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Switching Seats on the Titanic

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    Switching Seats on the Titanic

    The first time I quit drinking for any length of time (5 years), I wasn?t aware we tend to switch from one escapism to another. Over the years there have been starts and stops as well as overlaps. Here are the ?seats? my butt has occupied getting my ass in trouble:

    GAMBLING: Age 6. My dad sporting a bourbon & water in one hand, flipped a coin with the other declaring he?d pay me a dollar if I called the toss correctly. My timid response ?heads? earned me that buck. He replied ?Double or nothing?? I nodded and now bravely hollered ?Tails!? I had a good buzz going by my 3rd round and was ready for more. I don?t recall whether I said Heads or Tails next. This was my first black-out. However I do vividly recall, I lost. Forty+ years later I have never gambled again, but the dice has kept on rolling in other risky games.

    TV: Ongoing issue. Comedy drowned out my parents? drama over dad?s drinking. My 2 bothers and I used to fight over the remote control for our ?show? of choice. If they got to the TV first; it had the comparative effect of someone drinking all of my booze later in life.

    FOOD: Ongoing issue when drinking. I was not blessed with my mother?s petite frame or red hair. My mother fed me cottage cheese, took Polaroids to show me how pudgy I looked in various outfits and declared I would never find a good man since I wasn?t pretty. (I guess this was her worst fear for me given her own predicament.) I believed her and thought ?What?s the use in even trying.? These days when I reminisce through the family photo box; my head now understands I was a darn cute kid, but my heart is another matter. Drinking would later quiet these demons but firmly affix them to my thunder thighs and bodacious belly.

    SHOPLIFTING: Teenager. Golly am I really going to admit this one?! Peer pressure and the need to fit in was the driving force here until I got caught and sent off to girl?s school.

    POT: Teenager. Pretty much the same crowd as my shoplifting buddies. When I got to girls? school; I quickly learned that no one smoked pot for fear of getting kicked out due to easily being caught by the smell. My new classmates? last names were household words like Rockefeller and Roosevelt. They could afford any drug ? cocaine or prescriptions for valium, so they didn?t need pot. But these girls had one thing I did not ? money. Thus I was spared from drug use.

    BOYS: HS & College. It was no competition. The bottle always got more attention than I did from my dad. So I didn?t have a healthy male role model and was smitten when the adolescent boys wanted my ?company?.

    SMOKING: 14 Years. Both of my parents smoked. Never did get ?Do as I say, not as I do.?

    DRINKING: Started when I was 16 but didn?t become problematic until age 27. I had just quit smoking 2 months earlier when I met my future hubby. He was Italian, tall, dark and handsome as well as a heavy smoker with a European lifestyle where the wine flowed at all meals and events. The glass of wine replaced the cigarette in my habit nervous hand. I gained weight. A lot. Soon my dashing husband was scampering in and out of other women?s lives. After 2 years of no sex at age 37, I quit drinking and lost the weight. But hubby already had a taste of freedom thus I found a new diversion.

    MEN: Sadly the therapist responsible for sending me to AA and getting me sober (a recovering alcoholic himself) took advantage of me when I was vulnerable. Once again I had simply switched one escapism for another ? I was looking for love in the wrong place. My therapist (the-rapist) had also switched up vices by becoming a sex addict. Five years of sobriety was built on a weak foundation. Divorce and drinking again was just a matter of time.

    INTERNET/EMAIL: After splitsville, I found online dating. My computer mouse, looking for interesting cheese, had scurried around my wrist a dozen times, tying me to my PC screen. I was spellbound in a transference daze and could only lift one finger: the clicking finger. Rhythmically, I clicked away every few minutes, searching for food ? the next e-mail in my inbox ? to fill my inner emptiness and ease the boredom in my life.

    MWO: Praying for support in curbing my drinking, I stumble on My Way Out on a random Google. Finally a far healthier addiction ? reading and posting here! Yahoo! The first week I lived here while waiting on the book, CDs and supplements to arrive. At Day 23 AF, clear thinking was able to show me that even a positive thing like surfing MWO needs to be done in moderation. I have a job and a life that needs my attention too. The bottle has kept me away from things that bring me happiness for too long.

    Signed, Often N2-It-all instead of Intuitive

    Switching Seats on the Titanic

    Brilliant post!

