lot of googling. I remember googling supplements + alcohol craving ... but I think I might have found it when I googled self-hypnosis + alcohol (which was sort of a desperate attempt, before admitting to myself that I should probably speak to my doctor - which I should still do, I know).

                        This website blows away anyother one that I found - and I did find one that I thought was probably the "best" one out there, and was a member for a few years... but they were pretty much "AA or nothing", and that's great for lots of people, but isn't for me for sure.

                        Looking forward to other posts!

                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                          I'M JUST CURIOUS EVERYBODY

                          About 1.5 yrs ago I googled and found this site and it was the aha moment for me. The nutrition, supplements, and exercise components make sense and are overlooked by the AA model which seems insane to me. I think the site is the best it has ever been now and I have watched lots of changes. This is the best group of members in all of MWO history in my opinion.

                          EDIT: I forgot to mention that the hypno is also great but I only like the subliminal ones with no voice except embedded.


                            I'M JUST CURIOUS EVERYBODY

                            I order books all the time on Amazon and before I order the books I read the customer reviews and one of the customers said that they were also a member on the my out out community forums and that it really helped.

                            Well, I ordered the book and hopped right on the boards and never looked back! I always have been meaning to look back at the customer review and see if I can recognize that member.



                              I'M JUST CURIOUS EVERYBODY

                              I googled too...I was just about insane, suicidal...drunk all time, crying my eyes out daily, for those that where here when I first know...MWO saved my life. I am eternally grateful. I am my old self again!!!! My children are smiling again, which is the greatest gift ever.

