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Going, Going, Gone!!!

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    Going, Going, Gone!!!

    Dear all,

    I had 40 days af then wammo!!! Cider time!!!! Sorry guys, I've let myself down, DG down, Lilac down. Melissa down.

    I have been off the the boards for a few a days because I have been feeling really down, nothing at all to do with you guy guys, just life in general. Well, today things kinda came to a head and I was really unhappy and voiced it and guess what?? my oh so caring partner was his old horrible self again. I won't go into details, but for those that have known me for a while a while you know what I mean. For any newbiews, I don't mean to exclude you, just look at my old posts if you are curious.

    He was so horrid, and violent, why the fuck (sorry to swear RJ) didn't I listn't to you all.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

    Going, Going, Gone!!!


    I don't know what to say, except what is most important? Keep going.

    I have watched your posts and know you have been going well and doing well. Hang in there!!

    Life throws us "monkey wrenches" from time to time. Throw them back with a curve. :H

    You can do it!!

    I am sorry it is tough. Been there done that. Truly.

    Love and Hugs.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Going, Going, Gone!!!

      Hi Kitty

      Everyone was asking foryou in the newbies in need thread.

      Don't focus on the past. think about what you are going to do THIS TIME.
      this is a major problem and I hope you reach out for support and take as much help as you can get.

      are you going to leave him this time? you need an escape plan.

      please take care kitty.
      we are worried about you.


        Going, Going, Gone!!!

        I have been wondering about you - so glad to hear from you even tho the news is not good. How was he behaving when you were AF for all that time? Did your sudden drinking maybe set him off? Or could he not stand that you have not been drinking? This man must have some triggers that you should try to recognize.

        You've heard this 100 times from us, but if he is hurting you, he won't stop. Please leave if you have to - even if you think you might have to.

        This is a dangerous man and you are in danger. Please listen to us this time.

        We love you and are worried about your safety.

        Please keep us posted - every day!

        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          Going, Going, Gone!!!

          OH Kitty, it is so good to hear from you...I was so worried. Please don't think that you have let any of us down !!! You have come so far and have been such an inspiration to us. I am sure you have learned so much and become so much stronger during those 40 days. I don't know your past history but I am worried for you if you are in any threatening situation. No one deserves to be. Please keep posting and make a plan to keep yourself safe and plan for your continued happiness. Let us know how you are. Feel free to vent your feelings and thoughts. Sometimes just expressing thoughts and ideas helps you to work through what is best. Take good care !!!!


            Going, Going, Gone!!!

            Kitty...Take responsibilty...pick yourself up and MOVE ON GIRL.. You know what works and what doesn't work in your life. This is a time to be strong and do the right thing. I wish you all the best.
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Going, Going, Gone!!!


              You haven`t let anyone down.
              Yes, you have the same problem as the rest of us............ but that doesn`t give anyone the right to beat you up.

              What will happen when you really overcome your alcohol addiction ?..............I`ll tell you what...............he`ll find some other `reason` to assault`s the type of man he is.............HE has a problem, and it certainly isn`t your drinking.

              Please, love yourself enough to GET OUT NOW!!!!

              Much love,

              Starlight Impress


                Going, Going, Gone!!!

                Kitty, are you injured or hurt at all. I hope you get the help you need and your certainly got many days of loving response to your situation.

                Now your know, Now you know. We have offered many suggestions of escape, and I hope you take them.

                Take care and get the hell out.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Going, Going, Gone!!!

                  You have one option, Kitty

                  Get Out. Now. You need to be safe to be sound.

                  magic xxx :heart:
                  ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                  I am in the next seat.
                  My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                    Going, Going, Gone!!!

                    You have not let me down. I was just worried when you did not post and had a feeling the old guy was back. Please take care of you. do what you have to do. You don't owe any of us any explainations. Just like last time, we just want to know that you are OK.

                    You know with out anyone telling you that you will make the best decisions if you are clear headed. Please be safe and stay that way girl. Check back with us soon.

                    Love and hugs,

                    If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                      Going, Going, Gone!!!

                      Thanks for the replies, I'm going to my Nan's house. She hasn't got internet access so I don't know when I'll be back on here, soon hopefully.

                      Just to let you know I'm ok. Take care everyone.

                      Kitty :l
                      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                        Going, Going, Gone!!!

                        I'm so glad you are leaving - that is such a relief. Please give us an update when you are back online.

                        You will be in my prayers every day. You are a brave and smart woman for leaving. We are here for you whatever you need.
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          Going, Going, Gone!!!

                          A wise woman, Kitty, I'm so very glad.

                          You take care of you now.


                          magic xx:heart:
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            Going, Going, Gone!!!


                            take care, just look after YOUR self

                            YOU are the important one, please post when you can and let us know how you are, don't worry we all stumble.

                            Good Luck with more af days
                            Diamond x
                            I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                            I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                            Marilyn Monroe


                              Going, Going, Gone!!!

                              Kitty, you haven't let anyone down ..... 40 days AF is amazing, well done ....

                              All the best with your future you deserve a good one .....

                              Love & Hugs, BB xx

