My wife was admitted to the hospital this Friday for suicidal thoughts and severe clinical depression. She has Bi-Polar and has been extremely unstable since January. When we went to her emergency session with her P-Doc at 11am on Friday he was extremely concerned because he has literally tried everything he can think of.
He had me take her directly to the Psych ward after we went home briefly to get clothes for her. His plan of action is one of kind of a last resort... Electro-Shock Therapy, which means she will be in the hospital for at least two weeks, perhaps more.
I am very fortunate that both our Mom's are retired. Her Mom is flying out this Wednesday and is staying until the 18th and then my Mom is flying out the 18th and can stay indefinitely. I am also lucky in that my son is so young that he doesn't really understand what is going on - 2-1/2 years old - he thinks she is working as he knows Daddy has to go away for work all the time so it makes sense to him. Since I have to travel several times in August I feel good that my wife and son will have the Mom's around to make sure things are taken care of.
If you would please say a prayer for my wife I would really appreciate it. I would really like to have my wife and my son's Mom back! I have really missed her for so long. The years have really taken there toll on our little family.