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    Hi everyone:

    I decided to post this in general, rather than long term, because it may be a common thing to all trying to quit or moderate.

    Many of you who follow my posts, know that I'm well over a 1 1/2 years now AF. I've been feeling real good as of late, and have enjoyed good feelings of clarity, and well-being, so this was a bit of a wrench in the works.

    I had another one of those nightmares last night, and this one was a doozy. Haven't had one like it in over 6 months now, and it took me by surprise.

    The first part of this nightmare was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I won't go into the details of it, but lets just say that Dr. Freud would have had a major field day, and a long paper out of it.

    The second part involved me sitting in a bar I used to go to back in 1979 and 1980. A place I still have fond memories of, but used to get absolutely trashed at. This is a bit of a sick confession, but I used to sit at the bar next to where the barmaid would sit the unfinished drinks from clearing tables, befsore the bartender would empty them and clean the glasses. I would spy the unfinished whiskeys and vodkas, and gulp them down while no one was looking (I thought, because I was pretty trashed by this time.) I rarely if ever walked out of that place without staggering or bumping into something, but at the time it seemed just great to me. I would go down there to get ripped on the cheap.

    Anyway, in the nightmare, I was doing it AGAIN. There I was, just completely obliterated, and suddenly an intense feeling of overwhelming shame and guilt just crushed my soul. Both parts of the nightmare were just terrible.

    The worst part came late in the nightmare, and I said to myself, "Jeez, almost 20 months of sobriety down the drain, and I will have to write of my fall to MWO forum". That was the worst, as it seemed as if all hope was forever lost.

    So I woke up immediately, and it took me a full minute to realize that it had all been a nightmare. I went outside on the back deck to let the cold sweat that covered my body evaporate, and to get my senses back. I did not return back to bed for an hour after that, because of the fear of the nightmare returning. Eventually I calmed down, and went back to a far better sleep.

    So I figure the best therapy was to write about this nightmare of mine, in the hopes that it will not return again. I mean, I have been doing great lately, and even the anxiety and depression have been abating quite a bit in the past few weeks. Maybe my sub-concious brain is trying to keep me on my toes, eh? Well, it sure did this time.

    Good grief.



    I think that is the best and worst dream you could have ever had. The fact you have such vivid dreams means your clarity of mind is back. I wish it wasn't so awful (the dream and such a terrible reminder), but it must have felt great to wake up to realize it was only a dream. I dream i have beaten this thing and then wake up to find the opposite! You are in GREAT shape! :h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL



      The subconscience mind is a powerful thing isn't it. Dreams can feel so real. I too still have dreams where I am drunk and I don't know how I got that way and am fighting to be sober. These dreams usually come about when I am under stress. My brain connects stress and conflict with being drunk and not being able to deal with it. It is a "control" issue. I connect alcohol with a loss of control.

      You are doing great and this dream does not "set you back" if that is what you are thinking. You are such an honest voice here and a valuable part of this community.
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



        You are in a good place Xtexan! This will keep you on your toes for sure. The realization of how far you come with a reminder of where you came from. This will keep you on that wonderful sobriety trail!



          Thanks for the replies my friends:

          You know, I got to thinking about this a bit today. Like how when the stock market gets going too good, it has a "correction" or a fast and furious sell-off to capitilize on gains.

          Somehow, I think my great psychological state as of late, went through a bit of a quick "correction" or something.

          Corrections are a good thing, as they set the stage for even new gains and advancement. At least that is how I choose to look at this thing now.

          So you guys are right I believe, that this is something to look at as being positive for my healing and growth.




            This is so wierd - are you my twin? I had a very similar incident recently.

            I have always had terrible sweaty nightmares, and they mostly went away after I stopped drinking. I have also been doing well with staying AF. Then a few weeks ago I had a terrifying nightmare about being trapped in this apartment with all these miserable, threatening, evil looking drunks on the sidewalk below. They were trying to get in. I was scared to death. I wrote it all down and told my shrink all about it. She said it is actually a good sign that I am dealing with things and expressing my fear of alcohol - all that shrink talk. But I do think it was probably a good thing.

            This could be a very positive sign for you. Confronting your past, acknowledging your fear of it - all that shrink talk stuff. But seriously, I know you were terrified, but it may be a cleansing of a sort.

