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    I still own my AF stretch.

    Well my ex got the restraining order on me. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Actually I have done both. What a wuss. After the way he walks in and out of my house like its nothin. He has broke into my computer room and taken tons of documents. More than once. When I have been workin on attorney stuff things have just come up missin. He as gone through my personal belongings I don't know how many times. The kids let him in. He thinks he has the right cuz I am livin in the house we had together.
    He still has a lot of his personal things here so he thinks he has rights to the inside of the house. Just control tactics on his part. Stupid on me for allowing it. (younger ladies take note)

    So the other day - I did, goin to his place and leavin his clothes (dumpin) took that control away. Just that part anyway. I knew he would be mad so I got my moms table first. I didn't want it hurt. He said in the thing that "I went through his personal belongings and took several items" Crap!!!! that's what he did to me. I did not do that. (He doesn't have any more I want.)

    Even now - with him accusing me of that....and wishin I HAD...since I was accused.....crap....there is nothing I could have possible wanted!!! This makes me so mad! And then....I was civil enough to take and leave him his clothes.

    Damm Luv.....Since I was wanting to make a point.....I would have been in NO trouble to do what you said.....BURN THE SHIT! I live in the county and its even legal. Stupid on me again.

    So anyway my attorney is back and filing a RO back on him. And my cop friend tells me its no big deal. The RO doesn't go on my record or anything unless I violate it. But it bugs me so bad cuz my son saw me and helped me carry out the table. But he wont say that's all I took. He and I have had words about it and one of the times that my ex broke in to my computer room he said that my son did it and not him.

    Well now my son denies that completely and said his dad did that all solo. But he wont stand up and say so. I know they don't want to get involved but I am sick of them lettin me take the fall in the process. I am their mother for Gods sake. Anyway I said to him that isn't the way I raised him. That I taught him to be truthful and stand up for what is right. And that if he can't do that now, especially for his mother - then he isn't a son of mine. Maybe that was wrong but I am wearing down on this soft patient and loving unconditional - never ending motherly love.

    My younger son sees what his older brothers are doin and feels horrible. So yesterday when I got out of the shower there was a note taped on the door. It said "I, (he said his name) have heard my father threaten my mom to kill her, bitch slap her, and throw her out on the street with no money. This all happened this year".

    That is all true and so sad. Bless his heart. It's nothing that I can use but his heart is in the right place. He knows his dad is in the wrong. But look how he is hurting too cuz of course he still loves him too. Its his dad.

    So last night I cried a lot of tears. And still this morning. Both anger and sadness. I have so many feelings inside. To many to say. But the worst one is my broken heart again - inflicted by my older sons that still silently back the evil monster, while I feel like I am swimming amongst a killer shark.

    Somehow I do know I will get through this. And I do know somehow he will get his....I hope I am around to see it tho - and not buried in my pain first.

    Next week my attorney and I will start working on the deposition on my ex about moneys he is hiding in his business.

    Sorry I am sharing all this but its like my live journal and it reminds me not to drink to cope. Meanwhile he is in the bar every night, my 18 yr old is semi sucidial, my 16 yr old is often out after curfew. He has gotten a few tickets and not gone to court. Now he has a summons for a no show. I don't even know if his dad even knows. Or cares.

    Please do me a favor my MWO mafia friends...keep me and my family in your prayers.

    Thanks guys for listening. Need to get ready for work.
    Gabby :flower:


    :h Gabster,

    I will so glad when all of this is behind you and I hope it is soon. You deserve better. Yes, you will all be in my prayers.




      Thanks lucky we need em. Especially my sons.
      Gabby :flower:



        Gabby, I too, will be so glad when this is all behind you. You are a remarkable women full of immense strength. Keep on your lawyer to resolve this and be done with it. It has dragged on for too long. Sending you lots of love!:h
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



          I know lushy.....I need to push him. He really isnt being aggressive enough. Dont know if I picked right. But to late now.
          Gabby :flower:



            Gabby.....hug, hug, hug......

