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HAPPY CAMPER!...1000+ posts
HAPPY CAMPER!...1000+ posts
Thank you for all your posts! You have made it to over 1000 posts and again we recognized you in the subcribers thread but here I want to say more. I thank you for your brutal honesty in your posts that allows all of us to grow more and deal with daily life.
You ROCK!"Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."Tags: None
HAPPY CAMPER!...1000+ posts
I feel like an ass- I cannot swing membership right now so didn't see it. Thanks to anyone who posted over there that I didn't see. A big fat DUH from me. :upset:Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL