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Back On The Wagon - Day 1

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    Back On The Wagon - Day 1

    Greetings Everyone,

    Unfortunately, I was not able to make one day and drank on Monday night, which resulted in one of my cell phones getting stolen and me late for work the next day(luckily I had to run a work errand which excused me being late). Through out the day on Tuesday, I felt ashamed, tired, bags under my eyes, my body aching all over, feeling hung-over and guilt for the lies I told that day to excuse my behavior. Beating myself up(which is what I do all the time, but yet never learn the lesson til it's too late), telling myself "Janet, all of this would not have happened had you not drank, what the heck were you thinking" I read some of the posts but just couldn't bring myself to write in about my story, I felt failure :upset: You know how it goes with the old "beating yourself up" routine.

    So, what do I do the minute I get off of work Tuesday night, stop by the local AM/PM market and buy a bottle of wine and of course finished it, all the while telling myself "tomorrow will be the day" that I will be able to start my AF count. This morning I awoke feeling pretty much the same but I did manage to get to work on time and through out the day kept telling myself "you can do it Janet". Through out the day AGAIN, I struggled and kept telling myself that I could do this. I have done this before and know that it's usually the first day that's the hardest. I took my Gaba, Kadzu, Milk Thistle, L-Glutamine and vitamins. On my way home, I was planning to go the gym but I was so tired from the drinking that I thought it would be best to go home, make myself a nice salad, watch TV and give my body a rest. Phew......what a relief....the 1st day was achieved

    Well it's about 10:20pm and I am proud to say that I made it through the first day and wanted to thank everyone who belongs to this program and reading this long drawn out story, sorry. It did help me tremendously to be able to share my story. I realized that I started writing this post about 2 hours ago, all the while watching TV, eating my salad, drinking lots of cranberry juice and water, not once wanting to take a drink nor did my mind play any tricks into making me believe that "tomorrow will be the day", gosh I can't even begin to tell you how sick and tired I am of hearing that some old story.

    I know that I will have day to day struggles and look forward to achieving my 30 AF count and to be able someday drinking moderately. But for now it's total abstinence for a while and I will need to start by sharing my day count with my MWO supporters and most importantly keep myself busy. I will start my workout regiment tomorrow and will start planning my next running event, this will really help me out alot and I am thankful that I still have the health to be physically fit. My goal one day is to do the Hawaii Iron Man and if I take control of this issue, that dream can happen

    Thanks for reading my story and I will give you a post tomorrow with my Day 2 achievement. :thanks:
    AF Since May 2nd 2012

    Back On The Wagon - Day 1

    Welcome aboard Planet - would you like to join in with us - the thread is looking for buddies - tues 24th, there are a few of use over there who have just started this week, would love to welcome you & support you.

    Take care, keep in touch

    Tah xx
    :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
    Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


      Back On The Wagon - Day 1

      Thanks Tahula

      Thanks for your support and I will do my best to give you the same in return and all MWO supporters Wow, it's going to be so nice to wake up with no hang overs and be able to start my workout. Night Night :h And for you, have a great day :thanks:
      AF Since May 2nd 2012


        Back On The Wagon - Day 1

        Thanks Tahlula

        Thanks for your support and I will do my best to give you the same in return and all MWO supporters Wow, it's going to be so nice to wake up with no hang overs and be able to start my workout. Night Night :h And for you, have a great day :thanks:
        AF Since May 2nd 2012


          Back On The Wagon - Day 1

          Hey Janet,

          Well done on that first (hardest) day!

          Hawaiian Ironman (IronPerson?) eh?
          That is some goal!!!

          I used to compete in Sprint and Olympic distance triathlons several years ago - I also ran half and full marathons - but a full Ironman!!!!?????
          You are one brave planet!

          Hope you get there

          Best of luck - in all your endeavours

          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            Back On The Wagon - Day 1

            Hey Janet,

            Awesome, you won out and made the first day!! Great news. The second won't be easy, but at least you won't have a stinker of a hangover to 'medicate'.
            Keep it up and keep us posted.
            Hey I am only on day 3......

            Sober since 30/06/10


              Back On The Wagon - Day 1

              its also my first day back on the wagon ,just started on camprol, feel really ill at the moment


                Back On The Wagon - Day 1

                Barnsleysev, (sp?)

                Hope you are okay!!

                If you aren't too sick, hang in there!! (Otherwise, call the doctor, don't let withdrawals hurt you!!)

                This is my first day back on the wagon, too, after blowing mods yet again!!!

                (and I am going to do it!!! grrrrrrrr) I want to start adding gold stars like DG and Satori

                Take care!!

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Back On The Wagon - Day 1

                  Thanks for the support. The good news is that it's been my experience when I have been on the wagon that I don't suffer through physical withdrawals, which I can only equate it to being physically fit, thank god. My second day will be alot easier because I don't have the hang overs and the pains in my stomach, which will allow me to start my workout regiment. Which has really, really, helped me in staying AF. My problem with my drinking is that my mind plays the old "oh come one it's been two weeks since you drank, you can party it up and then start back up tomorrow" WRONG!!! Or I have a fight with the boyfriend and it's my excuse to drink. I decided last night that I will NOT hang around people who are heavy drinkers, it's amazing when you are sober and you see a drunk person, talk about a real eye opener.

                  Anywho, thanks again and I will keep you posted on how my evening went. Wow, it's so nice to go from this :upset: to this :H

                  Big hugs,
                  AF Since May 2nd 2012


                    Back On The Wagon - Day 1

                    Janet, I could've written that!!! I'm on day 2 also, and headed to the gym, we're alot alike it seems! I'm right here with ya too, we'll hang on and hurled thru! Thanks for the post, I makes me know that its not just me! Hugs!
                    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                      Back On The Wagon - Day 1

                      I am new to this site, and made it to day three before I slipped, but I am back on track again, and starting at day one! I hope to be able to make it, but am taking it one day at a time.
                      All the best


                        Back On The Wagon - Day 1

                        I wish you guys all the luck and remember I am here for you, it's such a relief to know that we all share the same feelings. I am so blessed to live in sunny California (Los Angeles) and will definitely take advantage of days at the beach, bike rides along the beach, workouts at the gym and lots of running. Please try and keep yourself busy and if you can do a physical activity, it really helps to clear your head.

                        Can't wait to post you guys tonight about my evening!!! Thanks again and know that all you guys hold a special place in my heart :h

                        Lots of hugs,
                        AF Since May 2nd 2012


                          Back On The Wagon - Day 1

                          Janet, Good for you. What a great story too. I know those little mind games and they drive me crazy too. It's like at a certain time my brain just says "ok time to drink" no matter what I'm doing. Then the terrible stomach and having to drink to get rid of that, feeling like crap at work...yup I can relate to all of them. Isn't it nice to wake up feeling great again? That was the best part and the energy is amazing it was like I owned a new, clean body again.
                          Good luck to you and keep us posted.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            Back On The Wagon - Day 1

                            Welcome Janet and Wammo!


                              Back On The Wagon - Day 1

                              Well I am on Day 3, last night was a tough one- cravings were bad- I don't drink during the day but once 6:30-7pm hits look out. Plus my hubby is working and I am kinda bored at night. It's depressing at the moment to think such a huge part of my life is gone, but I have to think of it as getting rid of a very bad habit and replace it with better ones. For the next few days though I am going to do as I did last night and go to bed super early at the same time as my daughter. I woke up today looking so much better than I have in months. My hubby is doing this with me but he's working late every night this week so not able to give the support we both need. :h
                              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