    Thank you.


      Switching Seats on the Titanic

      Name too much for me to remmeber. Anyway I can see what your saying. Sometimes we take one obssion for another. I've gone to AA meeting & I see all these people somking like a freight train. They given up alcohol but tabbaco is going to kill them. I don't have the answer! If I did I'ld probably write a book, We need to find a happy mediam...Find something constructive to be addictive too. IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Switching Seats on the Titanic

        IAD - don't forget the coffee! I used to crack up because the AAers always had coffee in their hand while the Alanon'ers never had a thing to drink with them. PS I see you are having a difficult day. Past posts of yours also has told me what a wonderful father you are. Keep your kids in mind, and everything will be fine

        Tawny - glad you are back! I do luv your photos. I have a bunch of old ads I want to post now that I'm a subscriber.


          Switching Seats on the Titanic

          Great post. Thank you.


            Switching Seats on the Titanic


            Thanks for positive thread,
            you always cheer me up

            Diamond xx
            I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
            I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

            Marilyn Monroe


              Switching Seats on the Titanic


              Speaking of books. Someone did, didn't they? Yes, it was sweet IAD.

              You are splendid author,N2, do you write?

              Other than these terrific posts?

              magic xx :schmokin:
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                Switching Seats on the Titanic

                WOW! You are amazing!
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  Switching Seats on the Titanic

                  Love reading your posts. You write so well.

                  Thank you.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Switching Seats on the Titanic

                    WOW!! I was thinking along those same lines whilst out weeding today. Something St Jude said in a post this morning in monthly mods about taking control, and relating it to a beautiful garden. It is beautiful, because the weeds are kept under control. Our vices can be like those weeds, and that is what we are learning to control. I think by changing our mindset about this addiction, we can free ourselves from the many other addictions that can enslave us as well, as you have you brilliantly pointed out. Thanks again!
                    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                      Switching Seats on the Titanic

                      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                      James Gordon, M.D.


                        Switching Seats on the Titanic

                        St Jude !
                        My mother always prays for me to him (impossible causes !) That's me ! IAD
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Switching Seats on the Titanic

                          To my angels on earth,

                          Oh y'all - you have NO idea how much these last few posts on this thread mean to me. I broke down and am in tears as I write. A month ago (when I was drinking of course) I wanted to die because so many of my dreams had not come to pass, including getting published.

                          When my friend got cancer and passed, I wished it was me. Now I'm afraid that drunken wish may come true. My ex-boyfriend's friend, just informed me that my ex may have been exposed to HIV via risky sex elsewhere when we were dating. There's an HIV infected guy in the news that was arrested because he purposely had unprotected sex with women. It appears my ex may have had sex with someone the HIV guy did. Now that I am faced with the potential of death at my doorstep; all I can think of is the dreams I have and still very much want to achieve.

                          I took the whole slew of STD tests yesterday. The results will back on Thursday. In the meantime; I am writing, popping Kudzu by the baker's dozen per day and listening to the CDs over and over. The clearing CD with the clear running water washing away all of my negative worries is helping tremendously. I know in my heart everything will be fine.

                          This is just another opportunity to find strength. When y'all had no clue, thank you for believing and telling me my dreams are achievable.

                          Love always! N2

                          Afterthought - I almost deleted the reply to my thread. I didn't because my hope is that everyone will focus on my two messages in this thread over my worries .... 1) Find healthy things to replace your escapism and 2) Continue to Believe in your dreams and that will increase your odds of achieving them.


                            Switching Seats on the Titanic

                            n2....that truly was awesome. Hooked me in real good.
                            I share a lot of that with you as well.

                            Cept for the shoplifting.....(light humor - light humor)

                            ok ok.....I did steal some gum once when I was little. I felt so guilty that I spit it out and stomped in it and it got stuck on my shoe. I couldnt get it off for days.

                            Never stole again till adulthood and I owned my own business. (recently) I stole 40 bucks from myself. And within the hour I lost it. So that was it. I have retired from stealing. It just doesnt work for me.
                            Gabby :flower:


                              Switching Seats on the Titanic

                              Oh no!

                     heart goes out to you. There is nothing like worry when you are left hanging. I will be thinking positive engery and be sending it your way. I'm glad you got the testing done. hugs, hugs and more hugs. :l
                              Gabby :flower:

