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Another link to Lindsay, if you want...

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    Another link to Lindsay, if you want...

    If you are at all interested, I just stumbled upon another link on-line that I wasn't aware of, from where my neice rode here horse. A beautiful article as a tribute to her. Thought I would share. I just am so proud of who she was. So, if you want to check it out... (it is 4 pages long, not just the first page)

    DressageDaily: Lendon Gray’s Youth Dressage Festival to Honor Lindsay Jacob
    formerly known as bak310

    Another link to Lindsay, if you want...

    What a beautiful tribute Beth. Such an amazing soul she has. Thanks for sharing.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Another link to Lindsay, if you want...

      very touching, what a beautful picture
      Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


        Another link to Lindsay, if you want...

        Wow, I couldn't help but tear up!
        What a wonderful life she lived and she was sending everyone a powerful message. Live every day to the fullest and it certainly sounded like she did.
        Thanks Beth ~ Happier


          Another link to Lindsay, if you want...

          Thankyou from the bottom of my heart Beth.

          Lindsay was so positive and gave her all to everything she attempted, despite knowing she was unlikely to live a long life.

          Makes me realize just how ungrateful I am about my life in general.

          I shall pray for Lindsay every single night just as I pray for my own loved ones.

          Starlight Impress


            Another link to Lindsay, if you want...

            What a beautiful tribute, you must be very proud.
            Love Paula.x


              Another link to Lindsay, if you want...

              I am proud...she was the best...the only one in the world who could call me "aunt bertha" and get away with it She was a gem. I miss her so much.

              formerly known as bak310


                Another link to Lindsay, if you want...

                Thank-you so very much for sharing with us. She was AMAZING!!!!! Although I know you all are suffering here, she is riding in heaven and she is ever so happy. You will all see her again someday as this is just a time of passing. Eternity awaits and that is a very long time and no pain is there. Took me a long time to get to that point after Billy passed, but I am there now and I know he is waiting on me and I will see him again. Soon he will have a wonderful Mama too when mine losses her bout with cancer. I have to believe they will be waiting on me...keeps me sane! I just imagine them riding raindrops togethers! Big hugs to you. Love you ever so much, Lisa