            My daughter has gone throught some of the same type "stuff' with her x and her two sons......

            She has learned to tell the boys to make up their own minds about the "stuff" and that she will always love matter what...There is a security in that for kids......

            The oldest (12) very mature though....told her last week that he is beginning to understand and knows that he is to take what ever love, time or anything his dad CAN give him and let the anger go for what dad can't give.....

            Thats a step in the right direction for a kid that threated to kill himself last spring if he had to spend the summer with dad....

            Her x is not as bad as yours and the "break" was cleaner with the material stuff..

            You ARE in my prayers and your boys too.
            Someone once told me that her boys blamed her for her divorce even thought their dad was unfaithful.............until about 24 years old then they had an ahhhhhhh moment.
            It will get better.......
            Be safe...
            I love you,
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              MAD, BUT I DON'T HATE MYSELF

              Thanks Nanc
              Gabby :flower:


                MAD, BUT I DON'T HATE MYSELF

                Thinking of you Gabby. You are so much a better person than that piece of crap ex.

                I cannot wait for you to be done with all this.


                  MAD, BUT I DON'T HATE MYSELF

                  Hey Gabby- haven't posted to you about this but have read about all your troubles lately.
                  You have been so strong - your ex doesn't know how strong you are but I think we may have an idea about that here. The fact that you are staying af thru this is a testament to your strength and your self confidence. You may not even know how tough you are or how much you have grown - especially since stopping drinking.
                  He may be counting on you being weaker and counting on you giving in and drinking - I'm sure he would feel much better about himself if he could drag you down with him.
                  Don't you give him any of your power - and believe me, you have a lot of power.
                  Your sons will come around in their own time. Just have faith in that - ok? They will come around and eventually 'get it'.
                  You take care of you first and foremost. The sweetest revenge is success as they say- and you will be successful (just keep on sticking with being af and you can do anything).

                  and I'll say a prayer too


                    MAD, BUT I DON'T HATE MYSELF

                    thanks Lisa and SM
                    Gabby :flower:


                      MAD, BUT I DON'T HATE MYSELF

                      Gabby, congratulations on staying a.f. during a difficult time. You will get through it and hugs to your boy. :l
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        MAD, BUT I DON'T HATE MYSELF

                        Hi gabby,

                        i have been following what this sick piece of s*** has been doing to you.
                        Normally I wouldn't feel so bad and post as well, but he is a vile human being,
                        don't let him bring you down to his level, you are way, way above him and you will get the best you deserve.

                        I am praying for you all
                        Diamond x
                        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                        Marilyn Monroe


                          MAD, BUT I DON'T HATE MYSELF

                          Gabby, I'm sorry you have to deal with all this crap! You are in my thoughts and prayers. You should be so proud of yourself for remaining AF during this very trying time.



                            MAD, BUT I DON'T HATE MYSELF

                            Gabby you are sure having one hell of a tough time at the moment. You have to hold together the family (he doesn't) while he creates all merry hell for you to contend with.
                            I feel sorry for your sons and I can kinda see why some won't say exactly how things are. Love for a parent (even an absent parent) can be very very strong and they are probably living in a world of quilt themselves (as you know).
                            Your ex sounds like a real BIG pain in the you know what! Do not allow him to get to you - easier said than done, but just keep on telling yourself that you are WAY BETTER THAN HE IS and that you will RISE ABOVE THIS!! I said in a different post he is finding every way to twist that knife in your back. Knowing that he is doing just that should help you to distance yourself from the pain, by viewing him as the weaker person.
                            Thinking of you Gabby.

                            Sober since 30/06/10


                              MAD, BUT I DON'T HATE MYSELF

                              Gabby love, you and your boys are certainly in my prayers ....

                              Stay strong the MWO mafia are here for you .......

                              Love & Hugs, BB xx