            You are sooooooo on your way to a great new life. Be proud of yourself that now that old bar is only a bad dream - not reality.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



              Hi Neil

              I saw the name of your post and saw where it was posted and my heart kind of skipped a beat. I was fearing the worst and then saw to my great relief that it was literally a dream. It scared me for a minute. Funny how much we affect each other.
              You remind me to take care of myself and to not take anything for granted. I also am
              reminded to appreciate my many sober days and nights.

              Neil - I have faith in you- sleep well tonight



                You know Lisa, my heart skipped a beat too at first. I was very relieved as well.



                  Oh my. It's humbling to know that you guys have that kind of faith, especially in little old me.

                  Sorry for the scare, but I was trying to convey to you exactly the way I felt that second I woke up from that horror.

                  I also wanted to convey that I'm not one to go a year AF, and then say, "Oh, I'm all better now. I'm done. All fixed up. No more worries!"

                  FAR FROM IT.

                  Even now, I'm looking at all my battle weapons. The last surge of exercise and self-therapy is testament to that. Adjustments to my nutritional supplements are in the works as well. The latest thing I want to tackle is this fat layer around my mid-section, and even though not overweight, I want to see my ab muscles, rather than belly overhanging the belt a bit.

                  More work to do, and just getting my cards all layed out perhaps.



                    MAJOR FREAKING NIGHTMARE

                    I think it is super important for you to share your experiences with us. Not saying that you have to - it is just a nice thing for you to do. You have been sober more than most of us here and you are an example this can be done. It needs to be known it isn't always easy no matter how much time goes by and we need to be prepared for that. Thanks for sharing Neil. I love reading about your journey thus far!


                      MAJOR FREAKING NIGHTMARE

                      Hi Neil,

                      I too have had odd dreams about drinking when I am actually sober. I figure it is a cruel reminder of the chaos and lack of control we have when a wake-up call not to get lazy with your AF goals. The best part is once the anxiety fades because I realize that it was just a bad dream afterall, I feel relief and reinvigorated to striving for a life where alcohol doesn't control me. Thanks for sharing. Good luck.



                        MAJOR FREAKING NIGHTMARE

                        Hi Neil,

                        I think it's great to see you posting over here on GD, where others can benefit from your wisdom and experience.

                        I think this is a kind of "working through" dream, too, and I'm glad to see that you see something positive in it now.

                        All the best,

                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          MAJOR FREAKING NIGHTMARE

                          I agree with what others have already stated. When I have those dreams I am soo glad to wake up and realize it didn't happen. I wish more of these memories were just that "a dream". I feel they keep me in check to a degree. Even after the nightmare I had (that was reality) on Tuesday night. Those awful feelings and dreams are what kept me somewhat cognizant of my actions. It gave me the sense to know it was time to go home.
                          Here we go again.

                          AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


                            MAJOR FREAKING NIGHTMARE


                            I had a friend who quit a 4 pack a day cigarette habit and occasionally would dream she was smoking again. She would wake up with a pounding heart and be so relieved to realize it was just a dream.

                            I, too, think it is the subconscious reminding you that you must stay vigilant.

                            Thank you for your posts. I follow them avidly. I am looking forward to being in a similar place some day...

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              MAJOR FREAKING NIGHTMARE

                              Hey Neil....
                              I believe that oue dreams do mean something.
                              I'm not sure where you stand spiritually, but this site has some resources for anyone who is looking for answers about dreams.There is a dictionary that may interest you.
                              I too am very happy to hear that it was "only" a dream......I just think there is a purpose for everything that touches our lives.

                              Number 3 below is quite interesting.

                              2. Dream Interpretation: Prophetic, Recurring, Lucid Dreams ••••
                              Dream Interpretation: Prophetic, Recurring, Lucid dreams
                              ...Prophetic Dream interpretation Home | Meet the Master | Bible Study | Prayer Closet | Ministry How to meet Jesus New life in Christ...
                              ...Hearing God's Voice Through Dreams
                              Have you had any exciting or puzzling dreams
                              lately? Is God speaking to you today in dreams
                              as he has spoken to...
                              ...all your dreams
                              come true! Dream
                              Symbols DICTIONARY Dream
                              Interpretation - Common Sense Guidelines Interpreting Death Dreams
                              95% Thu, 24 May 2007 19:20:26 GMT Dream Interpretation: Prophetic, Recurring, Lucid Dreams

                              3. Dream Interpretation: Prophetic, Recurring, Lucid Dreams
                              Used by permission...
                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

