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Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

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    Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

    Found this while doing some internet searching. I think it is good to know about these things.

    Alcohol and GI Tract

    caution: there are some graphic medical pictures!!

    Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

    scary stuff there Nancy, thanx for sharing...I think.
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


      Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

      I don't know what all the doctors etc have to say about gasterioal problems, but I know your going to be on the crapper if you drink for any lenght of time. (Sorry for being so frank) IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

        Thanks for that Nancy. I have alot of trouble with heartburn and trouble swallowing certain foods. Its worse after drinking. Bird


          Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

          You're right about alcohol traumatizing the digestive tract, among other body systems. For the past 5 years I've had severe heartburn and indigestion. Even after 39 days being alcohol free, I still take Protonix (like Nexium) to deal with my heartburn problems. My guess is that it will take a while to heal the damage that alcohol caused during my 14 years of heavy drinking.

          I would have to believe that every longterm, heavy drinker has chronic problems with indigestion. Thanks for the article. jimbo


            Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

            thanks Nancy, some good news about L-Glutamine...aside from helping to fight cravings it significantly assists the body in rebuilding damage and permeability of the digestive and intestinal tracts.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

              Can you please tell us more? Lglut in what dose?



                Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

                Thanks Nancy, interesting article. I also have problems with acid reflux. Interesting article.
                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                  Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

                  Wow. I knew I had tummy problems, but, because I had experienced them even as a child, I didn't completely attribute them to my alchohol use. I SO hope I can get over this because I know I am not even ME anymore. I don't want to move because I am afraid of my bowels.

                  There are a million other reasons to quit, which I want also. But it is the mobility issue that is killing me now. This is the best discussion group ever!!!

                  Lisa Ann


                    Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

                    Nancy - THANK YOU!! Um, not really bothered now about labels (A-lic) or questions about why I'm not drinking or anything............. I don't want this stuff in my body!! I have noticed that I have completely 'lost' my IBS symptoms and I now remember how, at the first sip, my mouth would flood with saliva in rather an unpleasant way.... and my teeth hurt....
                    (While we're on bowels (sorreee!) - sadly still got constipation which came on since stopping but, hey, small complaint compared to the miriad of digestive 'niggles' I had before. The bloating, wind and "**@#?" were awful!!! (Looking back, I think the ol' fire-jooce never did my inwards any favours even if my mind coped for a while...) And the thought of oesophogal cancer did freak me out..... seen it and it's horrible....don't go there guys! :upset:
                    Think, maybe I wont have a drink today....................definitely. "Gives me IBS" is a real conversation stopper after all....! :H
                    Love all
                    F x
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

                      Thanks for the tip Nancy.

                      Determinator, I'm also interested in this Lglut stuff. Where did you get that info and any more details?

                      Hey footsie, for a natural aid in constipation, try taking very high doses of vitamin C, like 5000mg a day, or more (spread out over the day). This will almost certainly help within a couple of days, and it cannot hurt you (what your body doesn't need just goes out with the rest). After things "loosen up", you can adjust the dose.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

                        Reality Check

                        I know this was an older thread but thought it was good info to be reminded of.......

                        I have printed this great article and will keep it as a reminder of what I am doing to myself. Six years ago I was diagnoised with Barrett's Esophagus and I have Ulcerative Colitis. I know I have a couple conditions that definately could lead to something much more serious. Every time I drink I am fueling the fire of self destruction.

                        My ex-husband drank himself to death by the age of 49. I have 3 sons and my current husband that are alcoholic's and now I have fallen pray to it. I thank God every day my daughter has no desire to drink at age 27 - she never did. I have seen from others the serious damage you do to yourself is actually a slow form of suicide.

                        Thank you, Thank you Thank you Nancy for this reminder. I love life and have so much to be thankful for. I'm only on Day 2 but there has to be a beginning for their to be an end.


                          Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

                          Heavy drinking always brought about very painful IBS for me.
                          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                            Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

                            Gas games can be trouble too ! Ha!
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              Alcohol's effects on the gastrointestinal tract

                              I know know more about the L-glutamine than I did back then-- I mean I have read other places that it is very helpful for the digestive system, something we have all been abusing.

                              I never noticed L-glut helped with cravings, but I take it religiously anyway... 5-7mg powder dissolved in water 2-3xday on empty stomach. Take together with amino acids if you are taking them (which you probably should be doing). My digestion is completely normal (by that I mean regular).
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

